# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # Client Settings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These are client side properties that have no effect server side. ########################################################################################################## "Client Settings" { # Disables the 3D tool and armor models. This is required if you want to use a 2D resource pack.) B:disable3DModels=false # If true the custom arrow models used by DE will be replaced by the vanilla model. B:disableCustomArrowModel=false # If true the item dislocator will not make the pickup sound when it collects items.. B:disableDislocatorSound=false # If true the range of the celestial manipulator sound effect will be significantly reduced. B:disableLoudCelestialManipulator=false # If true the armor shield will not render when you taker damage (this is only a visual change). B:disableShieldHitEffect=false # If true the armor shield hit sound will be disabled. B:disableShieldHitSound=false # This is where the settings for the in game hud are stored. You should not need to adjust these unless something breaks. # Warning changing the number entries in this list will crash our game. I:hudSettings < 996 825 69 907 90 100 3 0 1 1 1 1 > # Invert Dislocator Pedestal display name shift behavior. B:invertDPDSB=false # This allowes you to just disable the energy crystal shader which can be a lot lagier than the reactor since there are usually a lot more of them (The fallback crystal texture is not soooo bad...) B:useCrystalShaders=true # Set this to false if you prefer the original look of the reactor beams B:useReactorBeamShaders=true # Set this to false if your system can not handle the awesomeness that is shaders! (Warning will make cool things look like crap) B:useShaders=true } ########################################################################################################## # Misc #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Just some misc settings. ########################################################################################################## Misc { # Set this to false to disable chaos guardian chunkloading. # Note. The chaos guardian is ONLY loaded when a player is within a couple hundred blocks. # This is to avoid issues where the guardian would fly out of the loaded chunks and freeze # which is especial an issue on servers with reduced render distance. B:chaosGuardianLoading=true # This enables dev log output. I primarily use this for development purposes so it wont be very useful to regular users. B:devLog=false } ########################################################################################################## # Stat Tweaks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These allow you to tweak the stats of the tools, weapons and armor. ########################################################################################################## "Stat Tweaks" { D:draconicAxeAttackDMG=45.0 D:draconicAxeAttackSpeed=-3.2 D:draconicAxeMineSpeed=18.0 I:draconicBaseMineAOE=1 I:draconicBaseRFCapacity=16000000 D:draconicHoeAttackDMG=10.0 D:draconicHoeAttackSpeed=0.0 D:draconicPicAttackDMG=20.0 D:draconicPicAttackSpeed=-2.9 D:draconicPicMineSpeed=18.0 D:draconicShovelAttackDMG=20.0 D:draconicShovelAttackSpeed=-2.9 D:draconicShovelMineSpeed=18.0 D:draconicStaffAttackDMG=60.0 D:draconicStaffAttackSpeed=-3.0 D:draconicStaffMineSpeed=60.0 D:draconicSwordAttackDMG=35.0 D:draconicSwordAttackSpeed=-2.0 D:flightSpeedModifier=1.0 I:lastStandEnergyRequirement=10000000 D:wyvernAttackSpeed=-3.0 D:wyvernAxeAttackDMG=25.0 D:wyvernAxeMineSpeed=12.0 I:wyvernBaseMineAOE=0 I:wyvernBaseRFCapacity=4000000 D:wyvernPicAttackDMG=12.0 D:wyvernPicAttackSpeed=-3.0 D:wyvernPicMineSpeed=12.0 D:wyvernShovelAttackDMG=12.0 D:wyvernShovelMineSpeed=12.0 D:wyvernSwordAttackDMG=15.0 D:wyvernSwordAttackSpeed=-2.2 } ########################################################################################################## # Tweaks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Just what the name says. Tweaks. Allows you to tweak stuff. ########################################################################################################## Tweaks { # Enabling this allows boss souls to drop. Use with caution! B:allowBossSouls=false # Set to false to prevent the bows explosion effect breaking blocks B:bowBlockDamage=true # Allows you to tweak the chaos guardians health (will only affect new guardians) I:chaosGuardianHealth=2000 # Adds recipes to clear all nbt data from items such as energy crystals and crafting injectors. B:clearDataRecipes=false # Allows you to adjust the capacity of each energy core tier. # Warning changing the number entries in this list will crash our game. D:coreCapacity < 4.55E7 2.73E8 1.64E9 9.88E9 5.93E10 3.56E11 2.14E12 9.223372036854776E18 > # If true will disable the destruction of chaos islands after the chaos crystal is broken. B:disableChaosIslandExplosion=false # (Wuss mode) Setting this to true will disable the chaos guardians ability to respawn healing crystals. B:disableGuardianCrystalRespawn=false # If true will disable the massive reactor explosion and replace it with a much smaller one. B:disableLargeReactorBoom=false # This will disable loot cores (The "Blobs" of items dropped by the tools.). B:disableLootCores=false # Sets the number of teleports you get per ender pearl with the Advanced Dislocator I:dislocatorUsesPerPearl=1 # Allows you to adjust the cost of dissenchanting items via the dissenchanter D:dissenchnaterCostMultiplier=1.0 # This allows you to adjust the base capacity of the draconic flux capacitor I:draconicFluxCapBaseCap=256000000 # This can be used to adjust the amount of draconium dust the dragon drops when killed. # The amount dropped will be this number +/- 10% I:dragonDustLootModifier=1 # By default the dragon egg only ever spawns once. This forces it to spawn every time the dragon is killed. B:dragonEggSpawnOverride=true # Set this to false if you would like to disable the draconic armors flight. B:enableFlight=true # Lets face it. The biggest issue with the new dragon ritual is it is too darn cheap! This modifies the recipe to make it a bit more expensive. B:expensiveDragonRitual=true # Use this to limit the max flight speed modifier a player can set on the draconic chestplate. # Setting this to 200 for example would limit the flight speed to +200%. # Default -1 removes the limit and allows the full +600% flight speed. I:flightSpeedLimit=-1 # For some reason forge decided not to set the owner of an item when dropped from an inventory screen. # DE overrides this and sets the stack owner when possible. # If this causes issues set this value to false. B:forceDroppedItemOwner=true # This allows you to prevent the mob grinder from attempting to kill specific entities. S:grinderBlackList < evilcraft:vengeance_spirit > # Sets the energy per use per heart of damage for the grinder. I:grinderEnergyPerHeart=80 # When true everything is just a little harder. (Currently only effects recipes but that will probably change in the future) B:hardMode=false # A list of items of items that should be ignored by the item dislocator. Use the items registry name e.g. minecraft:apple you can also add a meta value like so minecraft:wool|4 S:itemDislocatorBlacklist < appliedenergistics2:crystal_seed > # Add ore names (e.g. oreIron) to this list to prevent them from being doubled by the DE chest S:oreDoublingBlacklist < > # When doubling ores with the Draconium Chest the output will prioritise thermal ingots if TF is installed. This allows you to change that by specifying a different mod id to target. S:oreDoublingOutputPriority=thermalfoundation # Passive (Animals) Mobs have a 1 in this number chance to drop a soul I:passiveSoulDropChance=800 B:rapidDespawnAOEMinedItems=false # Allows you to adjust the overall scale of the reactor explosion. use "disableLargeReactorBoom" to disable explosion completely. D:reactorExplosionScale=1.0 # Adjusts the fuel usage multiplier of the reactor D:reactorFuelUsageMultiplier=1.0 # Adjusts the energy output multiplier of the reactor D:reactorOutputMultiplier=1.0 # Mobs have a 1 in this number chance to drop a soul I:soulDropChance=1000 # Sets the min and max spawn delay in ticks for each spawner tier. Order is as follows. # Basic MIN, MAX, Wyvern MIN, MAX, Draconic MIN, MAX, Chaotic MIN MAX I:spawnerDelays < 200 800 100 400 50 200 25 100 > # By default any entities added to this list will not drop their souls and will not be spawnable by the stabilized spawner. S:spawnerList < > # Changes the spawner list to a whitelist as opposed to the default blacklist. B:spawnerListWhiteList=false # This allows you to adjust the base capacity of the wyvern flux capacitor I:wyvernFluxCapBaseCap=64000000 } ########################################################################################################## # World #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This category contains config properties related to world gen. ########################################################################################################## World { # This is the distance between chaos islands I:chaosIslandSeparation=10000 # If true the chaos guardian, Crystal and healing crystals will spawn but absolutely no other blocks will be placed. (This only exists because someone wanted it for some reason) B:chaosIslandVoidMode=false # This allows you to offset the y position of chaos islands. I:chaosIslandYOffset=0 # Ender Comets have a 1 in {this number} chance to spawn in each chunk I:cometRarity=10000 # Disables draconium ore generation in the end B:disableOreSpawnEnd=false # Disables draconium ore generation in the nether B:disableOreSpawnNether=false # Disables draconium ore generation in the overworld B:disableOreSpawnOverworld=false # Set this to false if you do not want ore added to chunks that have not previously been generated by DE (this can almost always be left true) B:enableRetroGen=true # Set to false to disable the generation of Chaos Islands B:generateChaosIslands=true # Set to false to disable the generation of Ender Comets B:generateEnderComets=true # Add the dimension id of any mod dimension's you dont want draconium ore generated in I:oreGenDimentionBlacklist < > # Setting this to false will just completely disable ALL DE world gen! B:worldGenEnabled=true } ########################################################################################################## # |Mod Items/Blocks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These settings allow you to disable Blocks and Items added by this mod. # By default disabling a block or item will not remove it completely. # But its recipe will be removed and it will be hidden from JEI # If you want to completely remove items or blocks you can set hardDisableMode to true. # This is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. ########################################################################################################## "|Mod Items/Blocks" { ########################################################################################################## # Blocks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This section allows you to disable/enable blocks from this mod. ########################################################################################################## Blocks { B:celestial_manipulator=true B:chaos_crystal=true B:chaos_shard_atmos=true B:crafting_injector=true B:creative_rf_source=true B:dislocator_pedestal=true B:dislocator_receptacle=true B:diss_enchanter=true B:draconic_block=true B:draconic_spawner=true B:draconium_block=true B:draconium_chest=true B:draconium_ore=true B:energy_crystal=true B:energy_infuser=true B:energy_pylon=true B:energy_storage_core=true B:entity_detector=true B:flow_gate=true B:fusion_crafting_core=true B:generator=true B:grinder=true B:infused_obsidian=true B:invis_e_core_block=true B:item_dislocation_inhibitor=true B:particle_generator=true B:placed_item=true B:portal=true B:potentiometer=true B:rain_sensor=true B:reactor_component=true B:reactor_core=true } ########################################################################################################## # Items #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This section allows you to disable/enable items from this mod. ########################################################################################################## Items { B:awakened_core=true B:chaos_shard=true B:chaotic_core=true B:creative_exchanger=true B:crystal_binder=true B:debugger=true B:dislocator=true B:dislocator_advanced=true B:dislocator_bound=true B:draconic_axe=true B:draconic_boots=true B:draconic_bow=true B:draconic_chest=true B:draconic_core=true B:draconic_energy_core=true B:draconic_helm=true B:draconic_hoe=true B:draconic_ingot=true B:draconic_legs=true B:draconic_pick=true B:draconic_shovel=true B:draconic_staff_of_power=true B:draconic_sword=true B:draconium_capacitor=true B:draconium_dust=true B:draconium_ingot=true B:dragon_heart=true B:ender_energy_manipulator=true B:info_tablet=true B:magnet=true B:mob_soul=true B:nugget=true B:reactor_part=true B:tool_upgrade=true B:wyvern_axe=true B:wyvern_boots=true B:wyvern_bow=true B:wyvern_chest=true B:wyvern_core=true B:wyvern_energy_core=true B:wyvern_helm=true B:wyvern_legs=true B:wyvern_pick=true B:wyvern_shovel=true B:wyvern_sword=true } ########################################################################################################## # Loader Settings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These are settings which define what happens when you disable a block or item. ########################################################################################################## "Loader Settings" { # If set to true blocks and items will be completely removed from the game when disabled. # When set to softDisableMode they will just have their recipes removed and will not show up in NEI/JEI or the Creative Inventory. # Soft mode is recommended. Only use hard mode if you know what you are doing. B:hardDisableMode=false } }