#Each line is has the following components: #label type name data # #label is what you use to add it to an itam or combine it with othe tags (must be unique) #type is the NBT data type -- and valid type but list can be used #name is the name of the data field in the NBT file #data is what it holds # #I'm not giving a full NBT course here -- I'm just learning that myself, but below are some examples. #More info can be found online in places such as the Minecraft Wiki #This is a good start: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Player.dat_format#Item_structure # #Whether or not this might latter be applicable to blocks or mobs has not been decided; #For now NBT can only be used for loot items. # #In addition to normal NBT tags there is an Ench tag as a convenience for enchanting... # label ench id lvl #...and a Group options that simply allows several additions to be put into on label. # #WARNING: This can be easy to mess-up, and there is no error checking (but the game may crash on start-up) #Basic Potions HEALTH1 Json {Potion: "minecraft:healing"} HEALTH1 Json {Potion: "minecraft:strong_healing"} REGEN1 Json {Potion: "minecraft:regeneration"} REGEN2 Json {Potion: "minecraft:strong_regeneration"} REGENX Json {Potion: "minecraft:long_regeneration"} #custom loot BOTANIANIGHTVISION Json {brewKey: "nightVision"} REFINER Json {dynamicmachine: "modularmachinery:gem_refiner"} FISHER Json {dynamicmachine: "modularmachinery:botanical_fishery"} SKYCAULDRON Json {dynamicmachine: "modularmachinery:sky_cauldron"} RUSTICSPEED Json {ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "minecraft:haste", Duration: 3600, Amplifier: 0}]} RUSTICSTRENGTH Json {ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "minecraft:strength", Duration: 3600, Amplifier: 0}]} COFHLUCK Json {Potion: "cofhcore:luck+"} COFHRESISTANCE Json {Potion: "cofhcore:resistance"} COFHABSORB Json {Potion: "cofhcore:absorption+"} CYCLICMAGNET Json {Potion: "cyclicmagic:magnet"} COFHLEAPING Json {Potion: "cofhcore:leaping3+"} PLANTSREGEN Json {Potion: "plants2:regen_heal"} BOTANIAINVIS Json {brewKey: "invisibility"} BOTANIAREGEN Json {brewKey: "regen"} BOTANIAFLEET Json {brewKey: "featherFeet"} BOTANIAMENDING Json {brewKey: "healing"} ESSENTIAAVERSIO Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "aversio"}]} ESSENTIAINSTRUMENTUM Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "instrumentum"}]} ESSENTIAVITIUM Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "vitium"}]} ESSENTIAALKIMIA Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "alkimia"}]} ESSENTIAAURAM Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "auram"}]} ESSENTIATENEBRAE Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "tenebrae"}]} ESSENTIAPRAECANTATIO Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "praecantatio"}]} ESSENTIAALIENIS Json {Aspects: [{amount: 10, key: "alienis"}]} EIOWITHERING Json {Potion: "enderio:withering"} WEAKNESS Json {Potion: "minecraft:long_weakness"} UNLUCK2 Json {Potion: "cofhcore:unluck2"} POISON3 Json {Potion: "cofhcore:poison3"} SABER Json {Energy: 40000} IRONSKIN Json {ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "rustic:ironskin", Duration: 1800, Amplifier: 1}]} FEATHER Json {ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "rustic:feather", Duration: 3600, Amplifier: 0}]} BLAZINGTRAIL Json {ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "rustic:blazing_trail", Duration: 3600, Amplifier: 0}]} ETERNAL Byte Unbreakable 1 FROSTWALKER Json {Potion: "cyclicmagic:frostwalker"} PETROPETUNIA Json {type: "petro_petunia"} DANDELIFEON Json {type: "dandelifeon"} ENTROPINIUM Json {type: "entropinnyum"} KEKIMARU Json {type: "kekimurus"} ROSAARCANA Json {type: "arcanerose"} EVORSIOWAND Json {astralsorcery: {AugmentName: "astralsorcery.constellation.evorsio"}} DISCIDIAWAND Json {astralsorcery: {AugmentName: "astralsorcery.constellation.discidia"}} AEVITASWAND Json {astralsorcery: {AugmentName: "astralsorcery.constellation.aevitas"}} ARMARAWAND Json {astralsorcery: {AugmentName: "astralsorcery.constellation.armara"}} HOPPERHOCK Json {type: "hopperhock"} VIALOFGILLS Json {brewKey: "waterBreathing"} INFUSEDPICK Json {astralsorcery: {size: 2700, fract: 0, purity: 100, sizeOverride: -1, collect: 100}} INFUSEDAXE Json {astralsorcery: {size: 2700, fract: 0, purity: 100, sizeOverride: -1, collect: 100}} DECONGLOMERATOR Json {dynamicmachine: "modularmachinery:infernal_deconglomerator"} LEVITATIONARROW Json {Potion: "cofhcore:levitation"} GREEKFIREARROW Json {Potion: "extrautils2:xu2.greek.fire"} RANKA Json {mana: 9999999} ENDERIUMTINKERS Json {Material: "enderium_plustic"} MIRIONTINKERS Json {Material: "mirion"} PHOTOFISSION Json {dynamicmachine: "modularmachinery:photonuclear_fission_chamber"} ZPM Json {dynamicmachine: "modularmachinery:zero_point_matrix"} KANEDA Json {type: "fallenKanade"} #Some custom enchants VORPAL1 Ench 47 1 INFINITY Ench 51 1 SHARPNESSV Ench 16 5 MENDING Ench 70 1 KABOOMERANG3 Ench 12 3 UNBREAKING3 Ench 34 3 BEHEADING1 Ench 52 1 VORPAL1 Ench 47 1 FLIMFLAM4 Ench 27 4 LIFELEECH Ench 54 2 VANILLAWORLD Group THAUMSWORD UNBREAKING3, VORPAL1, SHARPNESSV VANILLAWORLD Group UNBREAKINGBEHEADING UNBREAKING3, BEHEADING1 VANILLAWORLD Group SHARPNESSVSABER SHARPNESSV, SABER CRIMSON1 Ench 16 6 CRIMSON2 Ench 22 3 CRIMSON3 String Name "The Beyonder" CRIMSON4 Compound display CRIMSON3 VANILLAWORLD Group CRIMSONBLADE CRIMSON1,CRIMSON2,CRIMSON4 AIOT1 Ench 32 5 AIOT2 Ench 34 3 AIOT5 Ench 44 1 AIOT3 String Name "Earth Breaker" AIOT4 Compound display AIOT3 VANILLAWORLD Group SUPERAIOT AIOT1,AIOT2,AIOT5,AIOT4