# Configuration file biome { B:biomeMeneglin=true # The weight of spawning. I:biomeMeneglin.spawnWeight=5 } block { B:coalGenerator=true B:creativeEnergyBattery=true B:crystalizedMenrilBlock=true B:crystalizedMenrilBlockStairs=true B:crystalizedMenrilBrick=true B:crystalizedMenrilBrickStairs=true B:delay=true B:dryingBasin=true B:energyBattery=true B:invisibleLight=true B:logicProgrammer=true B:materializer=true B:menrilLeaves=true # A 1/x chance menril berries will be dropped when breaking a leaves block. I:menrilLeaves.berriesDropChance=4 B:menrilLog=true B:menrilLogFilled=true B:menrilPlanks=true B:menrilPlanksStairs=true B:menrilSapling=true B:menrilTorch=true B:menrilTorchStone=true B:proxy=true B:squeezer=true B:variablestore=true } core { # If an anonymous mod startup analytics request may be sent to our analytics service. B:general.analytics=false # If cable models should be cached for rendering optimization. B:general.cacheCableModels=true # The maximum network energy transfer rate. I:general.energyRateLimit=2147483647 # Config version for Integrated Dynamics. # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY! S:general.version=0.6.0 # If the version checker should be enabled. B:general.versionChecker=false } general { # The energy usage multiplier for networks. I:general.energyConsumptionMultiplier=0 # The maximum render distance for part overlays to render. The higher, the more resource intensive. I:general.partOverlayRenderdistance=15 } item { B:crystalizedMenrilChunk=true B:facade=true B:labeller=true B:menrilBerries=true # If the berries should give the night vision effect when eaten. B:menrilBerries.nightVision=true B:on_the_dynamics_of_integration=true # If the info book can give item rewards for tutorial completion. B:on_the_dynamics_of_integration.bookRewards=true # If the info book should automatically obtained when the player first spawns. B:on_the_dynamics_of_integration.obtainOnSpawn=true B:portableLogicProgrammer=true B:variableTransformer=true B:wrench=true } machine { # The maximum value history length that can be maintained.. I:delay.maxHistoryCapacity=1024 # The default capacity of an energy battery. I:energyBattery.capacity=100000 # How much energy per tick it emits when activated. I:energyBattery.energyPerTick=2000 # The maximum capacity possible by combining batteries. (Make sure that you do not cross the max int size.) I:energyBattery.maxCapacity=65536000 # The maximum capacity visible in the creative tabs. (Make sure that you do not cross the max int size.) I:energyBattery.maxCreativeCapacity=4096000 # The default update frequency in ticks to use for new parts. I:general.defaultPartUpdateFreq=1 } "mod compat" { # Charset Pipes aspects. B:CharsetPipes=true # RF readers aspects and operators. B:CoFHAPI=false # Integration for Integrated Dynamics recipes. B:JEI=true # Integration for Integrated Dynamics recipes. B:MineTweaker3=true # WAILA tooltips for parts. B:Waila=true # squeezer support. B:immersiveengineering=true # Multipart support for cables and parts B:mcmultipart=true # Refined Storage aspects. B:refinedstorage=true # Crystalized Menril crafting in the Casting Basin. B:tconstruct=true } worldgeneration { # The chance at which a Menril Tree will spawn in the wild, the higher this value, the lower the chance. I:general.wildMenrilTreeChance=350 # The 1/x chance at which a Menril Log will be filled with Menril Resin when generated, the higher this value, the lower the chance. I:menrilLogFilled.filledMenrilLogChance=10 }