# Configuration file exnihilocreatio { ########################################################################################################## # client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These configs can be changed ClientSided without making problems with connecting to a server ########################################################################################################## client { B:clientFancyAutoSieveAnimations=true # This enables the thin Sieve model which is similar to the one in the 1.7 ex nihilo B:thinCrucibleModel=false } mechanics { B:enableBarrels=true B:enableCrucible=true B:fakePlayersCanSieve=false B:shouldBarrelsFillWithRain=true } composting { I:ticksToFormDirt=600 } infested_leaves { # Chance to spread if it got ticked D:leavesSpreadChanceFloat=0.5 # Minimum percentage to spread I:leavesSpreadPercent=15 # How many ticks to wait before getting ticked again, already fully infested leaves spread much slower due to waiting for world ticks. I:leavesUpdateFrequency=5 I:ticksToTransform=600 } crooking { I:numberOfTimesToTestVanillaDrops=3 D:stringChance=1.0 D:stringFortuneChance=1.0 } misc { B:enableBarrelTransformLighting=true # Enable this to to load the JSON files. # Keeping this on false will only load recipes registered in code # This is recommended to enable for Packmakers # For players just playing with this without wanting to configure something this is recommended to keep disabled B:enableJSONLoading=true B:oredictVanillaItems=true } sieve { I:autoSieveRadius=2 B:setFireToMacroUsers=false I:sieveSimilarRadius=2 } compatibility { B:addYelloriteOreDict=true B:dankNullIntegration=true B:generalItemHandlerCompat=true # Prevents unidict from merging the ore chunks into normal ore. B:preventUnidict=true tinkers_construct_compat { B:addMeltingOfChunks=true B:addMeltingOfDust=true B:addModifer=true B:doTinkersConstructCompat=true D:ingotsPerChunkWhenMelting=2.0 D:ingotsPerDustWhenMelting=1.0 } } crucible { I:woodenCrucibleSpeed=4 } world { B:isSkyWorld=true I:normalDropPercent=100 } ore { S:chunkBaseOreDictName=ore S:dustBaseOreDictName=dust S:ingotBaseOreDictName=ingot S:pieceBaseOreDictName=piece } }