# Configuration file general { # Changes what sneak right-clicking on a platform with a wrench will do # GUI: opens the platform selector GUI # CYCLE: cycles through the options # MIXED: uses the GUI if the is more then 5 options # Valid values: # GUI # CYCLE # MIXED S:platformSelect=GUI ########################################################################################################## # additional_blocks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # By default Wood and Stone Platforms only use blocks registered to the Forge Ore Dictionary but additional blocks can be added here. # # Format = §9modId§r:§2nameId§3@meta # §9modId§r can be left off for vanilla blocks, and 'ore' can be used to indicate a dictionary entry # §2nameId§r can contain [*] or [#-#] to replace an incrementing number or a number range # §3@meta§r can be left off to indicate any meta ########################################################################################################## additional_blocks { # Listed blocks will be used in addition to any registered as 'stone', 'cobblestone', or 'sandstone' S:stoneBlocks < stone lapis_block brick_block mossy_cobblestone diamond_block stonebrick end_stone nether_brick emerald_block quartz_block stained_hardened_clay prismarine hardened_clay packed_ice purpur_block purpur_pillar end_bricks red_nether_brick flatcoloredblocks:flatcoloredblock[*] > # Listed blocks will be used in addition to any registered as 'plankWood' S:woodBlocks < > } gui_style { # Valid values: # DEFAULT # VANILLA S:platformer=DEFAULT # Valid values: # DEFAULT # VANILLA S:wrench=DEFAULT } }