This file is for the OverworldGenerator. This generator generates a slightly more configurable version of the vanilla overworld, handling the generation of base terrain/water blocks and biome block replacement. This generator makes use of multithreaded noise generators to improve chunk generation speeds. Unfortunately, using these noise generators means the terrain will be slightly different to vanilla. Created using 'new OverworldGenerator()'. Constructor: Notes: This constructs an OverworldGenerator. setTerrainBlock: Arguments: ItemBlockData Usage: block Notes: Sets the terrain block to be used for the generator. amplify: Notes: Sets the generator to generate amplified terrain, as per the vanilla amplified WorldType. setSeaLevel: Arguments: int Usage: sea level Notes: Sets the sea level for the generator. setOceanBlock: Arguments: ItemBlockData Usage: block Notes: Sets the ocean block to be used for the generator. setGeneratorString: Arguments: String Usage: generator string Notes: Sets the vanilla generator settings string for the generator. disableBiomeBlockReplacement: Notes: Disables the generators biome block replacement.