# Configuration file general { ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General settings ########################################################################################################## general { # Setting this to true allows for aquatic statues to be fished up (Default: false) B:AquaticFishing=false # Setting this to false disables the tier 3,4 and 5 recipes. (Default: true) B:CraftableInteraction=true # The amount of time [in seconds] that you have to wait before being able to interact with the statues (tier 2 and higher)(Default: 60) I:InteractionTimer=60 # The drop chance of statues when statue drops is true (Default: 0.01) [This option only takes effect when Tier1Crafting is false] D:OldDropChance=0.01 # Setting this to true enables a recipe where the core is replaced by a diamond [ideal for singleplayer when tier 1 crafting is turned off] (Default: false) B:PlayerStatueAlternateRecipe=false # Setting this to false disables the statue bat from spawning naturally. (Default: true) B:StatueBatSpawning=true # Source of death that determines how the Statues drop [player statue has it's own config option] (Default: PLAYER) # Valid values: # ALL # PLAYER # PLAYER_FAKEPLAYER S:StatueKillSource=PLAYER # Tier 1 needs to be crafted with Statue Core (Default: true) Disabling this makes tier1 statues drop from mobs. B:Tier1Crafting=true # Disables all functional statue tiers (tiers that usually drop items) [Default: false] B:nonFunctional=false } ########################################################################################################## # player #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Player Statue Settings ########################################################################################################## player { # When true statues will add a player compass (Default: true) B:PlayerCompass=true # Player Statue Crafting (Default: true) B:PlayerCrafting=true # Changing this will change the chance a player has of dropping a Player Statue when killed by a player [1 in a x chance] (Default: 1) I:PlayerDropChance=1 # Source of death that determines how the Player Statue drops (Default: PLAYER) # Valid values: # ALL # PLAYER # PLAYER_FAKEPLAYER S:PlayerStatueKillSource=PLAYER # Players drop their players Player Statue B:PlayersDropStatue=true } ########################################################################################################## # othersettings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Other settings ########################################################################################################## othersettings { # Changing this changes the stacksize of the mushroom soup (Default: 8) I:SoupStack=8 # Changing this changes the amount of time needed to harvest a statue, Higher = more time needed. Lower = faster harvested (Default: 0.6) [0.6 is the same as vanilla grass] D:StatueHardness=0.6 # This either disables or enables the anti-afk system that's in place (Default: true) B:antiAfk=true } ########################################################################################################## # messages #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Other settings ########################################################################################################## messages { # Adding lines / removing lines specifies what the informative statue can say S:info_messages < Statues is still in beta not all mobs have a statue yet Chickens are not royal, prove me wrong by placing the right statue on a royal looking block Undead stop burning in water, would a statue burn on a block that looks like water? Fun Fact: I was supposed to be a christmas special item, but plans got changed and now I am here Pigs love mud how will they react on a more sandy block Did you know chicken jockeys exist even in statues? go ahead try it out place a baby zombie statue on a chicken statue Huge thanks to Xisuma for helping create his statue Only decorative statues can be changed to special statues Gone Fishing A hat to protect you from the heat, get it in a hot biome near you 1-3 tall they seem, prickly is a bit mean, Give them a hat and see their true means A statue of undying can be found in the pockets of the Woodland residents > } ########################################################################################################## # luckyplayers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Lucky Players ########################################################################################################## luckyplayers { # Adding usernames will make these users have less luck with getting statues S:lucky_players < iskall85 > } ########################################################################################################## # events #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Seasonal Events ########################################################################################################## events { # The weigth of the fake mobs is divided by this number. (Default: 4) # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:fakeSpawningWeigth=1 # When enabled makes the fake mobs spawn during the month of October as a halloween event (Default: true) B:halloweenSpawning=false } }