# Configuration file #################### # block #################### block { # ID for the Fluid Export Bus I:BusFluidExport_ID=4091 # ID for the Fluid Import Bus I:BusFluidImport_ID=4092 # ID for the Fluid Storage Bus I:BusFluidStorage_ID=4090 # ID for the ME Certus Tank I:CertusTank_ID=4087 # ID for the ME Fluid Crafter I:FluidCrafter_ID=514 # ID for the Fluid Transition Plance I:FluidTransitionPlane_ID=4088 # ID for the Blast Resistant ME Drive I:HardMEDrive_ID=4093 # ID for the ME Fluid Interface I:InterfaceFluid_ID=4084 # ID for the ME Fluid Level Emitter I:LevelEmitterFluid_ID=4085 # ID for the ME Backup Battery I:MEBattery_ID=4094 # ID for the ME Item Dropper I:MEDropper_ID=4081 # ID for the soldering station I:SolderingStation_ID=500 # ID for the ME Fluid Storage Monitor I:StorageMonitorFluid_ID=4082 # ID for the Fluid Storage Terminal I:TerminalFluid_ID=4089 # ID for the ME Fluid Void I:VoidFluid_ID=4083 # ID for the Walrus I:Walrus_ID=4086 } #################### # dev options #################### "dev options" { # Dont't activate if you dont want to debug stuff ;) B:showFluidsInMETerminal=false } #################### # energy rates #################### "energy rates" { # The Energy Cost per fill/drain operation on the "Bucket"-Amount D:rateBucket=60.0 # The Energy Cost per fill/drain operation on the "Drop"-Amount D:rateDrop=5.0 # The Energy Cost per fill/drain operation on the "Quart"-Amount D:rateQuart=30.0 } #################### # fluid rates #################### "fluid rates" { # The Amount of Fluid being filled/drained per tick on the "Bucket"-Amount I:rateBucket=1000 # The Amount of Fluid being filled/drained per tick on the "Drop"-Amount I:rateDrop=20 # The Amount of Fluid being filled/drained per tick on the "Quart"-Amount I:rateQuart=250 } #################### # item #################### item { # ID for the advanced storage casing I:AdvancedStorageCasing_ID=4144 # ID for the decrypted storage cell I:Cell_Decrypted_ID=4143 # ID for the encrypted storage cell I:Cell_Encrypted_ID=4142 # ID for the storage clusters (crafting) I:Cluster_ID=4141 # ID for the item used for displaying fluids in the terminal and storing them in the ME Network I:FluidDisplayItem_ID=4146 # ID for the fluid storage cells I:StorageFluid_ID=4145 # ID for the physical storage cells I:StoragePhysical_ID=4140 } #################### # render options #################### "render options" { # Do you want to show 1kB or 1000000mB? B:shortenBucketsInTerminal=true } #################### # tick rates #################### "tick rates" { # Every x ticks the crafting chamber ticks. mb/t get adjusted automatically ;) I:tickRateCraftingChamber=20 # Every x ticks the export bus ticks. mb/t get adjusted automatically ;) I:tickRateExportBus=20 # Every x ticks the import bus ticks. mb/t get adjusted automatically ;) I:tickRateImportBus=20 # Every x ticks the storage bus ticks. mb/t get adjusted automatically ;) I:tickRateStorageBus=20 }