# Configuration file "colored light shader options" { # Enables shader support in dependant mods [default: true] B:EnableShaders=true # If true, then colored lighting effects will be added to vanilla items, blocks, and tile entities. [default: false] B:EnableVanillaLightingEffects=false # Maximum Number of lights to be rendered on the screen at once [range: 4 ~ 256, default: 64] I:MaxLights=64 # Maximum Distance to render a colored light [range: 4.0 ~ 128.0, default: 128.0] S:MaxRenderDist=128.0 # Skips sending light updates to the card some frames. This can speed up fps greatly when bandwidth is a problem. 0 always sends data. [range: 0 ~ 160, default: 10] I:NumFramesToSkipWhenRenderingShaders=10 } "misc client options" { # Enable the contributor cosmetics (Only useful if u are a contributor, but don't want the cosmetics to override other cosmetics) [default: true] B:EnableContributorCosmetics=true # Enable (true0 or disable (false) particle effects that result from contriutor cosmetics for other players [default: true] B:EnableContributorParticleEffectsOthers=true # Enable (true0 or disable (false) particle effects that result from contriutor cosmetics for current player [default: true] B:EnableContributorParticleEffectsSelf=true } options { B:EnableContributorCosmetics=true B:EnableContributorParticleEffectsOthers=true B:EnableContributorParticleEffectsSelf=true }