# This is the version of the mod; anything before 1.5 is considers "0" (since versioning wasn't available) Version 1.8 # This file is a template that will never be read. For reference it has my classic default that was first hard-code as a theme. # To make other themes copy this into a theme with the name you want and edit it to your preference. # # Biome types to use this theme in # Any forge dictionary type can be included here, though beach will be treated as water # # Biomes types where it should be used biomes = FOREST # Biome types where it should never appear, even if the biome also fit one of the above types NotInBiomes = NETHER, END # This determines the type of dungeon this should be, for the purpose of adding mobs through the API; # Its basically like a biome dictionary for dungeons. Valid values include DUNGEON, NECRO, URBAN, FOREST, # PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, SWAMP, WATER, DESERT, WASTELAND, JUNGLE, FROZEN, FIERY, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, # SHADOW, TECH, and PARADISE. Most should have one or two types, not more than 3 or (very rarely) 4; API user # should be more liberal with there assigning mosters to types, not the other way around. Type = DUNGEON # Either ALL or list of comma delimited dimension IDs DimensionWhitelist = 100 # Special dungeon instructions; Curently this can be "WATER" (flooded / water instead of air), "SWAMPY" (pools # less deep / high water table), or "SURFACE" (currently does nothing), HARD (better loot; for harder mobs or hazrads) Flags = HARD # Altitude ranges # Lowest level a floor can be at minY = 10 # Highest level a floor can be at maxY = 50 # This is the chest file to be used; if it is chest.cfg its will be under DLDungeonsJBG, # other chests files will be under DLDungeonsJBG/SpecialChests ChestsFile = undergroundforest.cfg # Size ranges = This should contain 5 numbers, at least one of which must not be 0. sizes = 0, 0, 2, 1, 0 # Style elements = These must each contain 6 numbers # Roofless, wall-less rooms; mostly for surface dungeons outside = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # Amount of liquid blocks (pools) on the floor liquids = 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0 # Number of extra doors which may lead to rooms off the main route subrooms = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 # Frequency of trying to place a mini-room inside a larger room islands = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 # How many pillars to use pillars = 5, 30, 60, 40, 20, 0 # Not used, but will be the number of fences around outdoor rooms fences = 5, 15, 30, 75, 25, 0 # How generally semetric and organized roosm appear symmetry = 5, 15, 30, 75, 25, 0 # How much variability in the blocks to be used variability = 5, 10, 25, 75, 50, 25 # Idea borrowed from Greymerk's Roguelike dungeons; chance of not building over airblocks degeneracy = 50, 5, 15, 50, 10, 0 # How many feature to add to rooms complexity = 5, 10, 25, 75, 15, 0 # How much variation in the Y should be found verticle = 5, 10, 25, 20, 10, 0 # How many entrances to place entrances = 2, 5, 25, 50, 15, 3 # Frequency of cave-like areas naturals = 25, 5, 20, 5, 0, 0 # # Block elements # Thes are just lists of blocks to uses in building rooms # Warning = Versions for version fo Minecraft before 1.7 are not compatible with 1.7+ # For 1.5.2 or 1.6.4 these must be block ids # for version 1.7+ these are the proper, in-code names for the blocks # Each of these must contain at least one block, but can contain as many as you like # # The main block for building walls walls = minecraft:leaves(4), minecraft:leaves(5), minecraft:leaves(6), minecraft:leaves(7) rustic:fence_ironwood, # The main block for building floors floors = minecraft:grass, minecraft:dirt(2), botania:altgrass(2), botania:altgrass(4), randomthings:coloredgrass(3) # The main block for lining ceilings ceilings = minecraft:dirt, # Blocks to be used as outdoor fences (not yet used) fencing = minecraft:cobblestone_wall, minecraft:fence # Block to represent liquids; fill pools liquid = minecraft:water, tconstruct:molten_dirt # Block from which to build pillars pillarBlock = botania:shimmerwoodplanks, thaumcraft:leaves_silverwood # Block found in cave-like areas caveblock = minecraft:log # Mob fields # These are lists of mobs, and most be in their officialm, in code names # Weak, basic mobs; by default commonMobs = minecraft:spider, minecraft:cave_spider, emberroot:dire_wolf # Tougher mobs everyday mobs hardMobs = wizardry:unicorn, minecraft:illusion_illager # Really tough mobs, Minefantasy brutes, mid-level Dungeons Mobs, and many of Lycanite's mobs go here bruteMobs = minecraft:evocation_illager, thaumcraft:firebat # The baddest of the bad, Minefantasy dragon, Dungeon Mobs rakshasa, and all bosses go here; empty by default in the overworld # but for The Nether this has Wither Boss. eliteMobs = thermalfoundation:blitz, emberroot:rootsonespritegreater bossMobs = emberroot:rootsonespriteboss