#priority 3400 /* SevTech: Ages Applied Energistics Script This script is a zenClass to allow easy interation with Applied Energistics. Note: These scripts are created and for the usage in SevTech: Ages and other modpacks curated by DarkPacks. You can use these scripts for reference and for learning but not for copying and pasting and claiming as your own. */ import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient; import mods.appliedenergistics2.Inscriber; import mods.appliedenergistics2.Grinder; zenClass AppliedEnergistics { var default_spins as int; zenConstructor(defaultSpins as int) { default_spins = defaultSpins; } /* Remove a Crusher Recipe */ function removeGrindstone(input as IItemStack) { Grinder.removeRecipe(input); } /* Add a Crusher Recipe */ function addGrindstone(output as IItemStack, input as IItemStack) { Grinder.addRecipe(output, input, default_spins); } function addGrindstone(output as IItemStack, input as IItemStack, spins as int) { Grinder.addRecipe(output, input, spins); } function addGrindstone(output as IItemStack, input as IItemStack, spins as int, outputSecondary as IItemStack, secondaryChance as int) { Grinder.addRecipe(output, input, spins, outputSecondary, secondaryChance); } /* Remove an Inscriber Recipe. */ function removeInscriber(output as IItemStack) { Inscriber.removeRecipe(output); } /* Add an Inscriber Recipe. */ function addInscriber(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, inscribe as bool) { Inscriber.addRecipe(output, input, inscribe); } function addInscriber(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, inscribe as bool, top as IIngredient) { Inscriber.addRecipe(output, input, inscribe, top); } function addInscriber(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient, inscribe as bool, top as IIngredient, bottom as IIngredient) { Inscriber.addRecipe(output, input, inscribe, top, bottom); } }