# Configuration file Client { # Enables the Grass/Foliage/Water color customizations. This controls whether or not the event handlers get registered. B:enableColorOverrides=true } ConfigHandling { # If enabled, then the dimension config ('dimensions.json') # will be copied to each save and used from there, to avoid changes in the # global/pack config from breaking the saves due to possibly differing settings between worlds. # NOTE: This option ONLY affects whether or not the config is automatically _copied to_ each world. B:copyDimensionConfigToWorld=true # If enabled, then the "main config" ('justenoughdimensions.cfg') # will be copied to each save and used from there, to avoid changes in the # global/pack config from breaking the saves due to possibly differing settings between worlds. # NOTE: This option ONLY affects whether or not the config is automatically _copied to_ each world. B:copyMainConfigToWorld=true # If enabled, then the dimension config ('dimensions.json') # will read from within each world/save, if it exists there. # Also see the option 'copyDimensionConfigToWorld' to enable automatically copying it there. B:usePerWorldDimensionConfig=false # If enabled, then the "main config" ('justenoughdimensions.cfg') # will read from within each world/save, if it exists there. # Also see the option 'copyMainConfigToWorld' to enable automatically copying it there. B:usePerWorldMainConfig=false } Generic { # Enables redirecting the vanilla /time, /weather etc. commands to the JED variants in WorldInfo-overridden dimensions B:enableCommandRedirecting=true # Enables switching players' gamemode when they enter a dimension which has the ForceGameMode option set to true B:enableForcedGameModes=false # Enables overriding the initial spawning dimension to something other than dim 0 (overworld). B:enableInitialSpawnDimensionOverride=false # Enables a bunch of extra logging on the INFO level for registrations etc. B:enableLoggingInfo=false # If enabled, then a '"biome": "registrynameofbiome"' value in the dimensions.json config will override the # BiomeProvider of that dimension with BiomeProviderSingle, using the biome given as the value. # This means that the entire dimension will use only that one biome set in the config. # To get the registry names of biomes, you can use the TellMe mod (the command '/tellme dump biomes'). B:enableOverrideBiomeProvider=true # If enabled, then a '"WorldProviderOverride": "class name"' value in JED options in the dimensions.json config # will override the WorldProvider of that dimension with one created by the provided class name. # NOTE: This is normally not recommended!!! # This is provided for certain mod compatibility cases, # where the other mod is checking the DimensionType against one of the vanilla values, and thus # you have to use an "existing_dimensiontype" key in the "dimensiontype" object, instead of # registering/defining a new custom entry as you would do normally. B:enableOverrideWorldProvider=false # If enabled, then an 'override: true' boolean value for the dimension in # the dimensions.json config can be used to override an existing dimension. B:enableReplacingRegisteredDimensions=true # If enabled, adds custom WorldBorder syncing and removes default linking from other dimensions to the overworld border. B:enableSeparateWorldBorders=false # If enabled, all dimensions that exist in dimensions.json and have either a"worldinfo" or a "worldinfo_onetime" value present (an empty object is enough), # will use separate WorldInfo instances (separate time, weather, world border, gamerules etc.). # This works even if the dimension in question isn't registered by this mod # (so vanilla, or other mod dimensions can have it too). B:enableSeparateWorldInfo=false # If enabled, then an 'unregister: true' boolean value for the dimension in # the dimensions.json config can be used to unregister existing dimension. B:enableUnregisteringDimensions=false # If enabled with the enableInitialSpawnDimensionOverride option, this will be used as the initial spawn dimension ID I:initialSpawnDimensionId=0 # If the players first join into a ForceGameMode dimension, then this option sets the "normal" # game mode they should get when they leave that dimension for a non-ForceGameMode dimension. # Valid values are: adventure, creative, spectator and survival S:normalGameMode=survival } Version { # For the config file copying/replacement to happen, this id # in the old per-world config must match the id in the current global/common config, # for the automatic config upgrade/override from the global config to the per-world config to happen. S:configId=__default # Config version tracking. # If you are a mod pack developer and need to force a config change # for users (when using the per-world configs option), increase the version number here # to tell the mod to copy this config version over an existing, older, per-world config. # Also note that the 'configId' value should be set to something mod pack specific, # basically to tie the per-world configs to the pack in question, # and not overwrite the per-world config with one from a different pack. # (Although it probably would be extremely rare for anyone to try to load the same world in a different pack...) I:version=0 } generic { B:enableForcedGamemodes=false B:enableInitialSpawnDimensionOverride=false B:enableLoggingInfo=false B:enableOverrideBiomeProvider=false B:enableReplacingRegisteredDimensions=false B:enableSeparateWorldBorders=false B:enableSeparateWorldInfo=false B:enableUnregisteringDimensions=false I:initialSpawnDimensionId=0 }