#priority 3400 /* SkyFactory Horse Power Class Script This script is a zenClass to allow easy interation with Horse Power. */ import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient; import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import mods.horsepower.ChoppingBlock; import mods.horsepower.Grindstone; import mods.horsepower.Press; import mods.horsepower.Recipes; zenClass HorsePower { var def_chop as int; var def_grind as int; zenConstructor(defChop as int, defGrind as int) { def_chop = defChop; def_grind = defGrind; } /* Add a Chopping Block recipe. By default if not set recipes would be set to manual only. */ function addChopping(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient) { addChopping(output, input, def_chop, true); } function addChopping(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, time as int) { addChopping(output, input, time, true); } function addChopping(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, time as int, manual as bool) { ChoppingBlock.add(input, output, time, manual); } /* Add a Grindstone recipe. By default if not set recipes would be set to manual only. */ function addGrindstone(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient) { addGrindstone(output, input, def_grind, true); } function addGrindstone(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, secondaryOutput as IItemStack, secondaryChance as int) { addGrindstone(output, input, def_grind, true, secondaryOutput, secondaryChance); } function addGrindstone(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, time as int, hand as bool) { Grindstone.add(input, output, time, hand); } function addGrindstone(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, time as int, hand as bool, secondaryOutput as IItemStack, secondaryChance as int) { Grindstone.add(input, output, time, hand, secondaryOutput, secondaryChance); } function removeGrindstone(output as IIngredient) { Grindstone.remove(output); } /* Add a Press recipe. */ function addPress(input as IIngredient, output as IItemStack) { Press.add(input, output); } }