#Name: ultimate_changes #Author: Feed the Beast #decoblock crafting recipes.addShaped( * 8, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped( * 8, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #longfall boots recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #use harder MPS recipe recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, , null],[, , ], [null, , null]]); #move sunnarium out of molecular transformer mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, , null],[null, , null], [null, , null]]); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped(, [[null, , null],[null, , null], [null, , null]]); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #force alum ingot through TR blast furnance furnace.remove(); recipes.remove(); mods.thermalexpansion.RedstoneFurnace.removeRecipe(); mods.thermalexpansion.InductionSmelter.removeRecipe(, ); #remove TE conduit exploits #mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.removeRecipe(); #mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.removeRecipe(); mods.thermalexpansion.InductionSmelter.removeRecipe(, ); mods.thermalexpansion.InductionSmelter.removeRecipe(, ); #fix draw plate recipe ingreedients not showing up in jei #Block of diamond into 2x diamond slab recipes.addShaped(.withTag({mat: "minecraft:diamond_block"}) * 1, [[null, , null], [null, , null], [null, null, null]]); #Diamond slab into block of diamond panel recipes.addShaped(.withTag({mat: "minecraft:diamond_block"}) * 2, [[null, , null], [null, .withTag({mat: "minecraft:diamond_block"}), null], [null, null, null]]); #Iron block into block of iron slab recipes.addShaped(.withTag({mat: "minecraft:iron_block"}) * 1, [[null, , null], [null, , null], [null, null, null]]); #Iron slab into block of iron pillar recipes.addShaped(.withTag({mat: "minecraft:iron_block"}) * 2, [[null, null, null], [, .withTag({mat: "minecraft:iron_block"}), null], [null, null, null]]); #Iron pillar into block of iron post recipes.addShaped(.withTag({mat: "minecraft:iron_block"}) * 2, [[null, , null], [null, .withTag({mat: "minecraft:iron_block"}), null], [null, null, null]]); #wired modem recipe conflict recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]); #essence of scornful oblivion recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, null, ], [, , ]]); #nano bot swarm recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ],[, , ], [, , ]]);