GenLayerIsland: This is the base layer used by vanilla for the Overworld chain. It pseudo-randomly places ocean and plains on an approximately 9-1 ratio. Constructor: Arguments: long Argument Usage: layer base seed GenLayerFuzzyZoom: Zooms the parent layer, effectively increasing its size. This version is more random than GenLayerZoom Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerAddIsland: Pseudo-randomly adds islands. Can be made up of any biome ids already in the chain. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerZoom: Zooms the parent layer, effectively increasing its size. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerRemoveTooMuchOcean: Removes "excess" ocean biomes. If a biome position is ocean and all 4 biomes around it are ocean, the biome is changed to plains. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerAddSnow: Part of the vanilla heat map generation. Responsible for adding cold/icy heat levels. Pseudo-randomly replaces biome ids other than 0 with id 4, 3 or 1. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerEdge: Part of the vanilla heat map generation. Depending on which mode it's constructed with, does different things. Overall the point is making sure there are no heat ids surrounded by unacceptable heat ids. Such as hot being surrounded by icy. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer, GenLayerEdgeMode Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer, edge mode Notes: Mode options are automatically added as local variables under the names Edge_Mode_Cool_Warm, Edge_Mode_Heat_Ice and Edge_Mode_Special. GenLayerAddMushroomIsland: Pseudo-randomly adds mushroom islands. If an ocean biome is surrounded by ocean, there is a 1/100 chance for it to be changed to a mushroom island. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerDeepOcean: Adds deep ocean biomes. If an ocean biome is surrounded by ocean, it is changed to deep ocean. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerRiverInit: Generates pseudo-random gibberish to be used for placing rivers and hills. No gibberish is generated for oceans. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerBiome: Replaces the heat map from the parent layer with a pseudo-random weighted biome map. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer, WorldType, String Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer, world type object, generator string Notes: The WorldType object is automatically added as a local variable named worldType. The generator String is automatically added as a local variable named generatorString. GenLayerBiomeEdge: Attempts to place acceptable biomes between unacceptable biomes. For instance, if desert and ice plains are touching, an extreme hills with trees is placed. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerHills: Uses the initialization layer to pseudo-randomly place hill biomes and other biome mutations. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, biome parent layer, hill/river initialization parent layer Notes: The first layer is the normal biome map, and the second is the hill/river initialization layer. GenLayerRiver: Uses the initialization layer to create a river map. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, river initialization parent layer GenLayerSmooth: Attempts to "smooth" things. I won't pretend to understand well enough to explain better. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerRareBiome: Pseudo-randomly replaces plains biomes with mutated_plains biomes. Otherwise known as a sunflower plains. 1/57 chance. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerShore: Adds shore biomes between ocean and land biomes. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer GenLayerRiverMix: Combines the biome map and river map, adding river biomes depending on what biome it is. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, biome map parent layer, river map parent layer GenLayerVoronoiZoom: Zooms the parent layer, effectively increasing its size. This version creates the most extreme changes of all the zoom layers. Constructor: Arguments: long, GenLayer Argument Usage: layer base seed, parent layer