{ id: "028DA6F37C2062AB" group: "23AAC73AF75BB04B" order_index: 0 filename: "flux_network" title: "Flux Network" icon: "fluxnetworks:flux_core" default_quest_shape: "" default_hide_dependency_lines: false quests: [ { x: 0.0d y: 0.0d shape: "hexagon" subtitle: "Not for soldering!" description: ["The essence of Flux."] dependencies: ["7E82D27517E86C91"] id: "51B9EB8316EBBB3C" tasks: [{ id: "031DA6D70C73770D" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_dust" }] rewards: [{ id: "752ABAC153AA646D" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_dust" count: 16 }] } { x: 0.0d y: 2.0d description: [ "The brain of the network." "" "&lNetworks do not require a Flux Controller to operate." ] dependencies: ["51B9EB8316EBBB3C"] id: "3FC900494A214236" tasks: [{ id: "72313E38DA7C8365" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_controller" }] rewards: [{ id: "2D3943102A7C8FFE" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_configurator" }] } { x: -2.0d y: 0.0d description: ["Adding energy to the network."] dependencies: ["51B9EB8316EBBB3C"] id: "600ADD2AD47DFB99" tasks: [{ id: "0D1654C9600AEC18" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_plug" }] rewards: [{ id: "45E85F628C9ABB4C" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_core" count: 6 }] } { x: 2.0d y: 0.0d description: ["Removing energy from the network."] dependencies: ["51B9EB8316EBBB3C"] id: "4B7B32C78DB06313" tasks: [{ id: "1DE27FC27D81CF9F" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_point" }] rewards: [{ id: "733BD16E296F91F7" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_core" count: 6 }] } { x: 0.0d y: -2.0d description: [ "Flux Storage is used to store excess energy. It will only be filled once each Flux Point has received enough energy." "" "&lNetworks do not require a Flux Storage to operate." ] dependencies: ["51B9EB8316EBBB3C"] id: "45E489D74AF0335B" tasks: [{ id: "0F4F03C2E8369234" type: "item" title: "Flux Storage" icon: "fluxnetworks:basic_flux_storage" item: { id: "itemfilters:or" Count: 1b tag: { items: [ { id: "fluxnetworks:basic_flux_storage" Count: 1b } { id: "fluxnetworks:herculean_flux_storage" Count: 1b } { id: "fluxnetworks:gargantuan_flux_storage" Count: 1b } ] } } }] rewards: [{ id: "12548E04D2C4D2AA" type: "item" item: "fluxnetworks:flux_block" count: 4 }] } ] }