# What goes in the chests # Each line contains: # type, level, modid.name, minimum amount, maximum amount, NBT tag (from nbt.cfg) # # type must be gear, heal (food / health), or loot (treasure) # level must be an integer from 1 to 8 representing the value / difficulty of guarding mobs # Normally this should be 1 to 7, a value of 8 will appear only in rare teasure chests # modid is the official ID of the mod; for vanilla items the modid is "item" # name is the in-code, unlocalized name # minimum and maximum determine the stacks sizes # # You can now create alternate version in the SpecialChests folder and attach those to # dungeon themes. gear, 1, astralsorcery:itemusabledust, 2, 6 gear, 1, astralsorcery:itemusabledust(1), 6, 6 gear, 1, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 2, 6, LEVITATIONARROW gear, 1, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 2, 6, GREEKFIREARROW gear, 2, thermalfoundation:tool.excavator_steel, 1,1 gear, 2, bhc:red_heart, 1, 1 gear, 2, cyclicmagic:ender_tnt_6, 1, 2 gear, 3, iceandfire:silver_sword, 1, 1 gear, 3, minecraft:bow, 1, 1 gear, 3, minecraft:shield, 1, 1 gear, 3, iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_helmet, 1, 1 gear, 3, iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_leggings, 1, 1 gear, 3, iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_boots, 1, 1 gear, 3, iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_chestplate, 1, 1 gear, 3, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 2, 6, EIOWITHERING gear, 3, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 2, 6, WEAKNESS gear, 3, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 2, 6, UNLUCK2 gear, 3, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 2, 6, POISON3 gear, 3, cyclicmagic:glove_climb, 1, 1 gear, 3, thermalexpansion:satchel(100), 1, 1 gear, 3, animus:kama_iron, 1, 1, LIFELEECH gear, 3, betterbuilderswands:wanddiamond, 1, 1 gear, 3, , 1, 1, MIRIONTINKERS gear, 4, mekanism:atomicdisassembler, 1, 1 gear, 4, actuallyadditions:item_sword_quartz, 1, 1 gear, 4, minecraft:bow, 1, 1 gear, 4, minecraft:shield, 1, 1 gear, 4, tconstruct:knife_blade, 1, 1, ENDERIUMTINKERS gear, 4, iceandfire:stymphalian_arrow, 2, 6 gear, 4, animus:kama_iron, 1,1 gear, 4, thermalfoundation:tool.hammer_steel, 1, 1, UNBREAKING3 gear, 4, thermalfoundation:tool.sword_steel, 1, 1, UNBREAKINGBEHEADING gear, 4, botania:livingwoodbow, 1, 1 gear, 4, thermalinnovation:magnet(4), 1, 1 gear, 4, xreliquary:holy_hand_grenade, 1, 1 gear, 4, randomthings:obsidianwaterwalkingboots, 1, 1 gear, 4, appliedenergistics2:color_applicator, 1, 1 gear, 5, minecraft:diamond_sword, 1, 1 gear, 5, iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_helmet, 1, 1 gear, 5, iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_leggings, 1, 1 gear, 5, iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_helmet, 1, 1 gear, 5, iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_chestplate, 1, 1 gear, 5, thermalfoundation:tool.shield_diamond, 1, 1 gear, 5, iceandfire:stymphalian_arrow, 2, 6 gear, 5, thaumcraft:nitor_yellow, 2, 4 gear, 5, cyclicmagic:laser_cannon, 1, 1 gear, 5, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 4, 8, EIOWITHERING gear, 5, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 4, 8, WEAKNESS gear, 5, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 4, 8, UNLUCK2 gear, 5, minecraft:tipped_arrow, 4, 8, POISON3 gear, 5, extrautils2:luxsaber, 1, 1 gear, 6, botania:elementiumaxe, 1, 1 gear, 6, botania:elementiumhelmreveal, 1, 1 gear, 6, botania:elementiumlegs, 1, 1 gear, 6, botania:elementiumboots, 1, 1 gear, 6, botania:elementiumchest, 1, 1 gear, 6, iceandfire:stymphalian_arrow, 4, 8 gear, 6, enderio:item_dark_steel_bow, 2, 4 gear, 6, bloodmagic:sigil_air, 1, 1 gear, 6, cyclicmagic:charm_fire, 1, 1 gear, 6, astralsorcery:itemwand, 1, 1, EVORSIOWAND gear, 7, astralsorcery:itemwand, 1, 1, DISCIDIAWAND gear, 7, iceandfire:myrmex_desert_helmet, 1, 1 gear, 7, iceandfire:myrmex_desert_leggings, 1, 1 gear, 7, iceandfire:myrmex_desert_boots, 1, 1 gear, 7, iceandfire:myrmex_desert_chestplate, 1, 1 gear, 7, iceandfire:dragonbone_arrow, 2, 4 gear, 7, thermalfoundation:tool.hammer_diamond, 1, 1, UNBREAKING3 gear, 7, tconstruct:slime_boots, 1, 1, FLIMFLAM4 gear, 7, thaumcraft:traveller_boots, 1, 1, MENDING gear, 7, redstonearsenal:tool.bow_flux, 1, 1 gear, 7, deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_sword, 1, 1 heal, 1, actuallyadditions:item_food(18), 1, 2 heal, 1, actuallyadditions:item_food:(4), 1, 2 heal, 1, rustic:elixir, 1, 1, RUSTICSPEED heal, 1, rustic:elixir, 1, 1, RUSTICSTRENGTH heal, 1, minecraft:splash_potion, 1, 1, COFHLUCK heal, 1, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, COFHRESISTANCE heal, 1, minecraft:splash_potion, 1, 1, CYCLICMAGNET heal, 1, harvestcraft:cantonesegreensitem, 1, 2 heal, 1, harvestcraft:earlgreyteaitem, 1, 2 heal, 1, harvestcraft:papayayogurtitem, 1, 2 heal, 1, harvestcraft:taffyitem, 1, 2 heal, 1, harvestcraft:saltedcaramelitem, 1, 2 heal, 2, harvestcraft:cranberrybaritem, 1, 3 heal, 2, harvestcraft:bakedbeetsitem, 1, 2 heal, 2, harvestcraft:turkeycookeditem, 1, 3 heal, 2, harvestcraft:softpretzelitem, 1, 3 heal, 2, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, COFHLEAPING heal, 2, roughtweaks:salve, 1, 2 heal, 2, minecraft:lingering_potion, 1, 2, PLANTSREGEN heal, 2, xreliquary:glowing_water, 1, 1 heal, 2, minecraft:golden_carrot, 1, 1 heal, 2, enderio:item_ender_food, 1, 3 heal, 3, harvestcraft:zestyzucchiniitem, 1, 2 heal, 3, harvestcraft:spagettiandmeatballsitem, 1, 2 heal, 3, harvestcraft:fishtacoitem, 1, 2 heal, 3, minecraft:cooked_chicken, 1, 3 heal, 3, minecraft:cooked_beef, 1, 3 heal, 3 minecraft:potion, 1, 1, HEALTH1 heal, 3, botania:brewvial, 1, 1, BOTANIANIGHTVISION heal, 3, minecraft:lingering_potion, 1, 1, COFHABSORB heal, 3, modularmachinery:itemblueprint, 1, 1, SKYCAULDRON heal, 4, botania:brewvial, 1, 1, BOTANIAINVIS heal, 4, extrautils2:magicapple, 1, 2 heal, 4, randomthings:ingredient(10), 3, 6 heal, 4, harvestcraft:softpretzelandmustarditem, 1, 3 heal, 4, harvestcraft:cherrypieitem, 1, 3 heal, 4, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 1 heal, 4 minecraft:potion, 1, 1, HEALTH1 heal, 4 minecraft:potion, 1, 1,HEALTH2 heal, 4 minecraft:potion, 1, 1, REGEN1 heal, 4, animus:bloodapple 1, 3 heal, 4, rustic:elixir, 1, 1, IRONSKIN heal, 4, rustic:elixir, 1, 1, FEATHER heal, 4, rustic:elixir, 1, 1, BLAZINGTRAIL heal, 5, harvestcraft:stuffedeggplantitem, 2, 4 heal, 5, minecraft:pumpkin_pie, 1, 2 heal, 5, actuallyadditions:item_food(8), 1, 1 heal, 5, harvestcraft:charsiuitem, 2, 4 heal, 5, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 1 heal, 5, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 1 heal, 5, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, HEALTH2 heal, 5, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, REGEN1 heal, 5, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, REGENX heal, 5, animus:fragmenthealing, 1, 4 heal, 5, roughtweaks:medikit, 1, 1 heal, 6, minecraft:pumpkin_pie, 1, 3 heal, 6, minecraft:apple, 3, 7 heal, 6, minecraft:cooked_beef, 4, 8 heal, 6, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 2 heal, 6, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, HEALTH2 heal, 6, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, REGEN2 heal, 6, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, REGENX heal, 6, botania:brewvial, 1, 1, BOTANIAREGEN heal, 6, animus:fragmenthealing, 1, 1 heal, 6, wizardry:sky_dust, 4, 8 heal, 7, minecraft:golden_apple(1), 1, 1 heal, 7, harvestcraft:footlongitem, 4, 8 heal, 7, harvestcraft:honeysoyribsitem, 2, 7 heal, 7, minecraft:golden_apple(1), 1, 1 heal, 7, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 3 heal, 7, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, REGEN2 heal, 7, minecraft:potion, 1, 1, REGENX heal, 7, harvestcraft:ploughmanslunchitem, 1, 1 heal, 7, botania:brewflask, 1,1, BOTANIAFLEET heal, 7, botania:brewflask, 1,1, BOTANIAMENDING loot, 1, minecraft:iron_ingot, 1, 8 loot, 1, minecraft:gold_ingot, 1, 1 loot, 1, minecraft:book, 1, 1 loot, 1, minecraft:apple, 1, 3 loot, 1, xreliquary:fertile_potion, 1, 1 loot, 1, xreliquary:glowing_bread, 1, 1 loot, 1, cyclicmagic:dice, 1, 1 loot, 1, astralsorcery:itemusabledust(1), 2, 4 loot, 1, astralsorcery:itemusabledust, 2, 4 loot, 1, thaumcraft:curio(1), 1, 3 loot, 1, thaumcraft:loot_bag, 1, 1 loot, 1, thaumcraft:quicksilver, 1, 3 loot, 1, ironchest:wood_iron_chest_upgrade, 1, 2 loot, 2, minecraft:book, 2, 5 loot, 2, gregtech:meta_item_1(10072), 1, 4 loot, 2, gregtech:meta_item_1(10183), 4, 8 loot, 2, enderio:item_alloy_endergy_ingot(3), 4, 8 loot, 2, gregtech:meta_item_1(10001), 4, 8 loot, 2, gregtech:meta_item_1(2038), 2, 6 loot, 2, thaumcraft:loot_bag(1), 1, 1 loot, 2, randomthings:advanceditemcollector, 1, 1 loot, 3, minecraft:book, 2, 5 loot, 3, minecraft:diamond, 1, 1 loot, 3, minecraft:emerald, 1, 1 loot, 3, thaumcraft:seal(14), 2, 4 loot, 3, thaumcraft:pedestal_arcane, 1, 2 loot, 3, thaumcraft:tube, 2, 4 loot, 3, translocators:translocator_part, 2, 2 loot, 3, translocators:translocator_part(1), 2, 2 loot, 3, thaumcraft:nitor_yellow, 1, 1 loot, 3, naturescompass:naturescompass, 1, 1 loot, 3, cyclicmagic:water_candle, 1, 1 loot, 3, cyclicmagic:plate_vector, 1, 1 loot, 3, randomthings:weatheregg, 1, 1 loot, 3, thaumcraft:loot_bag(2), 1, 1 loot, 3, thaumcraft:amber, 1, 3 loot, 3, appliedenergistics2:material(42), 1, 3 loot, 3, resize:shrinking_bauble, 1, 1 loot, 4, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 1 loot, 4, minecraft:book, 3, 8 loot, 4, minecraft:ender_pearl, 1, 9 loot, 4, botania:specialflower, 1, 1, KANEDA loot, 4, minecraft:gold_ingot, 2, 5 loot, 4, minecraft:diamond, 1, 4 loot, 4, enderstorage:ender_storage, 2, 2 loot, 4, enderstorage:ender_storage(1), 2, 2 loot, 4, astralsorcery:blockcustomore 1, 3 loot, 4, randomthings:itemcollector, 1, 1 loot, 4, enderio:block_buffer, 1, 1 loot, 4, thaumcraft:filter, 1, 4 loot, 4, thaumcraft:tube_valve, 1, 2 loot, 4, bloodmagic:item_routing_node, 2, 4 loot, 4, astralsorcery:itemgrapplewand, 1, 1 loot, 4, industrialforegoing:mob_imprisonment_tool, 1, 1 loot, 4, thaumcraft:mind, 1, 1 loot, 4, botania:overgrowthseed, 1, 3 loot, 4, astralsorcery:itemcoloredlens(2), 1 loot, 4, rftools:storage_module(2), 1, 2 loot, 5, minecraft:book, 3, 8 loot, 5, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 1 loot, 5, minecraft:ender_eye, 1, 2 loot, 5, minecraft:ender_pearl, 1, 9 loot, 5, appliedenergistics2:part(220), 1, 1 loot, 5, minecraft:diamond, 1, 4 loot, 5, minecraft:emerald, 1, 4 loot, 5, scannable:module_range, 1, 1 loot, 5, botania:blacklotus, 1, 2 loot, 5, cyclicmagic:ender_pearl_mounted, 1, 1 loot, 5, enderutilities:builderswand, 1, 1 loot, 5, gregtech:machine(1020), 1, 1 loot, 5, quark:soul_bead, 1, 1 loot, 5, cyclicmagic:soulstone, 1, 1 loot, 5, bhc:red_heart, 1, 1 loot, 5, thaumcraft:sanity_soap, 1, 1 loot, 5, xreliquary:fertile_lilypad, 1, 1 loot, 5, botania:specialflower, 1, 1,ENTROPINIUM loot, 5, botania:specialflower, 1, 1, ROSAARCANA loot, 6, minecraft:book, 3, 8 loot, 6, minecraft:ender_eye, 1, 2 loot, 6, minecraft:ender_pearl, 1, 9 loot, 6, minecraft:golden_apple, 1, 3 loot, 6, botania:blacklotus(1), 1, 1 loot, 6, bloodmagic:master_routing_node, 1, 1 loot, 6, lcrdrfs:robo_dino_egg_item, 1, 1 loot, 6, tconstruct:materials(16), 1, 1 loot, 6, thaumcraft:curio(6), 1, 1 loot, 6, thaumcraft:bellows, 1, 2 loot, 6, animus:sigil_leech, 1, 1 loot, 6, appliedenergistics2:chest, 1, 1 loot, 7, tconstruct:materials(50), 1, 4 loot, 7, superfactorymanager:manager, 1, 1 loot, 7, appliedenergistics2:material(56), 1, 3 loot, 7, xreliquary:phoenix_down, 1, 1 loot, 7, appliedenergistics2:part(76), 1, 12 loot, 7, actuallyadditions:obsidian_paxel, 1, 1, SUPERAIOT loot, 7, buildinggadgets:exchangertool, 1, 1 loot, 7, thermaldynamics:duct_32(2), 8, 32 loot, 7, appliedenergistics2:interface, 1, 3 loot, 7, draconicevolution:draconic_core, 1, 1 loot, 8, minecraft:nether_star, 1, 2 loot, 8, botania:terrapick, 1, 1, RANKA loot, 8, betterbuilderswands:wandunbreakable(13), 1, 1 loot, 8, thaumcraft:elemental_axe, 1, 1, ETERNAL