#Name: advanced_solar.zs #Author: Feed the Beast #fix adv solar helmet recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, , null],[, .anyDamage(), ], [.withTag({type: 2 as byte, insulation: 2 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 2 as byte, insulation: 2 as byte}), , .withTag({type: 2 as byte, insulation: 2 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 2 as byte, insulation: 2 as byte})]]); #fix hybrid solar helmet recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, , null],[, .anyDamage(), ], [.withTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}), , .withTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte})]]); #fix ultimate solar helmet recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, , null],[, .anyDamage(), ], [.withTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}), , .withTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte}).onlyWithTag({type: 1 as byte, insulation: 0 as byte})]]); #upgrade hybrid solar helmet to ultimate solar helmet recipes.addShapeless(, [.anyDamage(),]); #remove quantum solar as there is now T5 EU power in the pack #mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); #recipes.addShapeless( * 8, []); #.addTooltip(format.red("There is no Tier 5 EU in this pack, please place in crafting table to recieve 8 Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels!"));