# Configuration file general { # Set to false to disable this module. # Default: true B:ENABLE_MODULE=true mechanical_artisan { # The fluid capacity of the device's fluid tanks. # Default: 8000 I:FLUID_CAPACITY=8000 # The RF capacity of the device. # Default: 10000 I:RF_CAPACITY=10000 # The base amount of RF consumed per craft. # Default: 1000 I:RF_PER_CRAFT=1000 # Additional RF per item ingredient. # Default: 100 I:RF_PER_ITEM_INGREDIENT=100 # Additional RF per mB of fluid ingredient. # Default: 1 I:RF_PER_MB_FLUID_INGREDIENT=1 # The max transfer rate, RF per tick. # Default: 100 I:RF_PER_TICK=100 # The number of ticks required per craft. # Default: 200 I:TICKS_PER_CRAFT=220 } }