# Configuration file ~CONFIG_VERSION: 1.0 ########################################################################################################## # abilities #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Android Player Abilities ########################################################################################################## abilities { # The energy cost of the Cloak I:cloak_energy_per_tick=128 # The energy cost of each heal by the Nanobots ability I:heal_energy_per_regen=32 # The energy cost of each High Jump I:high_jump_energy=1024 # The energy cost of the Nightvision I:nighvision_energy_per_tick=16 # The energy cost of each hit to the shield I:shield_energy_per_damage=256 # The energy cost of the shield per tick I:shield_energy_per_tick=64 # The Unlocalized names of the blacklist blocks that the player can't teleport to [default: [Ljava.lang.String;@779b23b2] S:teleport_blacklist < hellsand barrier bedrock > # The Energy cost of each Teleportation I:teleport_energy_cost=4096 # The maximum distance in blocks, the player can teleport to I:teleport_max_distance=32 # The max height amount that the teleport ability checks if there is no 2 blocks air space I:teleport_max_height_check=8 } ########################################################################################################## # client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options for the Matter overdrive client ########################################################################################################## client { # Use the custom holo shader for holographic items [default: true] B:"use holo shader"=true # Should Matter Overdrive check for newer versions, every time the world starts B:version_check=false ########################################################################################################## # android_hud #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Positioning and colors of Android HUD elements ########################################################################################################## android_hud { I:android_biotic_stats.position=3 I:android_minimap.position=6 I:android_stats.position=0 # Should the health bar and food bar be hidden B:hide_vanilla_hud_elements=true # The opacity of the black background for each HUD element D:hud_background_opacity=0.0 S:hud_color=ffa9e2fb # Should the Android HUD move when the player turns his head. B:hud_movement=true # The Opacity of the HUD in % D:hud_opacity=0.5 } } ########################################################################################################## # compatibility #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Option for other mods ########################################################################################################## compatibility { } ########################################################################################################## # debug #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Debug Options. Such as Debug Log for Matter Recipe Calculation ########################################################################################################## debug { B:"matter calculation"=false B:"matter registation"=false B:"matter registration"=false } ########################################################################################################## # entities #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options for Matter Overdrive Entities. Such as their Entity IDs. ########################################################################################################## entities { android_player { B:disable_android_fov=true B:hurt_glitching=true S:potion_removal_blacklist < > I:recharge_amount_on_respawn=64000 B:remove_potion_effects=true B:transformation_death=true } failed_pig { B:enable=true } failed_cow { B:enable=true } failed_chicken { B:enable=true } failed_sheep { B:enable=true } mad_scientist { B:enable=true } mutant_scientist { B:enable=true } rogue_android { # Rogue Android biome blacklist [default: [Ljava.lang.String;@60f0e817] S:biome.blacklist < MushroomIsland MushroomIslandShore > # Rogue Android biome whitelist [default: [Ljava.lang.String;@1d9a340b] S:biome.whitelist < > # Rogue Android Dimension ID blacklist I:dimension.blacklist < 7 1 > # Rogue Android Dimension ID whitelist I:dimension.whitelist < > # Should the Rouge Androids drop any items [default: true] B:do_drops=true # Should Legendary rogue androids drop Legendary weapons [default: true] B:drop_legendary_weapons=true # Should normal Rogue Androids drop their weapons? If set to false they will never drop their weapons, but if set to true there is a small chance they will drop them. [default: true] B:drop_weapons=true B:enable=true # The chance in percent, of rogue androids becoming legendary. This is the base value. This value is multiplied by the android's level [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.03] S:legendary_spawn_chance_percent=0.03 # The max amount of Rogue Android that can spawn in a given chunk I:max_android_per_chunk=2 # The spawn chance of rogue androids. How likely are they to spawn once chosen to spawn. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:spawn_chance_percent=1.0 # The spawn weight of Androids. This controls how likely are to be chosen to spawn next. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 25] I:spawn_weight=35 # Do Ranged Rogue Androids have unlimited weapon energy in their weapons [default: true] B:unlimited_weapon_energy=true } ranged_rogue_android { B:enable=true } drone { B:enable=true } } ########################################################################################################## # machine options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Machine Options. ########################################################################################################## "machine options" { # The range of the Charge Station I:"charge station range"=8 tritanium_crate_yellow { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_pink { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_purple { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } fusion_reactor_io { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=0.8 } tritanium_crate_blue { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } weapon_station { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } spacetime_accelerator { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 # Show the wave particle when the machine is active B:wave_particle=true } gravitational_stabilizer { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=0.5 } tritanium_crate_silver { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_lime { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } contract_market { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } pattern_monitor { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } decomposer { # Decomposing cost per matter I:cost.decompose=6000 # The speed in ticks, of decomposing. (per matter) I:speed.decompose=80 # How much energy can the Matter Decomposer hold I:storage.energy=512000 # How much matter can the Matter Decomposer hold I:storage.matter=1024 # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } network_router { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } solar_panel { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } replicator { # The total replication cost of each matter value. The energy cost is calculated like so: (matterAmount*EnergyCost) I:cost.replication.energy=16000 # Should vent particles be displayed B:particles.vent=true # The replication speed in ticks per matter value I:speed.replication=120 # How much energy can the replicator hold I:storage.energy=512000 # How much matter can the replicator hold I:storage.matter=1024 # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 # The volume of the replication animation D:volume.replicate=1.0 } android_spawner { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } charging_station { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } pattern_storage { # Should vent particles be displayed B:particles.vent=true # How much energy can the Pattern Storage hold I:storage.energy=64000 # The Transfer speed of the Pattern Storage I:transfer.energy=128 # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } fusion_reactor_controller { # The time delay between each structure check I:check.delay=40 # The maximum distance of the anomaly I:distance.anomaly=3 # How much matter is drained per tick. Dependant on the size of the anomaly as well D:drain.matter=0.0125 # The Energy Output per tick. Dependant on the size of the anomaly as well I:output.energy=2048 # How much energy can the Fusion Reactor Controller hold I:storage.energy=100000000 # How much matter can the Fusion Reactor Controller hold I:storage.matter=2048 # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } matter_recycler { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_brown { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_orange { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_magenta { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_gray { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_green { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } android_station { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_red { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } inscriber { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_light_blue { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_black { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } holo_sign { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_cyan { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } matter_analyzer { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } network_switch { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } transporter { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } tritanium_crate_white { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } star_map { # The volume of the Machine D:volume=1.0 } } ########################################################################################################## # matter network #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Matter Network Options. ########################################################################################################## "matter network" { # The maximum amount of network packet broadcasts per tick. I:"max broadcasts per tick"=128 } ########################################################################################################## # matter registry #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration for the Matter ########################################################################################################## "matter registry" { B:"automatic matter calculation from furnace"=true B:"automatic matter calculation from inscriber"=true B:"automatic matter calculation from recipe"=true B:automatic_calculation=true S:blacklist < > S:mod_blacklist < > ########################################################################################################## # add matter #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Registration of new items and the amount of matter they contain. Add them like so: I:[registered name or ore Dictionary name](meta)=[matter amount]. () - optional parameter. Example I:dye2=10 I:egg=29 ########################################################################################################## "add matter" { I:blockLead=576 I:"minecraft:dye/4"=4 I:"minecraft:dye/5"=3 I:"minecraft:dye/6"=2 I:"minecraft:dye/9"=1 } } ########################################################################################################## # server #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options form the Matter Overdrive server ########################################################################################################## server { gravitational_anomaly { # Should the gravitational anomaly destroy blocks [default: true] B:"block destruction"=true # Should the blocks drop entities or be directly consumed when destroyed by the gravitational anomaly [default: true] B:"gravitational anomaly block entities"=true # Should blocks be turned into falling blocks when broken [default: true] B:"gravitational anomaly falling blocks"=true # Should other mod fluid blocks be consumed by the anomaly [default: true] B:"gravitational anomaly forge fluids"=true # Should vanilla fluid block such as water and lava be consumed by the anomaly [default: true] B:"gravitational anomaly vanilla fluids"=true # Should the gravitational entity pull entities towards it [default: true] B:"gravitational pull"=true } } starmap { # The multiplier for the building and ship building times [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0] S:"galaxy build time multiply"=1.0 # The multiplier for the ship travel times [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0] S:"galaxy travel time multiply"=1.0 # The maximum amount of planets pre star system [range: 0 ~ 8, default: 4] I:max_planet_count=4 # The maximum amount of stars in a galaxy [range: 0 ~ 512000, default: 2304] I:max_star_count=2304 # The minimum amount of planets per star system [range: 0 ~ 8, default: 1] I:min_planet_count=1 # The minimum amount of stars in a galaxy [range: 0 ~ 512000, default: 2048] I:min_star_count=2048 # The chance of adding a prefix to a Star System's name [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:name_prefix_chance=1.0 # The chance of adding a suffix to a Star System's name [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.8] S:name_suffix_chance=0.8 # The amount of quadrants the galaxy should be divided into. The amount is cubed. x ^ 3. For example 3 ^ 3 = 27 quadrants. [range: 1 ~ 6, default: 3] I:quadrant_count=3 } ########################################################################################################## # world gen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # World Generation options. ########################################################################################################## "world gen" { # Should Matter Overdrive Buildings Generate aka ImageGen [default: true] B:"generate buildings"=true # A blacklist of all the Dimensions ores shouldn't spawn in I:ore_gen_blacklist < 0 -1 2 > # Should Matter Overdrive Ore Blocks be Generated ? B:"spawn ores"=true # Should other Matter Overdrive World Blocks be Generated? B:"spawn other"=true B:spawn.tile.dilithium_ore=true B:spawn.tile.gravitational_anomaly=true B:spawn.tile.tritanium_ore=true gravitational_anomaly { # Gravitational Anomaly Dimension ID blacklist I:blacklist < 0 144 > # Spawn Chance of Gravity Anomaly pre chunk [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:"gravitational anomaly spawn chance"=0.02 # Spawn Y level of the Gravity Anomaly [default: [Ljava.lang.String;@4e23a7ec] S:"gravitational anomaly spawn y level" < > # Gravitational Anomaly Dimension ID whitelist I:whitelist < > } }