# Configuration file client { B:allowUnpureCommands=true # Lets you open the pocket crafting table from GUIs B:anywherePocketCraft=true # Show invisible lamp-air B:debugLightAir=false # If true, enables a thread that dumps a stack trace of Minecraft if it is paused for longer than lagWatchDogInterval B:enableLagWatchDog=false # Make middle clicking more useful B:fixPickBlock=true # If the game is stuck for longer than this amount of time (in seconds), dump a stacktrace of what it is doing. D:lagWatchDogInterval=0.25 # Render servo instructions extra-large. This can also be toggled on and off using '/f servoInstructionSize'. B:largeServoInstructions=false # (Broken; don't use this. Attempts to limit integrated server tick speed to match the client's, but can cause deadlocks.) B:limitIntegratedServer=false # Sets a lower bound on time dilation. Between 0 and 1. D:lowestTimeDilation=0.6000000238418579 # 3 keys for: removing (x), cycling (c), balancing (b) S:pocketCraftingActionKeys=xcbf # If false, never use smooth lighting for drawing sculptures B:renderAmbientOcclusion=true # If true, render barrel info only when nearby B:renderBarrelClose=false B:renderBarrelItem=true B:renderBarrelText=true # If false, most TEs won't draw, making everything look broken but possibly improving FPS B:renderOtherTileEntities=true # If true, show the time every half hour B:showTimeOnFullscreen=true # If this is enabled, the client will run as slowly as the server does. This avoids visual artifacts on laggy servers. B:useTimeDilation=true } dimensionslices { B:enableDimensionSlices=false } general { B:addBranding=false # Distance between colossi in chunks I:colossusSpacing=48 I:entityRelightTask=3 B:generateBrokenBedrock=true # If true, Colossi will generate in the world. If false, the player will be given an LMP instead of a lost map. B:generateColossi=true # Set to false to disable dark iron ore generation B:generateDarkIronOre=true # Set to false to disable silver ore generation B:generateSilverOre=false # If set to true, then you must have a manual in your inventory to look up items B:requireBookForManual=true # The size of silver ore nodes. Between 5 & 35. Default is 18 I:silverOreNodeNewSize=18 } retrogen { B:enableRetrogen=false B:retrogenDarkIron=false S:retrogenKey=DEFAULT B:retrogenSilver=false } server { # Adds recipes for bark variants of logs B:barkRecipes=true # If false, water must be piped in B:boilersSuckWater=true # Naming entities gives them +5 hearts B:buffedNametags=true # If set to true, then endermen will not pick up blocks. B:disableEndermenGriefing=false # Set to false to disable the crafting recipe for solar2steam machines B:enableSolarSteam=true # Causes some mobs to rarely spawn wearing your armor B:equalOpportunitiesForMobs=true # If set to false, fanturpellers will not move players. B:fanturpellerWorksOnPlayers=true # If set to true, the Lost Map won't take damage B:infiniteGuideUse=false # Comma-separated list of block names. In front of the list must be either a +, for white-listing, or a -, for black-listing. S:laceratorBlockGraylist=-minecraft:bedrock,minecraft:end_portal # Textures giant mushroom blocks when placed B:mushroomNormalize=true # If set to true, players will find a lost map after getting the diamonds achievement B:playersDiscoverColossusGuides=true B:playersDiscoverDocBooks=true # Makes projectiles start with the velocity of the thrower B:properProjectilePhysics=true # Set to false to let socket blocks detect redstone from their front; provided for legacy worlds. B:socketsIgnoreFacePower=true # Scale how much steam is produced by the solar boiler D:steamOutputAdjustment=1.0 # If true, maximum clay lump volume is 1 m³ instead of (1 m³)/4 B:stretchyClay=true # How many ticks the server will wait before sending out TPS reports. 20 ticks = 1 second, unless it's lagging. I:tpsReportInterval=20 }