# Configuration file client { # Use the old sneak method to extract items (may interfere with block harvesting) [default: false] B:"Alternate Controls"=true # Maximum time in ticks between mouse clicks to be counted as a double click [range: 1 ~ 20, default: 5] I:"Double Click Delay"=5 } general { # Blacklist these fluids from being stored in barrels [default: ] S:"Fluid Blacklist" < > # Blacklist these items from being stored in barrels and crates [default: ] S:"Item Blacklist" < > # Allows items to be placed in barrels. Disable to only permit fluids [default: true] B:"Multi-Purpose Barrels"=true # Blacklists ore dictionary conversions (REGEX) [default: ] S:"Ore Dict Blacklist" < slabWood fenceWood treeSapling.* vine crop.* sugarcane blockCactus dye paper slimeball string leather feather record workbench wool chest chestWood chestEnder chestTrapped seed.* cofh:potion blockGlassHardened blockRockwool listAll.* treeWood bookshelf blockConcrete hardenedClay fish partPickHead partBinding partToolRod pattern cast essenceTier.* ^food((?!Acorn).)*$ cauldron arrow rail bottleSplash bottleLingering glassBottle bread > }