# Configuration file general { # This causes the deletion slot to delete items instantly, similar to Creative Mode. [default: false] B:"Instant Deletion"=false } gui { "gregtech/api/gui/impl/modularuigui" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=83 } "net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/guiinventory" { # The x coordinate of the anchor point for the slot position. S:"Anchor X"=0.5 # The y coordinate of the anchor point for the slot position. S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 # True if this screen should have a trash slot. B:Enabled=true # The x coordinate of the slot relative to the anchor. I:"Slot X"=60 # The y coordinate of the slot relative to the anchor. I:"Slot Y"=83 } "forestry/worktable/gui/guiworktable" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=109 } "moze_intel/projecte/gameobjs/gui/guitransmutation" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=86 I:"Slot Y"=98 } "cubex2/cxlibrary/gui/guicontainercx" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=101 } "net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/guichest_large" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=true I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=111 } "net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/guichest" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=true I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=84 } "net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/guicrafting" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=true I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=83 } "crazypants/enderio/conduits/gui/guiexternalconnection" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=75 I:"Slot Y"=97 } "com/rwtema/extrautils2/gui/backend/dynamicgui" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=57 I:"Slot Y"=85 } "de/ellpeck/actuallyadditions/mod/inventory/gui/guigiantchest" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=93 I:"Slot Y"=129 } "net/minecraft/client/gui/guihopper" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=66 } "xt9/deepmoblearning/client/gui/simulationchambergui" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=88 I:"Slot Y"=115 } "xt9/deepmoblearning/client/gui/extractionchambergui" { S:"Anchor X"=0.5 S:"Anchor Y"=0.5 B:Enabled=false I:"Slot X"=60 I:"Slot Y"=89 } }