# Configuration file bloodmagic { # Enable Uncharged Nether Star B:unchargedNetherStar=true } botania { # Allow Botania Mystical Flowers to be composted B:botaniaComposting=true } chisel { # Allow Barrels to be chiselled between types B:barrelChiselled=true # Allow Marble and Limestone stones to be obtained via sifting B:chiselBlocksFromSifting=true # Allow Sieves to be chiselled between types B:sieveChiselled=true } exastris { # Allow Upgrades for Automatic Sieve/Hammer B:allowUpgradesKey=true # Allow Automatic Hammerer B:autoHammer=true # Enable Automatic Sieve B:autoSieve=true # Base RF/t that is consumed by the Automatic Sieve I:autoSieveEnergy=20 # %ge that each Fortune Upgrade will increase the chance of a drop to double in the Automatic Sieve. Strictly speaking, the chance of the drops being multiplied X times is binomially distributed, with n=64 trials, and probability of success defined here. A value of 1 gives a 22% chance to triple a drop with 64 Fortune Upgrades. I:autoSieveFortuneChance=1 # If true, Fortune upgrades will give more of each item. B:autoSieveFortuneExtraDrops=true # If true, Fortune upgrades will give extra 'chances' to get each item. B:autoSieveFortuneExtraRolls=true # If false, sieves will not emit particles. B:autoSieveParticles=true # Amount of RF that each Fortune Upgrade costs I:autoSieveRFIncrease=10 # Enable EnderIO Recipes B:enableEIORecipes=true # Allow End Cake to be eaten when full B:enableEndCakeToBeEatenWhenFull=true # Enable Thermal Expansion/Foundation Recipes B:enableTERecipes=true # Enable End Cake B:endCake=true # Base RF/t that is consumed by the Automatic Hammerer I:hammerAutomaticBaseEnergy=20 } foodplus { I:saplingsFromSifting=64 B:saplingsToBeComposted=true } magicbees { # Enable Mana Infused Hives B:infusedArtificialHive=true } metallurgy { # Enable Metallurgy Ores from Sifting B:metallurgySifting=true } minefactoryreloaded { # Add MFR items to be composted B:MFRCompost=true } natura { # Allow Natura Saplings to be composted B:naturaComposting=true # Allow Natura Plants to be obtained via sifting B:naturaSifting=true } ores { I:amber=128 I:ardite=128 I:cobalt=128 I:draconium=25 I:quicksilver=128 I:yellorium=128 } redstonearsenal { # Enable RF Crook B:fluxCrook=true # RF Consumption per block broken for RF Crook when empowered I:fluxCrookEnergyUsagePowered=1200 # RF Consumption per block broken for RF Crook when unpowered I:fluxCrookEnergyUsageUnpowered=400 # Enable RF Hammer B:fluxHammer=true # Enable Freezing Doll B:freezingDoll=true } rotarycraft { # Enable Strongly Compressed Stone B:stronglyCompressedStone=true } thaumcraft { # Enable Thaumcraft Research B:research=true # Add Thaumcraft Items as heat source for Crucible etc B:thaumHeat=true # Enable Thaumic Doll B:thaumicDoll=true # Enable Thaumium Barrel B:thaumiumBarrel=true # Enable Thaumium Hammer B:thaumiumHammer=true } thermalexpansion { # Add Thermal Expansion Items and Fluids as heat sources for Crucible etc B:thermalHeat=true # Add Thermal Expansion Hive Recipes B:thermalHives=true } tinkersconstruct { # Add Tinkers Modifiers (Smashing and Crooked B:modifiers=true # Allow OreBerry bushes to be obtained via sifting B:oreberryBushes=true # Add Tinkers Items as a heat source for Crucible etc B:tinkersHeat=true # Add Tinkers Nether Ores from sifter B:tinkersOresFromSifting=true } tinkerssteelworks { # Allow Dusts etc to be melted in the High Oven B:steelworksMelting=true } witchery { B:enableCovenWitch=true I:seedsFromSifting=64 }