#Name: techreborn.zs #Author: Feed the Beast #constantan in alloy smelter mods.techreborn.alloySmelter.addRecipe( * 2, , , 300, 20); #rolling machine dupe bugs mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); mods.techreborn.rollingMachine.removeRecipe(); #phosphorous dust uses recipes.addShapeless(, [, , , ]); #manganese dust uses recipes.addShapeless(, [, , , ]); #adjust iridium output in industrial grinder mods.techreborn.industrialGrinder.removeInputRecipe(); mods.techreborn.industrialGrinder.addRecipe( * 2, * 2, null, null, , null, * 1000, 300, 40); mods.techreborn.industrialGrinder.addRecipe( * 3, * 2, null, null, , null, * 1000, 300, 40); #fix uraninum output in industrial grinder mods.techreborn.industrialGrinder.removeInputRecipe(); mods.techreborn.industrialGrinder.addRecipe( * 2, * 2, null, null, , null, * 1000, 300, 40); mods.techreborn.industrialGrinder.addRecipe( * 3, * 2, null, null, , null, * 1000, 300, 40); #break down alum/uranium/tugsten block recipes.addShapeless( * 9, []); recipes.addShapeless( * 9, []); #titanium block recipes.remove(); recipes.addShapeless( * 9, []); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); #remove TR solar panels (duplicate to Adv Solar/IC2) mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); #remove coolant cells mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); #TR alarm recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, .withTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}), ],[.withTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 1 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 1 as byte}), , .withTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 1 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 1 as byte})], [, .withTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}), ]]); #remove TR transformer upgrade in favor of IC2, can interchange between the two recipes.remove(); recipes.addShapeless(, []); recipes.addShapeless(, []); #remove overclocker in favor of IC2, can interchange between the two recipes.remove(); recipes.addShapeless(, []); recipes.addShapeless(, []); #remove energy storage upgrade in favor of IC2, can interchange between the two recipes.remove(); recipes.addShapeless(, []); recipes.addShapeless(, []); #fix energy flow circuit recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped( * 4, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #switch between uu-matter recipes.addShapeless(, []); recipes.addShapeless(, []); #remove tungsten crafting recipe; force through blast furnance recipes.remove(); #remove machine frame recipes.remove(); #remove Iridium Alloy Ingot from compactor mods.thermalexpansion.Compactor.removeStorageRecipe(); #rolling machine recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #implosion compressor recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #blast furnance recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #industrial electrolyzer recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #industrial centrifuge recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #iron alloy furnance recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, null, ], [, , ]]); #alloy smelter recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, , null],[, , ], [null, null, null]]); #industrial grinder recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #plasma generator recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #semi fluid generator recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #thermal generator recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #diesel generator recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, null, ], [, , ]]); #gas turbine recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #add PR gems to TR dusts in pulverisor mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.addRecipe(, , 5000, , 10); mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.addRecipe(, , 5000, , 10); mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.addRecipe(, , 5000, , 10); #charge-o-mat recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, .anyDamage(), ],[.anyDamage(), , .anyDamage()], [, .anyDamage(), ]]); #Lapotronic Energy Orb recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[.anyDamage(), .anyDamage(), .anyDamage()],[.anyDamage(), , .anyDamage()], [.anyDamage(), .anyDamage(), .anyDamage()]]); #nano saber recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , null],[, , null], [, .anyDamage(), ]]); #Remove uranium from Industrial Grinder mods.techreborn.grinder.removeInputRecipe(); #remove tin cells from pulverizor mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.removeRecipe(); #Incandescent Lamp recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[.withTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}), , .withTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 0 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte})], [, , ]]); #fix carbon cell recipe to use ic2 rubberlog mods.techreborn.centrifuge.removeRecipe( * 8); mods.techreborn.centrifuge.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "fluidcarbon", Amount: 1000}}) * 4, .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "fluidmethane", Amount: 1000}}), * 8, null, * 16, * 5, 5000, 5); #fix oil cell of bc not being accepted mods.techreborn.distillationTower.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "fluidsulfuricacid", Amount: 1000}}) * 16, .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "fluiddiesel", Amount: 1000}}) * 16, .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "fluidglyceryl", Amount: 1000}}), null, .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "oil", Amount: 1000}}) * 16, * 17, 1400, 13); #Add biomass to ethanol recipe to distillation tower. mods.techreborn.distillationTower.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid:{FluidName:"bio.ethanol",Amount:1000}}) * 8, null, null, * 8, .withTag({Fluid:{FluidName:"biomass",Amount:1000}}) * 16, null, 400, 32);