# Configuration file helper { # if true,it will draw highlight for missing items and item which can autocraft in nei B:drawHighlight=true # If true, Crafting Helper will match other items even they can't auto-crafting B:matchOnCraftableItems=true } other { # If true, it will make all similar ingredient switch at the same time B:allowSynchronousSwitchIngredient=true # The default size of the dragged ItemStack when it is put in slot(Used when useStackSizeFromNEI is false) I:draggedStackDefaultSize=1 B:enableNEIDragDrop=true # keep ghost items after click B:keepGhostitems=true # Use the NEI Drag from NEI Addons B:useNEIDragFromNEIAddons=false # Use the StackSize set by NEI B:useStackSizeFromNEI=true } transfer { # Item Combination Mode Setting, here are all the modes. # "ENABLED" "DISABLED" WHITELIST S:itemCombinationMode=ENABLED # Whitelist for item combination S:itemCombinationWhitelist < > # if true, you don't need to press shift to use NEI's transfer system in CratingTerminal and PatternTerminal B:noShift=true # If item in the blacklist, it will not be transferred. # the format is " {modid:modid,name:name,meta:meta,recipeProcessor:recipeProcessorID,identifier:identifier}" # example: "{modid:minecraft,name:iron_ingot,recipeProcessor:EnderIO,identifier:EnderIOAlloySmelter}" S:transformItemBlacklist < > # If item in the priority list, it will be transferred first. S:transformItemPriorityList < > # if oredict has this mod's item, use it first S:transformPriorityModList < > }