# Configuration file "machine values" { # The amount of power the atomic reconstructor can store. I:"Atomic Reconstructor Power"=300000 # The size of the farmer's farming area. Default is 9x9, must be an odd number. I:"Farmer Area"=9 # By default, the Item Repairer only repairs items which are repairable in an anvil. Add an item's REGISTRY NAME here if you want it to be repairable. S:"Item Repairer Extra Whitelist" < tconstruct:pickaxe tconstruct:shovel tconstruct:hatchet tconstruct:mattock tconstruct:broadsword tconstruct:longsword tconstruct:frypan tconstruct:battlesign tconstruct:hammer tconstruct:excavator tconstruct:lumberaxe tconstruct:cleaver tconstruct:rapier > # If Energy Laser Relays should have energy loss B:"Laser Relay Energy Loss"=true # The energy use of the Atomic Reconstructor's Mining Lens. I:"Mining Lens Energy"=60000 # If true, the mining lens uses some weird math to calculate energy costs. B:"Mining Lens Math"=true # The amount of power that the 4 tiers of oils generate in CF/t. Ordered. I:"Oil Gen: Power Values" < 40 80 100 120 > # The amount of time that the 4 tiers of oils work for in seconds. Ordered. I:"Oil Gen: Time Values" < 100 120 280 400 > # By default, the Vertical Digger mines everything that starts with 'ore' in the OreDictionary. If there is one that it can mine, but shouldn't be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. This Config Option will apply in both modes. S:"Vertical Digger Blacklist" < > # By default, the Vertical Digger mines everything that starts with 'ore' in the OreDictionary. If there is one that it can't mine, but should be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. This Config Option only applies if the miner is in Ores Only Mode. S:"Vertical Digger Extra Whitelist" < > } "mob drops" { # Should Bat wings drop from Bats? B:"Bat Wing Drop"=true # If true, Mobs will randomly drop solidified XP occasionally. B:"Solidified XP Drop"=true # Should Cobwebs drop from spiders? B:"Spider Cobweb Drop"=true } other { # Show Advanced Item Info when holding Control on every Item. B:"Advanced Info"=false # The maximum amount of characters that is displayed by the NBT view of the CTRL Advanced Info. Set to a zero to have no limit I:"Advanced Info NBT Character Limit"=1000 # Show the 'Press Control for more Info'-Text on Item Tooltips B:"Advanced Info Tooltips"=false # The size of the booklet's large font in percent. Set to 0 to use defaults from the lang file. I:"Booklet Large Font Size"=0 # The size of the booklet's medium font in percent. Set to 0 to use defaults from the lang file. I:"Booklet Medium Font Size"=0 # The size of the booklet's small font in percent. Set to 0 to use defaults from the lang file. I:"Booklet Small Font Size"=0 # If true, the Lens of Color will attempt to pull from the oredict instead of only using vanilla dyes. B:"Color Lens Oredict"=false # The non-Actually Additions items that are used to configure blocks from the mod. The first one is the Redstone Torch used to configure the Redstone Mode, and the second one is the Compass used to configure Laser Relays. If another mod overrides usage of either one of these items, you can change the registry name of the used items (using blocks is not possible) here. S:"Configuration Items" < minecraft:redstone_torch minecraft:compass > # The items that aren't allowed as outputs from OreDict Crusher recipes. Use this in case a mod, for example, adds a dust variant that can't be smelted into an ingot. Use REGISTRY NAMES, and if metadata is needed, add it like so: somemod:some_item@3 S:"Crusher Output Blacklist" < > # Ingots, Dusts and Ores that will be blacklisted from being auto-registered to be crushed by the Crusher. This list uses OreDictionary Names of the Inputs only. S:"Crusher Recipe Exceptions" < ingotBrick ingotBrickNether > # If true, Cats drop Hairy Balls Occasionally. B:"Do Cat Drops"=true # If true, Actually Additions Checks for updates on World Load. B:"Do Update Check"=false B:"Drill Digging Packet"=false # The 1/n drop chance, per tick, for a fur ball to be dropped. I:"Fur Drop Chance"=5000 # If true, the booklet should be given to the player when he first crafts something from the Mod B:"Give Booklet on First Craft"=true # The ItemFood, IGrowable and IPlantable Items that can not be used to craft Mashed Food. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. S:"Mashed Food Crafting Exceptions" < actuallyadditions:item_coffee > # The items that aren't allowed as being generated by the Lens of the Miner. Use REGISTRY NAMES, and if metadata is needed, add it like so: somemod:some_block@3 S:"Mining Lens Blacklist" < > # By default, the mining lens has a set number of ores it can generate. If there is an ore that it should be able to generate, add its OreDictionary name followed by an @ and the weight that it should have (the higher, the more often it will generate), followed by another @ and then an s for it to generate in stone and an n for it to generate in netherrack. For instance: oreCheese@100@s would add cheese ore with a weight of 100 that generates in stone. S:"Mining lens Extra Whitelist" < > # If you want to be really boring and lame, you can turn on this setting to disable colored names on Actually Additions items. Because why would you want things to look pretty anyways, right? B:"No Colored Item Names"=true # The items that aren't allowed to be put in the Repairer. Use REGISTRY NAMES, and if metadata is needed, add it like so: somemod:some_block@3 S:"Repair Blacklist" < > # The items that aren't allowed to be put in the Traveller's Sack. Use REGISTRY NAMES, and if metadata is needed, add it like so: somemod:some_block@3 S:"Sack Blacklist" < > # If true, Solidified Experience will always spawn orbs, even for regular players. B:"Solid XP Orbs"=false # By default, the Spawner Changer allows every living entity to be put into a spawner. If there is one that shouldn't be able to, put its MAPPING NAME here. S:"Spawner Changer Blacklist" < minecraft:villager_golem > # Turn this on to make recipes for items from the mod really hard. (This is a joke feature poking fun at the whole FTB Infinity Expert Mode style of playing. You shouldn't really turn this on as it makes the mod completely unplayable.) B:"Super Duper Hard Recipes"=false # The amount of ticks waited before a TileEntity sends an additional Update to the Client I:"Tile Entities: Update Interval"=5 # Should Tiny Coal and Tiny Charcoal be craftable B:"Tiny Coal"=true # If true, Actually Additions' Update Checker searches for updates for the Minecraft Version you currently play on. B:"Version Specific Update Checker"=false # Should Actually Additions Loot generate in dungeons? B:"Village and Dungeon Loot"=true # Should right-clicking a bowl on water blocks create a water bowl? B:"Water Bowl"=true # Should the water bowl spill if you don't sneak while using it? B:"Water Bowl Spilling"=true # 11? I:"What is 11"=0 # The amount of ticks it takes for a worm to die. When at 0 ticks, it will not die. I:"Worm Death Time"=0 # If true, worms will drop from tilling the soil. B:Worms=true } "tool control" { # This will disable the Black Quartz AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz AIOT"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Axe"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Boots"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Chestplate. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Chestplate"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Helmet"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Hoe"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Pants"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Shovel"=false # This will disable the Black Quartz Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Black Quartz Sword"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal AIOT"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Axe"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Boots"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Chestplate. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Chestplate"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Helmet"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Hoe"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Pants"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Shovel"=false # This will disable the Diamatine Crystal Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamatine Crystal Sword"=false # This will disable the Diamond AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Diamond AIOT"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal AIOT"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Axe"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Boots"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Chest. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Chest"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Helmet"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Hoe"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Pants"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Shovel"=false # This will disable the Emeradic Crystal Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emeradic Crystal Sword"=false # This will disable the Emerald AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald AIOT"=false # This will disable the Emerald Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Axe"=false # This will disable the Emerald Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Boots"=false # This will disable the Emerald Chestplate. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Chestplate"=false # This will disable the Emerald Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Helmet"=false # This will disable the Emerald Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Hoe"=false # This will disable the Emerald Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Pants"=false # This will disable the Emerald Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Emerald Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Shovel"=false # This will disable the Emerald Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Emerald Sword"=false # This will disable the Engineer's Goggles. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Engineer's Goggles"=false # This will disable the Engineer's Infrared Goggles. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Engineer's Infrared Goggles"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal AIOT"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Axe"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Boots"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Chest. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Chest"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Helmet"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Hoe"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Pants"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Shovel"=false # This will disable the Enori Crystal Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Enori Crystal Sword"=false # This will disable the Golden AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Golden AIOT"=false # This will disable the Iron AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Iron AIOT"=false # This will disable the Obsidian AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian AIOT"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Axe"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Boots"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Chestplate. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Chestplate"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Helmet"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Hoe"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Pants"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Shovel"=false # This will disable the Obsidian Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Obsidian Sword"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal AIOT"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Axe"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Boots"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Chestplate. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Chestplate"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Helmet"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Hoe"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Pants"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Shovel"=false # This will disable the Palis Crystal Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Palis Crystal Sword"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal AIOT"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Axe"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Boots"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Chestplate. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Chestplate"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Helmet"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Hoe"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Pants"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Shovel"=false # This will disable the Restonia Crystal Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Restonia Crystal Sword"=false # This will disable the Stone AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Stone AIOT"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal AIOT"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Axe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Axe"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Boots. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Boots"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Chestplate. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Chestplate"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Helmet. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Helmet"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Hoe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Hoe"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Pants. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Pants"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Pickaxe. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Pickaxe"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Shovel. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Shovel"=false # This will disable the Void Crystal Sword. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Void Crystal Sword"=false # This will disable the Wooden AIOT. It will not be registered. [default: false] B:"Disable: Wooden AIOT"=false } "tool values" { # By default, the AIOT can mine certain blocks. If there is one that it can't mine, but should be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. S:"AIOT Extra Whitelist" < TConstruct:GravelOre > # If true,'Press key for more information' text should show when the item has a page in the booklet B:"Booklet Quick Opening Info"=true # By default, the Drill can mine certain blocks. If there is one that it can't mine, but should be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. S:"Drill Extra Whitelist" < TConstruct:GravelOre > } "world gen" { # Should Black Lotus generate in the World? B:"Black Lotus Gen"=true # The Amount of Black Lotus generating I:"Black Lotus: Amount"=14 # Shold Black Quartz generate in the world? B:"Black Quartz"=false # Should Canola generate in the World? B:"Canola Gen"=true # The Amount of Canola generating I:"Canola: Amount"=10 # Should Coffee Plants generate in the World? B:"Coffee Gen"=true # The Amount of Coffee generating I:"Coffee: Amount"=6 # Should Custom Crop Fields exist? B:"Crop Field: Existence"=true # If Crystal Clusters should generate in Lush Caves B:"Crystal Clusters in Lush Caves"=true # Should the Engineer Villager and his House generate in the worl? B:"Engineer Villager: Existence"=true # Should Flax generate in the World? B:"Flax Gen"=true # The Amount of Flax generating I:"Flax: Amount"=8 # Should caves with trees and grass randomly generate underground? B:"Generate Lush Caves"=false # Should the Jam Villager and his House generate in the world? B:"Jam Villager: Existence"=true # The chances for lush caves to generate. The lower the number, the higher the chances. I:"Lush Caves: Chance"=20 # If true, the ore gen dimension blacklist will be treated as a whitelist. B:"Ore Gen Whitelist"=false # The list of IDs that Actually Additions OreGen (Ex: Black Quartz) is banned in. This also applies for other world gen like lush caves. I:"OreGen Dimension Blacklist" < > # The list of IDs of the dimensions that Actually Additions Plants (Rice for example) are banned in. I:"Plant Blacklist" < > # Should Rice generate in the World? B:"Rice Gen"=true # The Amount of Rice generating I:"Rice: Amount"=15 # Should Treasure Chests generate in the World? B:"Treasure Chest Gen"=true }