# Configuration file collector { # Maximum horizontal distance to look for crystals # Min: 1 # Max: 16 I:maxHorizontalCrystalDistance=10 # Maximum vertical distance to look for crystals # Min: 1 # Max: 16 I:maxVerticalCrystalDistance=1 } crystalizer { # The amount of RCL that is needed for one crystal # Min: 10 # Max: 100000 I:rclPerCrystal=6000 # The amount of RCL/t that is consumed during crystalizing # Min: 1 # Max: 100000 I:rclPerTick=1 # Maximum RF that can be stored in this machine # Min: 0 # Max: 1000000000 I:rfMaximum=50000 # How much RF this machine consumes for one crystalizing step # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:rfPerRcl=20 # How much RF/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:rfPerTick=200 } general { # Experimental fix for weird behaviour of machines that interact with DR tanks. B:experimentalChunkBorderFix=true } laser { # The maximum amount of liquified crystal this machine can hold (this is not RCL!) # Min: 1 # Max: 100000000 I:crystalLiquidMaximum=20000 # The amount of crystal liquid we consume per catalyst item # Min: 1 # Max: 10000000 I:crystalLiquidPerCatalyst=25 # The maximum amount of liquified crystal one crystal will yield (this is not RCL!). This value is for a 100% strength crystal # Min: 1 # Max: 10000000 I:maxCrystalLiquidPerCrystal=10000 # The minimum amount of liquified crystal one crystal will yield (this is not RCL!). This value is for a 0% strength crystal # Min: 1 # Max: 10000000 I:minCrystalLiquidPerCrystal=2000 # The amount of RCL we improve with one catalyst item # Min: 1 # Max: 10000000 I:rclPerCatalyst=500 # Maximum RF that can be stored in this machine # Min: 0 # Max: 1000000000 I:rfMaximum=100000 # How much RF/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor # Min: 0 # Max: 50000 I:rfPerTick=2000 # How much RF this machine consumes for infusing one catalyst item # Min: 0 # Max: 50000 I:rfUsePerCatalyst=4000 # How many multiples of 10 ticks are needed to infuse one catalyst item # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:ticks10PerCatalyst=4 } plateblock { # Radius of radiation that a plate block gives when it has a redstone signal # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:radiationRadius=10 # Strength of radiation that a plate block gives when it has a redstone signal. 0 to disable # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:radiationStrength=20000 # Amount of ticks that the radiation lasts from a plate block # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:radiationTicks=100 } power { # The maximum kilo-RF (per 1000, so 1000 = 1milion RF) that a crystal with 100% power can hold # Min: 1 # Max: 2000000000 I:maximumKiloRF=1000000 # The maximum RF/tick that a crystal with 100% efficiency can give # Min: 0 # Max: 20000 I:maximumRFPerTick=20000 } pulser { # Maximum RF that can be stored in this machine # Min: 0 # Max: 1000000000 I:rfMaximum=100 # The RF needed for a single pulse (should be a multiple of 15!) # Min: 1 # Max: 100000 I:rfPerPulse=60 # How much RF/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:rfPerTick=100 } purifier { # How much the purifier adds to the purity of a liquid (in %) # Min: 1 # Max: 100 I:addedPurity=25 # Maximum purity that the purifier can handle (in %) # Min: 1 # Max: 100 I:maxPurity=85 # The amount of RCL we purify as one unit # Min: 1 # Max: 10000 I:rclPerPurify=200 # Amount of ticks needed to purify one unit of RCL # Min: 1 # Max: 10000 I:ticksPerPurify=100 } smelter { # The amount of lava to smelt one ore # Min: 100 # Max: 10000 I:lavaCost=200 # The number of ticks to smelt one ore # Min: 10 # Max: 1000 I:processTime=200 # The amount of RCL to produce with one ore # Min: 50 # Max: 1000 I:rclPerOre=200 # Maximum RF that can be stored in this machine # Min: 0 # Max: 1000000000 I:rfMaximum=50000 # How much RF/t this machine consumes during smelting ores # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:rfPerOre=10 # How much RF/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:rfPerTick=200 } valve { # The amount of RCL we process in one operation # Min: 1 # Max: 10000 I:rclPerOperation=100 # Amount of ticks needed to transfer one unit of RCL # Min: 1 # Max: 10000 I:ticksPerOperation=5 }