# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # add_shaped #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add each recipe on a new line in the following format: # _________________________... # # Where the recipe is a set of characters that look like abc,def,ghi which represent crafting slots: # # a b c # d e f # g h i # # and any space is interpereted as a blank spot, so a diamond axe could be represented as 'dd ,ds , s ' # # d d [] # d s [] # [] s [] # # Where d represents diamond, s represents stick, and [] is an empty slot. To specify what items the # characters represent, in the input items section, for each character, write an entry in the form: # # ..._________________________... # # If you want to add an ore dictionary entry, put the string in quotes in place of the item id, # so for instance: # # ..._____s_____"woodStick"_____-1_____{}_____... # # ############################################### Examples ############################################# # For example, if you wanted to add a recipe for a diamond axe that used sugar cane instead of sticks, # you could write: # # minecraft:diamond_axe_____1_____0_____{}_____dd,ds, s_____d_____minecraft:diamond_____0_____{}_____s_____minecraft:sugar_cane_____0_____{} # # And if you wanted to add a recipe to add feather falling to diamond boots using feathers, you could write: # # minecraft:diamond_boots_____1_____0_____{ench:[{id:2,lvl:1}]}_____fff,fdf,fff_____d_____minecraft:diamond_boots_____0_____{}_____f_____minecraft:feather_____0_____{} # ########################################################################################################## add_shaped { S:"Recipes to add:" < > } ########################################################################################################## # add_shapeless #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add each shapeless recipe on a new line in the following format: # ____________________... # # where the input items are in the format: # # ...____________________... # # If you want to add an ore dictionary entry, put the string in quotes in place of the item id, # so for instance # # ..._____"woodStick"_____-1_____{}_____... # # ############################################### Examples ############################################# # For example, if you want to add a recipe for mushroom stew that requires a water bucket, you could write: # # minecraft:mushroom_stew_____1_____0_____{}_____minecraft:red_mushroom_____0_____{}_____minecraft:brown_mushroom_____0_____{}_____minecraft:bowl_____0_____{}_____minecraft:water_bucket_____0_____{} # # Note that you will get the bucket back, since it's the container item for the water bucket. # If you wanted to add a recipe to add sharpness to a diamond sword using a cactus, you could write: # # minecraft:diamond_sword_____1_____0_____{ench:[{id:16,lvl:1}]}_____minecraft:diamond_sword_____0_____{}_____minecraft:cactus_____0_____{} # ########################################################################################################## add_shapeless { S:"Recipes to add:" < > } ########################################################################################################## # removing #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # To remove existing recipes, first add the item ID. This will remove every recipe with this item # as the output. You can also optionally include a damage (metadata) value and nbt tag, in the format: # # __________. # # If you want to remove a specific recipe with that item as the output, after the nbt you can write the recipe # in the format (Note you must include the output item's metadata and nbt if you want to specify the recipe!): # # ____________________... # # where the recipe is a set of characters that look like abc,def,ghi which represent crafting slots: # # a b c # d e f # g h i # # and any space is interpereted as a blank spot, so a diamond axe could be represented as 'dd ,ds , s ' # # d d [] # d s [] # [] s [] # # Where d represents diamond, s represents stick, and [] is an empty slot. To specify what items the # characters represent, in the input items section, for each character, write an entry in the form: # # ..._________________________... # # ############################################### Examples ############################################# # - For a simple example, 'minecraft:diamond_helmet' will remove any recipes that give you a diamond helmet. # - Writing 'minecraft:wool_____5' will get rid of all recipes that output lime wool. # # To remove the recipe for torches that uses charcoal and keep the one that uses coal, you could write: # minecraft:torch_____-1_____{}_____c,s_____c_____minecraft:coal_____1_____{}_____s_____minecraft:stick_____0_____{} # # Note the metadata for the coal is 1, which means charcoal, and the metadata for the stick is 0, not -1. # If you can't get a recipe to work, it might be good to play around with changing the metadata to 0 or -1. ########################################################################################################## removing { S:"Recipes to remove:" < > }