#Main configuration of NEI. #Most of these options can be changed ingame. #Deleting any element will restore it to it's default value checkUpdates=true #Change these options if you have a different mod installed on the server that handles the commands differently, Eg. Bukkit Essentials command { creative=/gamemode {0} {1} heal= item=/give {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} rain=/toggledownfall time=/time set {0} } inventory { cheatmode=2 gamemodes=creative, creative+, adventure hidden=false itemIDs=1 itemsort=nei.itemsort.minecraft,nei.itemsort.mod,nei.itemsort.id,nei.itemsort.default,nei.itemsort.damage,nei.itemsort.name layoutstyle=0 #For those who can't help themselves. #Set this to a mode and you will be unable to change it ingame lockmode=-1 profileRecipes=false searchmode=1 utilities=delete, magnet, rain widgetsenabled=true } keys { showenchant=23 gui { back=14 botania_corporea_request=46 enchant=45 hide=24 next=209 potion=25 prev=201 recipe=19 search=33 usage=22 xu_ping=157 } world { chunkoverlay=67 creative=0 dawn=0 dusk=0 heal=0 highlight_tips=0 midnight=0 moboverlay=65 noon=0 rain=0 } } world { highlight_tips=false highlight_tips.x=5000 highlight_tips.y=100 }