#priority 3400 /* SkyFactory 4 Rustic Class Script This script is a zenClass to allow easy interation with Rustic. */ import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import crafttweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack; import mods.rustic.Condenser; import mods.rustic.CrushingTub; import mods.rustic.EvaporatingBasin; zenClass Rustic { zenConstructor() { } /* Add a Crushing Tub recipe. */ function addCrushingTub(output as ILiquidStack, input as IItemStack) { addCrushingTub(output, null, input); } function addCrushingTub(output as ILiquidStack, byproduct as IItemStack, input as IItemStack) { CrushingTub.addRecipe(output, byproduct, input); } /* Remove a Crushing Tub recipe. */ function removeCrushingTub(output as ILiquidStack, input as IItemStack) { CrushingTub.removeRecipe(output, input); } /* Add an Evaporating Basin recipe. */ function addEvaporatingBasin(output as IItemStack, input as ILiquidStack) { EvaporatingBasin.addRecipe(output, input); } /* Remove an Evaporating Basin recipe. */ function removeEvaporatingBasin(output as IItemStack) { EvaporatingBasin.removeRecipe(output); } /* Add a Condenser recipe. */ function addCondenser(output as IItemStack, input1 as IItemStack, input2 as IItemStack) { Condenser.addRecipe(output, input1, input2); } function addCondenser(output as IItemStack, modifier as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[]) { Condenser.addRecipe(output, modifier, inputs); } /* Remove a Condenser recipe. */ function removeCondenser(output as IItemStack) { Condenser.removeRecipe(output); } }