[client] #mod.chiselsandbits.config.client.settings.comment [client.settings] #When enabled allows cycling through the tool modes of the chisel using (sneak) right clicks. enable-right-click-mode-change = false #When enabled changes the "damage"-bar indicator to be completely full when the bag is completely empty. invert-bit-bag-fullness = false #When enabled this gives each chisel its own chisel mode, instead of having a chisel mode globally. per-chisel-mode = true #When enabled notifies you of changes to for example tool modes in the chat. chat-mode-notification = true #When enabled shows the newly selected tool-mode in the item name. item-name-mode-display = true [client.settings.enable] [client.settings.enable.toolbar] #When enabled shows the tool mode of tools in the toolbar. icons = true [client.settings.clipboard] #When enabled stores the data of broken chiseled blocks in your clipboard add-broken-blocks = false [client.settings.undo] #The maximum amount of undo operations that are kept in memory. If more operations are added to the undo list, the oldest operations are removed from the list. #Range: > -2147483648 max-count = 10 [client.settings.tape-measure] #The maximum amount measurements stored before the oldest ones are removed. #Range: > -2147483648 max-count = 10 #When enabled notifies you of measured sizes, measured with the tape measured, in the chat. display-in-chat = true [client.settings.radial] [client.settings.radial.menu] #The volume of the radial menu. Higher volume, makes the radial menu bigger. #Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 volume = 0.10000000149011612 [client.client] #Performance related client configuration. [client.client.performance] [client.client.performance.bit-storage] [client.client.performance.bit-storage.contents] [client.client.performance.bit-storage.contents.cache] #Determines the amount of models for the bit storage content, higher means more performance but also more memory usage. #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 size = 100 [client.client.performance.max-drawn-region] #The max hit box size of a chiselable region. Bigger requires more performance and more memory. #Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 size = 4.0 [client.client.performance.lighting] #When enabled dynamic model generation extracts light map data from the models face data. face-lightmap-extraction = true #When enabled extracts the light emittance data from the block-state during dynamic model generation. use-value = true [client.client.performance.vertexformats] [client.client.performance.vertexformats.custom] #When enabled this prevents custom vertex formats from working. disabled = true [client.client.performance.models] [client.client.performance.models.cache] #mod.chiselsandbits.config.client.performance.models.cache.size.comment #Range: 0 ~ 2000 size = 1000