# Configuration file entropyaccelerator { # The amount of energy that can be stored in the block [range: 100 ~ 10000, default: 2000] I:buffer=2000 # How many ticks an item will burn [range: 10 ~ 1000, default: 20] I:burnTime=20 # The RF generated per tick [range: 2 ~ 8, default: 2] I:output=2 } imaginarytime { # How much RF/T it can accept. Setting this lower than the energyRequirement means it won't work every tick [range: 25 ~ 1000, default: 250] I:chargeRate=250 # How much energy is used per work cycle. The higher the number the more RF must be pumped in before work will be done [range: 50 ~ 1000, default: 800] I:energyRequirement=800 # The area of effect along the X&Z. Y is always 2 [range: 2 ~ 4, default: 2] I:range=2 } magnet { # How far the magnet can reach [range: 3 ~ 16, default: 6] I:range=6 } misc { # Developer only [default: false] B:debugMode=false } oregeneration { # Can be used to disable ore generation [default: true] B:enabled=false } quibitcluster { # The base amount of RF the Quibit Clusters can hold [range: 100000 ~ 1000000, default: 500000] I:baseStorage=500000 # The base RF/tick the Quibit Clusters can do [range: 50 ~ 1000, default: 100] I:baseTransferRate=100 # The multiplier between each level of the clusters [range: 4 ~ 6, default: 5] I:multiplier=5 } redfluxfield { # The internal storage of each player's field [range: 50000 ~ 1000000, default: 50000] I:buffer=50000 # How much rf/tick the quibit cell can charge per item [range: 100 ~ 500, default: 100] I:quibitCell_output=100 # The output without any upgrades [range: 100 ~ 1000, default: 100] I:rfExciter_baseOutput=100 # How many upgrades can be applied to an Exciter [range: 100 ~ 1000, default: 640] I:rfExciter_maxUpgrades=640 } zeropointextractor { # The maximum amount of rf/t it can generate [range: 32 ~ 512, default: 150] I:powerGen=150 }