# Configuration file exnihilocreatio { ########################################################################################################## # client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These configs can be changed ClientSided without making problems with connecting to a server ########################################################################################################## client { # How large of a displacement should the animation of the auto sieves have. D:clientAutoSieveDisplacement=0.03125 # Enable/Disable the animation of autosieves. B:clientFancyAutoSieveAnimations=true # This enables the thin Sieve model which is similar to the one in the 1.7 ex nihilo B:thinCrucibleModel=false } mechanics { B:enableBarrels=true B:enableCrucible=true B:fakePlayersCanSieve=true B:shouldBarrelsFillWithRain=true # Default max fluid temp allowed in the barrel. Does nothing if JSON configs are used. # Set to a high number to disable any blacklisting. Water = 300, Lava = 1300 # Min: -1 # Max: 2147483647 I:woodBarrelMaxTemp=301 } composting { # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:ticksToFormDirt=600 } infested_leaves { # Chance to spread if it got ticked # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:leavesSpreadChanceFloat=0.5 # Minimum percentage to spread # Min: 0 # Max: 100 I:leavesSpreadPercent=15 # How many ticks to wait before getting ticked again, already fully infested leaves spread much slower due to waiting for world ticks. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:leavesUpdateFrequency=5 # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:ticksToTransform=600 } crooking { # Disable the ExNihilo Crooks, useful if another mod adds compatible crooks. B:disableCrookCrafting=false # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:maxStringDrop=2 # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:numberOfTimesToTestVanillaDrops=3 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:stringChance=1.0 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:stringFortuneChance=1.0 ########################################################################################################## # durability #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Durability for each of the default crooks. ########################################################################################################## durability { I:crook_andesite=128 I:crook_blaze=1024 I:crook_bone=256 I:crook_clay=256 I:crook_clay_uncooked=0 I:crook_diamond=2048 I:crook_diorite=128 I:crook_gold=32 I:crook_granite=128 I:crook_iron=256 I:crook_netherrack=512 I:crook_prismarine=512 I:crook_purpur=512 I:crook_stone=128 I:crook_wood=64 } } misc { # Barrel light up if their contents do, # disabling this makes `B:enableBarrelTransformLighting` do nothing B:enableBarrelLighting=true # Barrel lighting can change during transformations B:enableBarrelTransformLighting=true # Enable this to to load the JSON files. # Keeping this on false will only load recipes registered in code # This is recommended to enable for Packmakers # For players just playing with this without wanting to configure something this is recommended to keep disabled # If you are having trouble reading custom json files I suggest using https://jsonlint.com/ to validate your files. B:enableJSONLoading=true # When attempting to reuse an existing item from the oredict, what modids should be given preference. S:oreDictPreferenceOrder < thermalfoundation magneticraft immersiveengineering > # Add Ex Nihilo seeds to the listAllSeeds oredict B:oredictExNihiloSeeds=true B:oredictVanillaItems=true } sieve { # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:autoSieveRadius=2 # Base progress per click. Modified by haste and efficiency. # Min: 0.009999999776482582 # Max: 1.0 D:baseProgress=0.10000000149011612 # If enabled, all meshes can obtain the results from the lower tier meshes. # Note if the same item is registered in multiple tiers, then the higher tier # will have a chance to drop multiples. B:flattenSieveRecipes=false # Min: 1 # Max: 64 I:meshMaxStackSize=16 B:setFireToMacroUsers=false # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:sieveSimilarRadius=2 enchantments { # Additional progress per level of efficiency. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:efficiencyScaleFactor=0.05 # Enable the Sieve Efficiency enchantment. B:enableSieveEfficiency=true # Enable the Sieve Fortune enchantment. B:enableSieveFortune=true # Enable the Sieve Luck Of The Sea enchantment. B:enableSieveLuckOfTheSea=true # If enabled haste beacons will increase the speed at which sieves function. B:hasteIncreasesSpeed=true # Scaling factor for Haste sieving. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:hasteScaleFactor=1.0 # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:sieveEfficiencyMaxLevel=5 # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:sieveFortuneMaxLevel=3 # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:sieveLuckOfTheSeaMaxLevel=3 } } compatibility { B:addYelloriteOreDict=true B:dankNullIntegration=true B:generalItemHandlerCompat=true # Register Ex Nihilo hammers as Magneticraft hammers. B:magneticraftHammersCompat=true # Prevents unidict from merging the ore chunks into normal ore. B:preventUnidict=true tinkers_construct_compat { # Let's you use the tinkers tools to look up JEI recipes, but causes # two log errors when tinkers later tries to register their default subtype handler. B:JEItinkersTools=true # Add a Ex Nihilo style crook to the tool station. B:addExNihiloCrook=true # Add a Ex Nihilo style hammer to the tool station. B:addExNihiloHammer=true B:addMeltingOfChunks=true B:addMeltingOfDust=true B:addModifer=true B:doTinkersConstructCompat=true D:ingotsPerChunkWhenMelting=2.0 D:ingotsPerDustWhenMelting=1.0 # Tinkers Complement added a sledge hammer first, so by default Ex Nihilo Creatio # respects its existance (it also has more of the graphics defined). B:respectTinkersComplement=true } forestry_compat { # How many random hives to check each time a scented hive gets a random tick. Setting this high may cause lag. # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:hiveTransformTrys=1 } rubber_compat { # Possible results of using a rubber seed. S:rubberSeed < techreborn:rubber_sapling ic2:sapling > } moofluids_compat { # Enable barrel automation of MooFluid/FluidCows/MiniMoos Cows. # These configs apply to all of the supported cow mods. B:enableMooFluids=true # How much (mB) should be drained from a fluid cow at once. # Cow's cooldown is reset a prorated amount based on this and its max cooldown. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:fillAmount=10 # Which fluids should not be automatable with barrels; # or which "should", if fluidListIsBlackList is false. S:fluidList < > B:fluidListIsBlackList=true } oreberries_compat { # Default likelihood that an oreberry seed is sieved; # gets divided by the rarity value in the oreberries config. # Dose nothing if JSON configs are enabled. D:baseDropChance=0.05000000074505806 # OreDict the seeds as listAllseed B:enableOreBerryOredict=true # Enable a seed for every OreBerries bush. # Default properties of the seeds are based on the oreberries config json. B:enableOreBerrySeeds=true } } crucible { # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:woodenCrucibleSpeed=4 } world { B:isSkyWorld=true I:normalDropPercent=100 } ore { S:chunkBaseOreDictName=ore S:dustBaseOreDictName=dust S:ingotBaseOreDictName=ingot S:pieceBaseOreDictName=piece } witchwater { # Enable custom fluid mixing B:enableWitchWaterBlockForming=true } }