# autoDetectCuttableBlocks is a BooleanOption # cuttableBlock is a ItemAndMetaListOption # tileEntityClass is a StringSetOption # enableNEI is a BooleanOption # transformer is a StringSetOption # blockClass is a StringSetOption # forceDisableMCPCCompat is a BooleanOption # blockClassUsingDummyTile is a StringSetOption # This is the format to add an entry to a StringSetOption: # blockClass: +some.block.class.name # That will add some.block.class.name as a blockClass. # If something is included by default and you want to remove it, use this format: # tileEntityClass: -appeng.me.tile.TileOutputCable # That will remove appeng.me.tile.TileOutputCable as a tileEntityClass. # AUTODETECT IS BROKEN ON SERVERS! # If you're on a server, don't do that. Use autodetect on your client instead, then copy the config file to the server. autoDetectCuttableBlocks: false cuttableBlock: 203:0 cuttableBlock: 213:0 cuttableBlock: 214:0 cuttableBlock: 590:3 cuttableBlock: 590:4 cuttableBlock: 606:0 cuttableBlock: 606:1 cuttableBlock: 606:2 cuttableBlock: 606:3 cuttableBlock: 606:4 cuttableBlock: 606:5 cuttableBlock: 606:14 cuttableBlock: 682:0 cuttableBlock: 682:1 cuttableBlock: 682:2 cuttableBlock: 682:3 cuttableBlock: 682:4 cuttableBlock: 682:5 cuttableBlock: 682:6 cuttableBlock: 682:7 cuttableBlock: 682:8 cuttableBlock: 682:9 cuttableBlock: 682:10 cuttableBlock: 682:11 cuttableBlock: 682:12 cuttableBlock: 682:13 cuttableBlock: 696:0 cuttableBlock: 696:1 cuttableBlock: 696:4 cuttableBlock: 699:0 cuttableBlock: 704:0 cuttableBlock: 704:1 cuttableBlock: 704:2 cuttableBlock: 704:3 cuttableBlock: 704:4 cuttableBlock: 704:5 cuttableBlock: 704:6 cuttableBlock: 704:7 cuttableBlock: 704:8 cuttableBlock: 704:9 cuttableBlock: 704:10 cuttableBlock: 704:11 cuttableBlock: 732:0 cuttableBlock: 732:1 cuttableBlock: 732:2 cuttableBlock: 732:3 cuttableBlock: 732:4 cuttableBlock: 732:5 cuttableBlock: 732:6 cuttableBlock: 732:7 cuttableBlock: 732:8 cuttableBlock: 732:9 cuttableBlock: 732:10 cuttableBlock: 733:1 cuttableBlock: 789:0 cuttableBlock: 925:0 cuttableBlock: 925:1 cuttableBlock: 925:2 cuttableBlock: 925:3 cuttableBlock: 925:4 cuttableBlock: 927:0 cuttableBlock: 927:1 cuttableBlock: 927:2 cuttableBlock: 927:3 cuttableBlock: 927:4 cuttableBlock: 927:5 cuttableBlock: 927:6 cuttableBlock: 927:7 cuttableBlock: 927:8 cuttableBlock: 927:9 cuttableBlock: 927:10 cuttableBlock: 927:11 cuttableBlock: 927:12 cuttableBlock: 927:13 cuttableBlock: 927:14 cuttableBlock: 927:15 cuttableBlock: 928:0 cuttableBlock: 928:1 cuttableBlock: 928:2 cuttableBlock: 928:3 cuttableBlock: 928:4 cuttableBlock: 928:5 cuttableBlock: 928:6 cuttableBlock: 928:7 # included by default: tileEntityClass: buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe # included by default: tileEntityClass: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable # included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileCable # included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileDarkCable # included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileInputCable # included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileOutputCable # included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileLevelEmitter # included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileStorageBus # included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileColorlessCable # included by default: tileEntityClass: powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.rednet.TileEntityRedNetCable # included by default: tileEntityClass: micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.GCCoreTileEntityOxygenPipe # included by default: tileEntityClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.energy.TileConduitEnergy # included by default: tileEntityClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.fluid.TileConduitFluid # included by default: tileEntityClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.item.TileConduitItem # included by default: tileEntityClass: mods.immibis.microblocks.TileMicroblockContainerDefaultTE tileEntityClass: +powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.TileRedstoneCable enableNEI: false # included by default: transformer: mods.immibis.microblocks.crossmod.MicroblocksBCTransformer # included by default: blockClass: buildcraft.transport.BlockGenericPipe # included by default: blockClass: ic2.core.block.wiring.BlockCable # included by default: blockClass: appeng.common.base.AppEngMultiBlock # included by default: blockClass: powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.BlockRedNetCable # included by default: blockClass: micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.GCCoreBlockOxygenPipe # included by default: blockClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.BlockConduit blockClass: +powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.BlockRedstoneCable forceDisableMCPCCompat: false