#priority 3400 /* SkyFactory 4 Inspirations Class Script This script is a zenClass to allow easy interation with Inspirations. */ import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient; import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import crafttweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack; import mods.inspirations.Cauldron; zenClass Inspirations { zenConstructor() { } /* Add a Cauldron Brewing recipe. */ function addCauldronBrewing(output as string, input as string, reagent as IIngredient) { Cauldron.addBrewingRecipe(output, input, reagent); } /* Remove a Cauldron Brewing recipe. */ function removeCauldronBrewing(output as string) { Cauldron.removeBrewingRecipe(output); } function removeCauldronBrewing(output as string, input as string, reagent as IIngredient) { Cauldron.removeBrewingRecipe(output, input, reagent); } /* Add a Cauldron Potion recipe. */ function addCauldronPotion(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, potion as string) { Cauldron.addPotionRecipe(output, input, potion); } function addCauldronPotion(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, potion as string, levels as int) { Cauldron.addPotionRecipe(output, input, potion, levels); } function addCauldronPotion(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, potion as string, levels as int, boiling as bool) { Cauldron.addPotionRecipe(output, input, potion, levels, boiling); } /* Remove a Cauldron Potion recipe. */ function removeCauldronPotion(output as IIngredient) { Cauldron.removePotionRecipe(output); } function removeCauldronPotion(output as IIngredient, input as IIngredient, potion as string) { Cauldron.removePotionRecipe(output, input, potion); } /* Add a Cauldron Dyeing recipe. */ function addCauldronDyeing(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, stringDye as string) { Cauldron.addDyeRecipe(output, input, stringDye); } /* Remove a Cauldron Dyeing recipe. */ function removeCauldronDyeing(output as IIngredient) { Cauldron.removeDyeRecipe(output); } function removeCauldronDyeing(output as IIngredient, input as IIngredient, stringDye as string) { Cauldron.removeDyeRecipe(output, input, stringDye); } /* Add a Cauldron Fluid recipe. */ function addCauldronFluid(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack) { Cauldron.addFluidRecipe(output, input, fluid); } function addCauldronFluid(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack, levels as int) { Cauldron.addFluidRecipe(output, input, fluid, levels); } function addCauldronFluid(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack, levels as int, boiling as bool) { Cauldron.addFluidRecipe(output, input, fluid, levels, boiling); } /* Remove a Cauldron Fluid recipe. */ function removeCauldronFluid(output as IIngredient) { Cauldron.removeFluidRecipe(output); } function removeCauldronFluid(output as IIngredient, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack) { Cauldron.removeFluidRecipe(output, input, fluid); } /* Add a Cauldron Fluid Transform recipe. */ function addCauldronFluidTransform(output as ILiquidStack, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack) { Cauldron.addFluidTransform(output, input, fluid); } function addCauldronFluidTransform(output as ILiquidStack, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack, maxLevel as int) { Cauldron.addFluidTransform(output, input, fluid, maxLevel); } function addCauldronFluidTransform(output as ILiquidStack, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack, maxLevel as int, boiling as bool) { Cauldron.addFluidTransform(output, input, fluid, maxLevel, boiling); } /* Remove a Cauldron Fluid Transform recipe. */ function removeCauldronFluidTransform(output as IIngredient) { Cauldron.removeFluidTransform(output); } function removeCauldronFluidTransform(output as IIngredient, input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack) { Cauldron.removeFluidTransform(output, input, fluid); } /* Add a Cauldron Filling recipe. */ function addCauldronFill(input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack) { Cauldron.addFillRecipe(input, fluid); } function addCauldronFill(input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack, amount as int) { addCauldronFill(input, fluid, amount, null); } function addCauldronFill(input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack, amount as int, container as IItemStack) { addCauldronFill(input, fluid, amount, container, false); } function addCauldronFill(input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack, amount as int, container as IItemStack, boiling as bool) { Cauldron.addFillRecipe(input, fluid, amount, container, boiling); } /* Remove a Cauldron Filling recipe. */ function removeCauldronFill(input as IIngredient) { Cauldron.removeFillRecipe(input); } function removeCauldronFill(input as IIngredient, fluid as ILiquidStack) { Cauldron.removeFillRecipe(input, fluid); } }