# Configuration file #################### # achievements #################### achievements { I:idAchievBase=1784 } #################### # block #################### block { I:idBlockAirCollector=581 I:idBlockAirCompressor=582 I:idBlockAirDistributor=583 I:idBlockAirLockFrame=584 I:idBlockAirLockSeal=585 I:idBlockAirPipe=586 I:idBlockCargoLoader=608 I:idBlockCopperWire=2529 I:idBlockCoreBreatheableAir=587 I:idBlockCrudeOilMoving=588 I:idBlockCrudeOilStill=589 I:idBlockDecorationBlock=590 I:idBlockDummy=591 I:idBlockEnclosedWire=592 I:idBlockFallenMeteor=593 I:idBlockFuel=3385 I:idBlockFuelLoader=594 I:idBlockGlowstoneTorch=3384 I:idBlockLandingPad=595 I:idBlockLandingPadFull=596 I:idBlockMachineB=3363 I:idBlockMachineB2=3364 I:idBlockOxygenDetector=607 I:idBlockOxygenSealer=597 I:idBlockParachest=609 I:idBlockRefinery=598 I:idBlockRocketBench=599 I:idBlockSapling2=600 I:idBlockSolarPanel=3383 # Even though this will be generated, it can use block IDs greater than 256 I:idBlockSpaceStationBase=601 # Even though this will be generated, it can use block IDs greater than 256 I:idBlockTieredTreasureChest=602 I:idBlockUnlitTorch=603 I:idBlockUnlitTorchLit=604 } #################### # dimensions #################### dimensions { # IDs to load at startup, and keep loaded until server stops. Can be added via /gckeeploaded I:"Static Loaded Dimensions" < > I:idDimensionOverworldOrbit=-27 # Static Space Station ID I:idDimensionOverworldOrbitStatic=-26 } #################### # entities #################### entities { I:idEntityAlienVillager=31 I:idEntityAntiGravityArrow=32 I:idEntityAstroOrb=33 I:idEntityBuggy=34 I:idEntityEvolvedCreeper=35 I:idEntityEvolvedSkeleton=47 I:idEntityEvolvedSkeletonBoss=36 I:idEntityEvolvedSpider=37 I:idEntityEvolvedZombie=38 I:idEntityFlag=39 I:idEntityGiantWorm=40 I:idEntityLander=41 I:idEntityLanderChest=42 I:idEntityMeteor=43 I:idEntityMeteorChunk=179 I:idEntityOverworld=48 I:idEntityOxygenBubble=44 I:idEntityParaChest=45 I:idEntitySpaceship=46 I:idEntitySun=49 } #################### # general #################### general { B:"Can players respawn on Space Stations"=true B:"Disable Copper Generation"=false B:"Disable Lander"=false # If set to true, Oxygen Collectors will not consume leaf blocks. B:"Disable Oxygen Collector Leaf Decay"=false # Spaceships will not explode on contact if set to true B:"Disable Spaceship Explosion"=false # If you have FPS problems, setting this to true will help if spaceship particles are in your sights B:"Disable Spaceship Particles"=false B:"Disable Tin Generation"=false B:"Disable Tutorial Item Info Text"=true B:"Disable oil Gen on Overworld"=true # Change this is you wish to balance the mod (if you have more powerful weapon mods) D:"Dungeon Boss Health Modifier"=1.0 # If this is enabled, aluminum ore will generate on the overworld. B:"Enable Aluminum Ore Gen"=true # If this is enabled, copper ore will generate on the overworld. B:"Enable Copper Ore Gen"=true # If this is enabled, debug messages will appear in the console. This is useful for finding bugs in the mod. B:"Enable Debug Messages"=false B:"Enable Knowledge Book"=true # If this is enabled, silicon ore will generate on the overworld. B:"Enable Silicon Ore Gen"=true # If this is enabled, tin ore will generate on the overworld. B:"Enable Tin Ore Gen"=true # List IDs from other mods that the Sensor Glasses should recognize as solid blocks. Format is ID:METADATA S:"External Detectable IDs" < 16:0 56:0 14:0 15:0 21:0 73:0 74:0 > # List IDs of non-opaque blocks from other mods (for example, special types of glass) that the Oxygen Sealer should recognize as solid seals. Format is ID:METADATA S:"External Sealable IDs" < 20:0 102:0 > B:"Force Load"=false # By default, you will respawn on galacticraft dimensions if you die. If you set this to true, you will respawn back on earth. B:"Force Overworld Spawn"=false B:"Hi-Res Textures (32x32)"=true B:"Load Basic Components"=false # If true, this will move the Oxygen Indicator to the bottom. You can combine this with "Minimap Left" B:"Minimap Bottom"=false # If true, this will move the Oxygen Indicator to the left side. You can combine this with "Minimap Bottom" B:"Minimap Left"=false # Setting this to false will revert night skies back to default minecraft star count B:"More Stars"=true # Increasing this will increase amount of oil that will generate in each chunk. D:"Oil Generation Factor"=1.8 # List of non-galacticraft dimension IDs to generate oil in I:"Oil gen in external dimensions" < 0 > # By default, Galacticraft will override capes with the mod's donor cape. Set to false to disable. B:"Override Capes"=true # If Mekanism is installed, solar panels will work (default 2x) more effective on space stations. D:"Space Station Solar Energy Multiplier"=3.0 # While true, space stations require you to invite other players using /ssinvite B:"Space Stations Require Permission"=true # Lower/Raise this value to change time between suffocation damage ticks I:"Suffocation Cooldown"=100 # Change this value to modify the damage taken per suffocation tick I:"Suffocation Damage"=2 B:"Transparent Breathable Air"=true B:"Using Minimap Mod"=true # If you prefer to move the Galaxy map with your mouse, set to false B:"WASD Map Movement"=false } #################### # gui #################### gui { I:idGuiAddSchematic=138 I:idGuiAirCollector=135 I:idGuiAirCompressor=129 I:idGuiAirDistributor=136 I:idGuiAirSealer=139 I:idGuiBuggyCraftingBench=131 I:idGuiCargoLoader=141 I:idGuiExtendedInventory=145 I:idGuiFuelLoader=137 I:idGuiGalaxyMap=132 I:idGuiKnowledgeBook=140 I:idGuiParachest=142 I:idGuiRefinery=134 I:idGuiRocketCraftingBench=130 I:idGuiSpaceshipInventory=133 I:idGuiTankRefill=128 } #################### # item #################### item { I:idArmorOxygenMask=5301 I:idArmorSensorGlasses=5302 I:idArmorSteelBoots=5303 I:idArmorSteelChestplate=5304 I:idArmorSteelHelmet=5305 I:idArmorSteelLeggings=5306 I:idItemAirVent=5307 I:idItemBasic=9894 I:idItemBattery=13870 I:idItemBuggyMaterial=5338 I:idItemBuggyPlacer=5308 I:idItemCanister=5309 I:idItemCanvas=5310 I:idItemFan=5311 I:idItemFlagPlacer=5312 I:idItemFlagPole=5313 I:idItemGravityBow=5314 I:idItemHeavyOxygenTank=5315 I:idItemHeavyPlate=5316 I:idItemInfiniteBattery=13871 I:idItemKey=5317 I:idItemKnowledgeBook=5343 I:idItemLightOxygenTank=5318 I:idItemMedOxygenTank=5319 I:idItemMeteorChunk=9895 I:idItemOilCanister=5320 I:idItemOilExtractor=5321 I:idItemOxygenConcentrator=5322 I:idItemOxygenGear=5323 I:idItemParachute=5324 I:idItemRocketEngine=5325 I:idItemRocketFins=5326 I:idItemRocketFuelCanister=5327 I:idItemRocketNoseCone=5328 I:idItemSchematic=5329 I:idItemSensorLens=5330 I:idItemSpaceship=5331 I:idItemStandardWrench=9896 I:idToolSteelAxe=5332 I:idToolSteelHoe=5333 I:idToolSteelPickaxe=5334 I:idToolSteelSpade=5335 I:idToolSteelSword=5336 I:iditemFuel=5337 } #################### # recipes #################### recipes { B:"Enable Basic Components Recipes"=false B:"Enable Gregtech Recipes"=false B:"Enable IC2 Recipes"=false B:"Enable Thermal Expansion Recipes"=true } #################### # schematic #################### schematic { I:idSchematicAddSchematic=2147483647 I:idSchematicMoonBuggy=1 I:idSchematicRocketT1=0 }