import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient; import crafttweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack; import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDictEntry; import mods.contenttweaker.Fluid; import mods.gregtech.recipe.RecipeMap; /* [[<>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>], [<>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>], [<>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>], [<>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>], [<>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>]]); */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// Thermal Expansion ////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); recipes.removeByRecipeName("extendedcrafting:diamond_nugget_to"); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); recipes.removeByRecipeName("extendedcrafting:emerald_nugget_to"); recipes.removeByRecipeName("actuallyadditions:recipes146"); //Redstone Servo recipes.addShaped(, [ [,, ], [null,, null], [,, ]]); // remove the wonky 2-tag version from JEI mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); // replace tank recipe with 3-tag version recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(basictank, [ [, , ], [,null,], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped(hardenedtank, [ [, , ], [,basictank.marked("tank"),], [, , ]], function(out, ins, cInfo){ return ins.tank.updateTag({Level: 1 as byte}); } as ); recipes.addShaped(reinforcedtank, [ [, , ], [,hardenedtank.marked("tank"),], [, , ]], function(out, ins, cInfo) { return ins.tank.updateTag({Level: 2 as byte}); } as ); recipes.addShaped(signalumtank, [ [, , ], [,reinforcedtank.marked("tank"),], [, , ]], function(out, ins, cInfo){ return ins.tank.updateTag({Level: 3 as byte}); } as ); recipes.addShaped(resonanttank, [ [, , ], [,signalumtank.marked("tank"),], [, , ]], function(out, ins, cInfo){ return ins.tank.updateTag({Level: 4 as byte}); } as ); mods.jei.JEI.addItem(basictank); mods.jei.JEI.addItem(hardenedtank); mods.jei.JEI.addItem(reinforcedtank); mods.jei.JEI.addItem(signalumtank); mods.jei.JEI.addItem(resonanttank); mods.jei.JEI.addItem(.withTag({RandomKey: -9206505693458694257 as long, CreatorMost: -5567380206174582019 as long, CraftingComponents: [{id: "gregtech:meta_item_1", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 10152 as short}, {id: "gregtech:meta_item_1", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 10152 as short}, {id: "gregtech:meta_item_1", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 10152 as short}, {id: "gregtech:meta_item_1", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 10152 as short}, {id: "minecraft:stick", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 0 as short}, {id: "gregtech:meta_item_1", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 10152 as short}, {id: "gregtech:meta_item_1", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 10152 as short}], "GT.ToolStats": {PrimaryMaterial: "rubber", HandleMaterial: "wood"}, CreatorLeast: -6837252790035570724 as long})); //Steam Dynamo recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Magmatic Dynamo recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Reactant Dynamo recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Numismatic Dynamo recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [, , ]]); //hardened upgrade recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //reinforced upgrade recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //sig upgrade recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //end upgrade recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Silver Transmission Coil recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , ], [, , ], [, , null]]); //Gold Reception Coil recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , ], [, , ], [, , null]]); //Auxiliary Transmission Coil recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Auxiliary Reception Coil recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Auxiliary Sieve recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Nullification Chamber recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Nutrient Recovery recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Monoculture recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Sapling Infuser recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Gear Making Thing recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Pyroconductive Loop recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //charger thing recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //repair thing recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //hopper thing recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //reagent thing recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //i give up recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //i give up recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //i give up recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //i give up recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //fuel catalyzer recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //excitation field limiter recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //i give up recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //i give up recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //excitation coil recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , null], [, , ], [null, , ]]); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); //coin thing recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); //Trash Can (Items) recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); //Trash Can (Fluid) recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); //Trash Can (Energy) recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, , null]]); //Mana Powder recipes.addShaped( * 4,[ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); .displayName = "Mana Infused Metal Dust"; blast_furnace.recipeBuilder().inputs([]).fluidInputs( * 250).outputs().property("temperature", 2141).duration(400).EUt(400).buildAndRegister(); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [,,], [,,], [,,]]); .displayName = "Thermal Machine Casing"; recipes.remove(); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(, [ [,,], [, null, ], [,,]]); .displayName = "Thermal Device Casing"; //Add Black Lotus to Phytogenic Insolator for black dye mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.addRecipe(*3,, , 4800); mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.addRecipe(*6,, , 7200); mods.thermalexpansion.Insolator.addRecipe(*9,, , 9600); //Ensure Proper Enderium/Lumium/Signalum Ingots val liquidMap as IItemStack[][ILiquidStack] = { : [, , ], : [, , ], : [, , ] }; //ingot, block, nugget for liquid,items in liquidMap { //Ingots solidifier.findRecipe(8, [], [liquid * 144]).remove(); solidifier.recipeBuilder() .fluidInputs(liquid * 144) .notConsumable() .outputs(items[0]) .duration(20).EUt(8).buildAndRegister(); //Blocks solidifier.findRecipe(8, [], [liquid * 1296]).remove(); solidifier.recipeBuilder() .fluidInputs(liquid * 1296) .notConsumable() .outputs(items[1]) .duration(98).EUt(8).buildAndRegister(); //Nuggets solidifier.findRecipe(8, [], [liquid * 144]).remove(); solidifier.recipeBuilder() .fluidInputs(liquid * 144) .notConsumable() .outputs(items[2] * 9) .duration(98).EUt(8).buildAndRegister(); } //Furnace Recipes //Enderium furnace.remove(, ); furnace.addRecipe(, ); //Signalum furnace.remove(, ); furnace.addRecipe(, ); //Lumium furnace.remove(, ); furnace.addRecipe(, ); //Mana Infused mixer.recipeBuilder() .outputs( * 2) .inputs([, ]) .duration(200).EUt(30).buildAndRegister();