# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # miscelleaneous #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Some miscelleaneous but useful tweaks. ########################################################################################################## miscelleaneous { # Here you can add items to a material to allow the material to be made of that item. # The syntax is: MaterialID:AmountNeeded:AmountMatched:ModID:ItemID:Metadata # MaterialID: The id of the material. # AmountNeeded: The amount of items needed to make the matched amount. # AmountMatched: The amount of material this item is worth, 1 ingot is worth 144. # ModID: The mod id of the item. # ItemID: The id of the item. # Metadata: The metadata of the item (optional). [default: [stone:1:144:minecraft:bedrock:0]] S:"Material Additions" < stone:1:144:minecraft:bedrock:0 > # Here you can modify how toolparts can be created. # The syntax is: MaterialID:Craftable:Castable # MaterialID: The id of the material. # Craftable: Whether toolparts can be created on the part builder. # Castable: Whether toolparts can be created on the casting table. [default: [iron:true:true]] S:"Part Creation" < iron:true:true > # Here you can remove any material by adding its id to this list. # You can add :ModID at the end to only remove the material if it's added by a certain mod. [default: [paper]] S:"Remove Materials" < refined_iron_ingot inferium > # Here you can remove any modifier by adding its id to this list. [default: [mending_moss]] S:"Remove Modifiers" < > # Turning this option on will stop tinkers tools from being invincible (they can despawn and burn in lava). [default: true] B:"Tool Uninvincibility"=true # The syntax is: ModID:ItemID:MaterialCost # ModID: The mod id of the toolpart. # ItemID: The id of the toolpart. # MaterialCost: The amount of ingots the toolpart should cost. [default: [tconstruct:pick_head:3], [tconstruct:axe_head:3], [tconstruct:pan_head:4]] S:"Toolpart Cost" < tconstruct:pick_head:3 tconstruct:axe_head:3 tconstruct:pan_head:4 > } ########################################################################################################## # stat tweaks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tweaks to material stats ########################################################################################################## "stat tweaks" { # All defense and toughness values will be modified with this percentage. # Set to 100 to disable. [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 75] I:"Armor Nerf"=80 # Here you can change the stats of specific materials, this takes priority over the percentage nerfs. # The syntax is: MaterialID:CoreDurability:Defense:Modifier:PlatesDurability:Toughness:ExtraDurability # Set any value to d to keep it as the default value. [default: [iron:12.0:15.0:0.85:5.0:0.0:3.5]] S:"Armory Stat Tweaks" < crystalCertusQuartz:12.0:15.0:0.85:5.0:0.0:3.5 gemCertusQuartz:12.0:15.0:0.85:5.0:0.0:3.5 appliedenergistics:material:12.0:15.0:0.85:5.0:0.0:3.5 certusquartz:material:12.0:15.0:0.85:5.0:0.0:3.5 appliedenergistics2:certusquartz:12.0:15.0:0.85:5.0:0.0:3.5 certusquartz::12.0:15.0:0.85:5.0:0.0:3.5 auroriansteel:300.0:215.0:3.0:12.0:2.0:20 jade:250.0:200.0:10.0:100:15.0:75 > # Here you can change the stats of specific materials, this takes priority over the percentage nerfs. # The syntax is: MaterialID:Modifier:BonusAmmo # Set any value to d to keep it as the default value. [default: [wood:1.0:0]] S:"Arrow Shaft Stat Tweaks" < wood:1.0:0 > # All attack damage values will be modified with this percentage. # Set to 100 to disable. [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 75] I:"Attackdamage Nerf"=75 # Here you can change the stats of specific materials, this takes priority over the percentage nerfs. # The syntax is: MaterialID:Modifier # Set any value to d to keep it as the default value. [default: [string:1.0]] S:"Bowstring Stat Tweaks" < string:1.0 > # All durability values will be modified with this percentage. # Set to 100 to disable. [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 75] I:"Durability Nerf"=100 # Set this to true to fill the stat tweaks list below with all the default values for all materials # This option disables itself after filling the list and it will also delete any tweaks you already had, so be careful. [default: false] B:"Fill Defaults"=false # Here you can change the stats of specific materials, this takes priority over the percentage nerfs. # The syntax is: MaterialID:Accuracy:Modifier # Set any value to d to keep it as the default value. [default: [feather:1.0:1.0]] S:"Fletching Stat Tweaks" < feather:1.0:1.0 > # negative durability values are decreased further instead of increased when durabilitynerf is below 100, does the opposite for values above 100 [default: true] B:"Hardcore Nerfs"=true # All mining speed values will be modified with this percentage. # These options can also be used to buff stats, but just.... don't. [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 75] I:"Miningspeed Nerf"=120 # Here you can change the stats of specific materials, this takes priority over the percentage nerfs. # The syntax is: MaterialID:HeadDurability:MiningSpeed:AttackDamage:HarvestLevel:HandleModifier:HandleDurability:ExtraDurability:DrawSpeed:Range:BonusDamage # Set any value to d to keep it as the default value. [default: [stone:90:3.0:3:1:0.5:-87:15:5.0:0.4:-1.0]] S:"Stat Tweaks" < stone:90:3.0:3:1:0.5:-87:15:5.0:0.4:-1.0 auroriansteel:12000:30.0:40:7:2.5:40:200:0.8:5.0:30.0 jade:8000:24.0:60:7:3.0:200:300:0.3:7.5:120.0 > } ########################################################################################################## # trait tweaks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tweaks related to material traits. ########################################################################################################## "trait tweaks" { # Set this to true to fill the trait tweaks list below with all the default values for all materials # This option disables itself after filling the list and it will also delete any tweaks you already had, so be careful. [default: false] B:"Fill Defaults Traits"=false # Here you can change the traits of materials for certain parts or all parts. # The syntax is: MaterialID:Parts:Trait1,Trait2,etc. # To keep all existing traits add ":false" at the end [default: [paper:all:tasty], [paper:head:cheap], [paper:handle:autosmelt], [paper:extra:holy,hellish], [paper:bow:coldblooded], [paper:bowstring:crude], [paper:projectile:dense], [paper:shaft:heavy], [paper:fletching:alien]] S:"Trait tweaks" < gaia:head:alien,payback gaia:handle:alien,payback gaia:extra:alien,payback gaia:core:alien_armor,manarepair gaia:plates:alien_armor,manarepair gaia:trim:alien_armor,manarepair obsidiorite:head:alien obsidiorite:handle:alien obsidiorite:extra:alien obsidiorite:core:alien_armor obsidiorite:plates:alien_armor obsidiorite:trim:alien_armor dragonsteel_ice:head:freezing dragonsteel_ice:handle:heavy dragonsteel_ice:extra:heavy dragonsteel_ice:core:indomitable_armor dragonsteel_ice:plates:prideful_armor dragonsteel_ice:trim:steady_armor vibranium:all:dense vibranium:head:dense vibranium:extra:resonance vibranium:handle:resonance terrax:all:momentum terrax:head:momentum,magnetic terrax:extra:momentum terrax:handle:momentum soularium:all:flammable soularium:extra:splinters soularium:head:hellish soularium:core:superhot_armor soularium:plates:infernal_armor soularium:trim:vengeful_armor diamatine_actadd_plustic:head:lightweight,sharp diamatine_actadd_plustic:handle:lightweight diamatine_actadd_plustic:extra:lightweight diamatine_actadd_plustic:core:invigorating_armor diamatine_actadd_plustic:plates:invigorating_armor diamatine_actadd_plustic:trim:invigorating_armor imperomite:head:stalwart imperomite:handle:ecological imperomite:extra:ecological imperomite:core:mundane2_armor imperomite:plates:mundane2_armor imperomite:trim:mundane2_armor prometheum:head:enderference prometheum:handle:enderference prometheum:extra:enderference prometheum:core:shielding_armor prometheum:plates:magnetic2_armor prometheum:trim:magnetic2_armor enori_actadd_plustic:head:writable enori_actadd_plustic:handle:sharp enori_actadd_plustic:extra:sharp enori_actadd_plustic:core:magnetic1_armor enori_actadd_plustic:plates:steady_armor enori_actadd_plustic:trim:steady_armor jade:head:jaded,crumbling,botanical2 jade:handle:jaded,naturebound,crude2,mirable jade:extra:jaded,naturebound,crude2,analysing jade:bow:jaded,ratty,enderport-2 jade:core:alien_armor,mundane2_armor,petravidity_armor,camdaibay_armor jade:plates:alien_armor,shielding_armor,invigorating_armor jade:trim:alien_armor,ambitious_armor auroriansteel:head:aurorianempowered,alien,thaumic,sassy,insatiable auroriansteel:handle:aurorianempowered,alien,thaumic,shocking,precipitate auroriansteel:extra:aurorianempowered,alien,thaumic,shocking,precipitate auroriansteel:bow:aurorianempowered,alien,shocking,illuminati auroriansteel:core:alien_armor,mundane2_armor,dramatic_armor,blessed_armor auroriansteel:plates:alien_armor,shielding_armor,steady_armor auroriansteel:trim:alien_armor,ambitious_armor > }