# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # attributes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add attribute modifiers to entities to change their stats. Takes 4-6 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: entity;attribute;operator;value;dimension;child # entity: entity name # attribute: attribute name (Possible attributes: generic.maxHealth, generic.followRange, generic.knockbackResistance, generic.movementSpeed, generic.flyingSpeed, generic.attackDamage, generic.attackSpeed, generic.armor, generic.armorToughness, generic.luck) # operator: operator type (0 = add, 1 = multiply and add) # value: value which will be used for the calculation # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the entity should get the boost (optional! Leave this blank or use a "/" for any dimension) # child: 0 = the modifier doesn't care if the entity is a child or not, 1 = adults only, 2 = childs only (optional! Leave this blank for 0) ########################################################################################################## attributes { # Attributes: [default: [zombie;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [zombie_pigman;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [zombie_villager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [husk;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [stray;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [wither_skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;1], [slime;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [blaze;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [magma_cube;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [wither;generic.maxHealth;1;1], [vindication_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [evocation_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;1], [zombie;generic.followRange;0;30], [zombie_pigman;generic.followRange;0;30], [zombie_villager;generic.followRange;0;30], [husk;generic.followRange;0;30], [skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30], [stray;generic.followRange;0;30], [wither_skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30], [creeper;generic.followRange;0;30], [spider;generic.followRange;0;30], [slime;generic.followRange;0;30], [witch;generic.followRange;0;30], [blaze;generic.followRange;0;30], [ghast;generic.followRange;0;30], [magma_cube;generic.followRange;0;30], [vindication_illager;generic.followRange;0;30], [evocation_illager;generic.followRange;0;30], [zombie;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [zombie_pigman;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [zombie_villager;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [husk;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [vindication_illager;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [creeper;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5], [slime;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5], [magma_cube;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5]] S:attributesModifier < zombie;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 zombie_pigman;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 zombie_villager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 husk;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 stray;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 wither_skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;1 blaze;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 magma_cube;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 wither;generic.maxHealth;1;1.25 vindication_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 evocation_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;1 zombie;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 zombie_pigman;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 husk;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 vindication_illager;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 slime;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5 magma_cube;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5 wither;generic.maxHealth;1;2 vindication_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 evocation_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;1 zombie;generic.followRange;0;35 wither_skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30 creeper;generic.followRange;0;20 spider;generic.followRange;0;30 slime;generic.followRange;0;20 witch;generic.followRange;0;20 blaze;generic.followRange;0;30 ghast;generic.followRange;0;35 magma_cube;generic.followRange;0;20 vindication_illager;generic.followRange;0;30 evocation_illager;generic.followRange;0;30 > } ########################################################################################################## # batswarm #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options for the Bat Swarm attack. ########################################################################################################## batswarm { # How close a player must be before the bat swarm attacks. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 20] I:BatSwarm_BatAttackRange=20 # The number of bats that attack when a boss fires his Bat Swarm ability. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:BatSwarm_BatCount=3 # The cooldown (in seconds) before the boss can fire Bat Swarm again. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:BatSwarm_CoolDown=3 # How many half hearts (minus damage immunity) each bat does on attack. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 1] I:BatSwarm_Damage=1 # How much health each bat in the swarm has. [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 6] I:BatSwarm_Health=6 # How close a player must be to the boss before it will fire off a Bat Swarm attack. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 20] I:BatSwarm_UseRange=20 # Disable this if you don't want bosses to use Bat Swarm attacks. [default: true] B:_BatSwarm_Enabled=true } ########################################################################################################## # blaze #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect blaze features ########################################################################################################## blaze { # Set to false to disable ALL blaze features [default: true] B:_blazeFeaturesEnabled=true # Set to true to enable destoying blocks when a Blaze explodes on death. [default: false] B:blazeDeathExplosionDestroyBlocks=false # Explosion strength of the explosions, which blazes create on death # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 1.0] S:blazeDeathExplosionStrength=1.5 # Entities which count as blaze entities [default: [minecraft:blaze]] S:blazeEntities < minecraft:blaze thermalfoundation:basalz thermalfoundation:blizz thermalfoundation:blitz > # Set to false to prevent blazes from igniting entities which touch their hitbox [default: true] B:blazeFlameTouch=true # Set to false to prevent blazes from pushing attackers away [default: true] B:blazePushAttackersAway=true # Amount of damage done to attacker when pushed away. [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 1.0] S:blazePushStrength=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # bossfog #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options for adjusting the poisonous fog that shrouds all bosses. ########################################################################################################## bossfog { # The cooldown (in seconds) between each damage event while inside the fog. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:BossFog_DoTCoolDown=10 # How many half hearts the fog DoT does per hit. [range: 1 ~ 127, default: 1] I:BossFog_DoTDamage=1 # Should the player recieve a chat warning message when entering the poisonous fog? [default: true] B:BossFog_DoTWarning=true # Controls how frequent (in seconds) a player can be warned when entering boss fog. [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 60] I:BossFog_DoTWarningTime=60 # Change these three values between 0.0 and 1.0 to change the fog color. # Red, Green, Blue # [default: [0.1], [0.4], [0.1]] S:BossFog_FogColor < 0.1 0.4 0.1 > # This effects how far away from you before the fog is at maximum thickness. [range: 0 ~ 192, default: 10] I:BossFog_FogFarPlane=10 # This controls how thick/strong the fog is. [range: 0.0 ~ 0.8, default: 0.2] S:BossFog_FogFarPlaneScale=0.2 # Max distance from boss for fog to render. # Fog will only occur if you are within this distance [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 20] I:BossFog_FogMaxDist=5 # How far away from boss before fog begins to fade from maximum density. # Must be a value lower than BossFogMaxDist [range: 0 ~ 50, default: 1] I:BossFog_FogStartDist=1 # Disable this if you find the player cough sound annoying. # Only happens in poisonous fog. [default: true] B:BossFog_PlayerCough=false # If enabled, boss fog will cause poison damage over time. [default: true] B:_BossFog_DoTEnabled=true # Enable this to have thick colored fog around bosses. [default: true] B:_BossFog_Enabled=false } ########################################################################################################## # bossglobal #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Miscellaneous config options which affect all bosses ########################################################################################################## bossglobal { # Enable this to have a chat message warning of a boss spawn. [default: true] B:BossGlobal_SpawnWarning=false # Max bos spawn distance from a player that will trigger a warning. # Used for both chat messages and sounds. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 50] I:BossGlobal_SpawnWarningDistance=40 # Play a warning sound when a boss spawns. [default: true] B:BossGlobal_SpawnWarningSound=false } ########################################################################################################## # creeper #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect creeper features ########################################################################################################## creeper { # Set to false to disable ALL creeper features [default: true] B:_creeperFeaturesEnabled=true # If true creepers burn in sunlight [default: false] B:creeperCreeperBurn=true # If true creepers explode if they catch fire [default: false] B:creeperCreeperBurnExplosion=false # Entities which count as creeper entities [default: [minecraft:creeper]] S:creeperEntities < minecraft:creeper lcrdrfs:laser_creeper emberroot:creeper > # Creeper explosion radius # The vanilla default is 3 [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 4] I:creeperExplosionRadius=3 # Creeper fuse time (In ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second) # The vanilla default is 30 [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 20] I:creeperFuseTime=20 # Block range to the target in which creepers become invisible # Set to 0 to prevent creepers from becoming invisible [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 6.0] S:creeperInvisibleRange=5.0 } ########################################################################################################## # enderman #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect enderman features ########################################################################################################## enderman { # Set to false to disable ALL enderman features [default: true] B:_endermanFeaturesEnabled=true # Chance (1 in X) that an enderman applies the blindness effect to its target # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:endermanBlindChance=3 # Duration in ticks of the applied blindness effect (20 ticks = 1 second) [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:endermanBlindDuration=200 # Set this to false to prevent endermen from dropping an extra enderpearl on death [default: true] B:endermanDropEnderpearl=true # Entities which count as enderman entities [default: [minecraft:enderman]] S:endermanEntities < minecraft:enderman mightyenderchicken:ent_enderchicken > # If this item is somewhere in the players inventory, the player becomes immune to teleportation and item stealing # Leave this empty to disable this feature [default: minecraft:ender_eye] S:endermanImmunityItem=minecraft:ender_pearl # Chance (1 in X) that an enderman steals the targets held or equipped item to drop it on the ground # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:endermanStealItemChance=0 # Set this to false to prevent endermen from teleporting attackers away [default: true] B:endermanTeleportAttacker=true } ########################################################################################################## # endermite #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect endermite features ########################################################################################################## endermite { # Set to false to disable ALL endermite features [default: true] B:_endermiteFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as endermite entities [default: [minecraft:endermite]] S:endermiteEntities < minecraft:endermite > # If this item is somewhere in the players inventory, the player becomes immune to teleportation # Leave this empty to disable this feature [default: minecraft:ender_eye] S:endermiteImmunityItem=minecraft:ender_eye # Set this to false to prevent endermites from teleporting attackers away [default: true] B:endermiteTeleportAttacker=true # Set this to false to prevent endermites from applying the wither effect to near entities [default: true] B:endermiteWitherMobs=false } ########################################################################################################## # equipment_globaloptions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options to control equipment spawning across all mobs that can wear equipment. ########################################################################################################## equipment_globaloptions { # Set to true to disable baby zombies getting equipment. [default: true] B:Equipment_GlobalOptions_DisableBabyZombieEquipment=false # Should rough mobs get more gear based upon distance from world spawn? [default: true] B:Equipment_GlobalOptions_DistanceMultiplier=false # The distance threshold used to calculate the DistanceMultiplier. # Shorter distances here means mobs will have more gear closer to the World Spawn. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 1000] I:Equipment_GlobalOptions_DistanceThreshold=1000 # Should rough mobs get more gear as it gets closer to midnight? [default: true] B:Equipment_GlobalOptions_TimeMultiplier=true } ########################################################################################################## # gamestages #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options for enabling/disabling Game Stages. # The mod Game Stages must be installed for these features to work. # # Stages to give player in-game: # # roughmobsall - gives all stages at once. # roughmobsequip - allows mobs to spawn with equipment. # roughmobsenchant - allows mob gear to be enchanted. # roughmobsboss - allows some mobs to be bosses. # roughmobsabils - allows mobs to have special abilities. ########################################################################################################## gamestages { B:GameStages_Abilities=false B:GameStages_All=false B:GameStages_Bosses=false B:GameStages_Enchantments=false B:GameStages_Equipment=false } ########################################################################################################## # ghast #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect ghast features ########################################################################################################## ghast { # Set to false to disable ALL ghast features [default: true] B:_ghastFeaturesEnabled=true # Set to false to prevent ghasts from dropping primed TNT on their targets [default: true] B:ghastDropTnt=true # Entities which count as ghast entities [default: [minecraft:ghast]] S:ghastEntities < minecraft:ghast > # Ghast fireball explosion radius # The vanilla default is 1 [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:ghastExplosionRadius=3 # Set to false to prevent ghasts from being immune to projectiles [default: true] B:ghastProjectileImmunity=true } ########################################################################################################## # guardian #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect guardian features ########################################################################################################## guardian { # Set to false to disable ALL guardian features [default: true] B:_guardianFeaturesEnabled=true # Set to false to prevent guardians from dropping water on death [default: true] B:guardianDropWater=true # Entities which count as guardian entities [default: [minecraft:guardian], [minecraft:elder_guardian]] S:guardianEntities < minecraft:guardian minecraft:elder_guardian > } ########################################################################################################## # hostilehorse #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect hostileHorse features ########################################################################################################## hostilehorse { # Set to false to disable ALL hostileHorse features [default: true] B:_hostileHorseFeaturesEnabled=true # Set this to false to prevent undead horses from burning in sunlight (as long as they have no rider) [default: true] B:hostileHorseBurn=true # Set to false to prevent undead horses summoned through this mod from despawning [default: true] B:hostileHorseCanDespawn=true # Entities which count as hostileHorse entities [default: [minecraft:zombie_horse], [minecraft:skeleton_horse]] S:hostileHorseEntities < minecraft:zombie_horse minecraft:skeleton_horse > # Chance (1 in X) that a random skeleton or zombie starts riding unmounted hostile horses around it [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:hostileHorseRandomRiderChance=3 # Range for hostileHorse to search rider [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 32] I:hostileHorseRangeToSearchRider=32 } ########################################################################################################## # magma cube #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect magma cube features ########################################################################################################## "magma cube" { # Set to false to disable ALL magma cube features [default: true] B:"_magma cubeFeaturesEnabled"=true # Set to false to prevent small magma cubes from dropping lava on death [default: true] B:"magma cubeDropLava"=true # Entities which count as magma cube entities [default: [minecraft:magma_cube]] S:"magma cubeEntities" < minecraft:magma_cube > # Set to false to prevent magma cubes from regenerating health while in lava [default: true] B:"magma cubeRegenInLava"=true } ########################################################################################################## # potion #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect potion features ########################################################################################################## potion { # Set to false to disable ALL potion features [default: true] B:_potionFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as potion entities [default: [minecraft:potion]] S:potionEntities < minecraft:potion > } ########################################################################################################## # silverfish #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect silverfish features ########################################################################################################## silverfish { # Set to false to disable ALL silverfish features [default: true] B:_silverfishFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as silverfish entities [default: [minecraft:silverfish]] S:silverfishEntities < minecraft:silverfish > # Chance (1 in X) to split a silverfish in two when attacked # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:silverfishSplitChance=3 } ########################################################################################################## # skeleton #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect skeleton features ########################################################################################################## skeleton { # Set to false to disable ALL skeleton features [default: true] B:_skeletonFeaturesEnabled=true # Bow cooldown of skeletons in ticks (The vanilla default is 20) [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 0] I:skeletonBowCooldown=0 # Set this to false to prevent skeletons from switching their weapons [default: true] B:skeletonChangeWeapons=true # Entities which count as skeleton entities [default: [minecraft:skeleton], [minecraft:stray], [minecraft:wither_skeleton]] S:skeletonEntities < minecraft:skeleton minecraft:stray emberroot:skeleton_frozen mekanism:babyskeleton minecraft:wither_skeleton > # Set this to true to make all skeletons burn in sunlight even if they wear a helmet [default: false] B:skeletonHelmetBurn=false # Chance (1 in X) that a skeleton spawns riding a skeleton horse # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:skeletonHorseChance=10 # Minimal Y position above skeleton horses may spawn [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 63] I:skeletonHorseMinY=63 # Chance (1 in X) for a newly spawned skeleton to become a boss skeleton [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:skeleton_BossChance=0 # skeleton boss names. Please be more creative than I am... :P [default: [Lich King], [Skeleton Lord], [Stallord], [Skeletron], [Skeletron Prime], [Krosis], [Wolnir], [Stalmaster]] S:skeleton_BossNames < MichaelScott Skeleton Lord Shadow Spawn Kappa Knight Vyraal Thrall Saerethian Soldier ThatGuyOverThere Joco-loco Random51ck IrsMohtar Lachianious Kel WeebLordDay Turtlezo Resminzare Tazzo FakoTheGreat 5ullyan Genniesan Stallord Agent of Blue Dman Teamy Skeletron Naecrolite Krosis Wolnir Stalmaster Karen Chad Rick > } ########################################################################################################## # skeletonbossequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned skeleton boss. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## skeletonbossequipment { # Chance (per slot) that the skeleton boss drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:_skeletonbossEquipmentDropChance=0.2 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:_skeletonbossEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=1.0 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their boots slot [default: [diamond_boots;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentBoots < diamond_boots;1 diamond_boots;1 iron_boots;1 thaumcraft:thaumium_boots;1 botania:manaweaveboots;2 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_boots;3 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_boots;3 mekanism:freerunners;1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their chestplate slot [default: [diamond_chestplate;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentChestplate < diamond_chestplate;2 iceandfire:armor_gray_chestplate;1 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_chestplate;4 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_chestplate;4 thaumcraft:thaumium_chest;3 > # Helmets which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their helmet slot [default: [diamond_helmet;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentHelmet < diamond_helmet;3 cyberware:shades2;5 openblocks:technicolor_glasses;2 openblocks:sonic_glasses;3 iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_helmet;5 cyclicmagic:glowing_helmet;2 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_helmet;5 iceandfire:tide_blue_helmet;1 theoneprobe:diamond_helmet_probe;3 > # Leggings which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their leggings slot [default: [diamond_leggings;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentLeggings < diamond_leggings;2 thaumcraft:thaumium_legs;2 thaumcraft:cloth_legs;2 botania:manaweavelegs;3 thaumcraft:void_legs;1 minecraft:iron_leggings;4 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton boss in their mainhand [default: [diamond_sword;3], [diamond_axe;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentMainhand < bloodmagic:sentient_bow;3 botania:livingwoodbow;2 iceandfire:dragonbone_bow;2 thermalfoundation:tool.bow_steel;3 diamond_sword;3 animus:kama_diamond;2 animus:kama_bound;1 actuallyadditions:item_sword_quartz;3 botania:manasteelsword;3 thermalfoundation:tool.sickle_steel;3 randomthings:spectresword;2 iceandfire:stymphalian_bird_dagger;1 plants2:crystal_sword;4 thaumcraft:thaumium_sword;3 netherbackport:netheritesword;2 iceandfire:hippogryph_sword;2 iceandfire:dragonbone_sword;2 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton boss in their offhand [default: [shield;2], [diamond_sword;1], [diamond_axe;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentOffhand < shield;4 thermalfoundation:tool.shield_steel;4 thermalfoundation:tool.shield_diamond;3 redstonearsenal:tool.shield_flux;1 enderio:item_end_steel_shield;1 enderio:item_dark_steel_shield;1 diamond_sword;3 animus:kama_diamond;2 animus:kama_bound;1 actuallyadditions:item_sword_quartz;3 botania:manasteelsword;3 thermalfoundation:tool.sickle_steel;3 randomthings:spectresword;2 iceandfire:stymphalian_bird_dagger;1 plants2:crystal_sword;4 thaumcraft:thaumium_sword;3 netherbackport:netheritesword;2 iceandfire:hippogryph_sword;2 iceandfire:dragonbone_sword;2 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 smite;2 bane_of_arthropods;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 fire_aspect;5;-1 > } ########################################################################################################## # skeletonequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned skeleton. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## skeletonequipment { # Chance (1 in X per piece) to give a skeleton new armor on spawn. # Set to 0 to disable new armor. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 4] I:_skeletonEquipmentArmorChance=4 # Chance (per slot) that the skeleton drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.085] S:_skeletonEquipmentDropChance=0.085 # Chance (1 in X per item) to enchant newly given items # Set to 0 to disable item enchanting [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 8] I:_skeletonEquipmentEnchantChance=8 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:_skeletonEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=0.5 # Chance (1 in X per hand) to give a skeleton new weapons on spawn. # NOTE: Bosses always spawn with weapons. # Set to 0 to disable new weapons [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 1] I:_skeletonEquipmentWeaponChance=1 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:skeletonEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a skeleton in their boots slot [default: [leather_boots;3;0], [chainmail_boots;2], [golden_boots;1], [iron_boots;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentBoots < leather_boots;3;0 chainmail_boots;2 golden_boots;1 iron_boots;4;-1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a skeleton in their chestplate slot [default: [leather_chestplate;3;0], [chainmail_chestplate;2], [golden_chestplate;1], [iron_chestplate;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentChestplate < leather_chestplate;3;0 chainmail_chestplate;2 golden_chestplate;1 iron_chestplate;4;-1 > # Helmets which can be worn by a skeleton in their helmet slot [default: [leather_helmet;3;0], [chainmail_helmet;2], [golden_helmet;1], [iron_helmet;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentHelmet < leather_helmet;3;0 chainmail_helmet;2 golden_helmet;1 iron_helmet;4;-1 > # Leggings which can be worn by a skeleton in their leggings slot [default: [leather_leggings;3;0], [chainmail_leggings;2], [golden_leggings;1], [iron_leggings;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentLeggings < leather_leggings;3;0 chainmail_leggings;2 golden_leggings;1 iron_leggings;4;-1 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton in their mainhand [default: [bow;1]] S:skeletonEquipmentMainhand < bow;5 bloodmagic:sentient_bow;3 botania:livingwoodbow;2 iceandfire:dragonbone_bow;2 thermalfoundation:tool.bow_steel;3 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton in their offhand [default: [wooden_axe;3;0], [wooden_sword;3;0], [stone_pickaxe;2], [stone_axe;2], [stone_sword;2], [iron_pickaxe;1], [golden_sword;1], [golden_axe;1], [iron_axe;3;-1], [iron_sword;3;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentOffhand < iron_pickaxe;1 golden_sword;1 golden_axe;1 iron_axe;3;-1 iron_sword;3;-1 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 smite;2 bane_of_arthropods;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 fire_aspect;5;-1 > } ########################################################################################################## # slime #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect slime features ########################################################################################################## slime { # Set to false to disable ALL slime features [default: true] B:_slimeFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as slime entities [default: [minecraft:slime], [minecraft:magma_cube]] S:slimeEntities < minecraft:slime minecraft:magma_cube > # Amount of extra knockback a slime deals # Calculated with this value times the slime size # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 0.2] S:slimeKnockBackMultiplier=0.2 # Chance (1 in X minus slime size) that a bigger slime summons a baby slime when hit # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 6] I:slimeSplitChance=6 } ########################################################################################################## # spawnconditions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect when Rough Mobs can spawn ########################################################################################################## spawnconditions { # Set maximum height for Rough Mobs to spawn. Works in conjunction with MustBeUnderground. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 256] I:SpawnConditions_MaxSpawnHeight=256 # Set the minimum distance from the world spawn before a Rough Mob can spawn. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:SpawnConditions_MinDistanceFromSpawn=0 # Player's Minecraft Experience Level required before a Rough Mob will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 0] I:SpawnConditions_MinPlayerLevel=0 # Enable this to require Rough Mobs be underground in order to spawn. [default: false] B:SpawnConditions_MustBeUnderground=false } ########################################################################################################## # spawnentries #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add custom entity spawn entries or override old ones. Takes 5+ values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: entity;chance;min;max;type;biome1;biome2;... # entity: Entity name # chance: Spawn chance # min: Minimal group size. Must be greater than 0 # max: Maximal group size # type: Spawn Type (AMBIENT = day and night, CREATURE = day only, MONSTER = night only and not in peaceful mode, WATER_CREATURE = only in water) # biomes: Biome name/id/type (Can be more than one). Put a "!" in front of the biome to revert this feature and disable entity spawning in the biome. Use OVERWORLD for all non nether/end biomes (Doesn't work with BoP hell biomes). Leave this blank for every biome! ########################################################################################################## spawnentries { # Set to true to disable spawning of baby zombies. [default: false] B:spawnEntries_DisableBabyZombies=false # [default: [wither_skeleton;30;1;5;MONSTER;8], [blaze;30;1;5;MONSTER;8], [magma_cube;30;1;3;MONSTER;8]] S:spawnEntries_List < > } ########################################################################################################## # spider #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect spider features ########################################################################################################## spider { # Set to false to disable ALL spider features [default: true] B:_spiderFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as spider entities [default: [minecraft:spider], [minecraft:cave_spider]] S:spiderEntities < minecraft:spider minecraft:cave_spider lcrdrfs:jet_pack_spider > # The fall damage spiders take is multiplied by this value (0.0 means no fall damage, 1.0 means normal full damage) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0] S:spiderIgnoreFallDamageMult=0.0 # Range for spider to search rider [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 32] I:spiderRangeToSearchRider=32 # Chance (1 in X) for a spider to spawn with another entity riding it # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:spiderRiderChance=10 # Chance (1 in X) that a randomly spawned entity from the RiderEntities list can start riding on random spiders # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:spiderRiderChanceRandom=0 # Entities which may ride on spiders [default: [zombie], [skeleton], [witch], [cave_spider]] S:spiderRiderEntities < zombie skeleton creeper wither_skeleton witch cave_spider > # Chance (1 in X) for a spider to apply the slowness effect on attack # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 1] I:spiderSlownessChance=1 # Set this to false to prevent spiders from creating webs on slowed targets [default: true] B:spiderSlownessCreateWeb=true # Duration in ticks of the applied slowness effect (20 ticks = 1 second) [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:spiderSlownessDuration=200 } ########################################################################################################## # targetattacker #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Entities always attack these targets. # e.g. Zombies always attack pigs. # Takes 2 arguments divided by a semicolon per entry. victim;attacker # victim: The entity which should be attacked (entity name) # attacker: the attacker entity (entity name) # Multiple entries for the same victim or attacker are allowed # Use "*" instead of the victim or attacker if you want this for all entities except players ########################################################################################################## targetattacker { # Set to true to enable the target attacker feature. [default: false] B:targetAttacker_Enabled=false # Disable to require spawn conditions be met in order for target attacker feature to work. [default: true] B:targetAttacker_IgnoreSpawnConditions=true # [default: [pig;zombie], [sheep;zombie], [sheep;skeleton]] S:targetAttacker_List < pig;zombie sheep;zombie sheep;skeleton > } ########################################################################################################## # targetblocker #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Entities which can't be targeted by other entities. # e.g. Skeletons can't target other Skeletons by shooting them accidentally # Takes 2 arguments divided by a semicolon per entry. victim;attacker # victim: The entity which should not be targeted if attacked by the attacker (entity name) # attacker: the attacker entity which can't target the victim (entity name) # Use "*" instead of the victim or attacker if you want this for all entities except players ########################################################################################################## targetblocker { # Set to true to enable the target blocker feature. [default: false] B:targetBlocker_Enabled=false # [default: [zombie;*], [zombie_pigman;*], [zombie_villager;*], [husk;*], [skeleton;*], [stray;*], [wither_skeleton;*], [slime;*], [blaze;*], [magma_cube;*], [wither;*], [vindication_illager;*], [evocation_illager;*], [creeper;*], [spider;*], [cave_spider;*], [witch;*], [ghast;*]] S:targetBlocker_List < zombie;* zombie_pigman;* zombie_villager;* husk;* skeleton;* stray;* wither_skeleton;* slime;* blaze;* magma_cube;* wither;* vindication_illager;* evocation_illager;* creeper;* spider;* cave_spider;* witch;* ghast;* > } ########################################################################################################## # witch #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect witch features ########################################################################################################## witch { # Set to false to disable ALL witch features [default: true] B:_witchFeaturesEnabled=true # Potion effects which may be added to nearby mobs # Format: effect;amplifier [default: [strength;1], [resistance;2], [speed;2]] S:witchApplyEffectsNames < strength;1 resistance;2 speed;2 > # Range in each direction from the witches position in which allied mobs get buffed # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 10.0] S:witchApplyEffectsRange=20.0 # Amount of bats which spawn on witches death # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 5] I:witchBatsOnDeath=5 # Entities which count as witch entities [default: [minecraft:witch]] S:witchEntities < minecraft:witch > # Chance (1 in X) for a witches thrown potion to become a lingering potion # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 5] I:witchLingeringChance=5 } ########################################################################################################## # wither #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect wither features ########################################################################################################## wither { # Set to false to disable ALL wither features [default: true] B:_witherFeaturesEnabled=true # Set to false to turn off knockback damage. [default: true] B:witherEnableKnockBackDamage=true # Entities which count as wither entities [default: [minecraft:wither]] S:witherEntities < minecraft:wither > # Set to false to prevent withers from pushing attackers away. [default: true] B:witherPushAttackersAway=true # Delay in ticks between each spawned Skeleton # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:witherSummonSkeletonTimer=200 } ########################################################################################################## # zombie #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect zombie features ########################################################################################################## zombie { # Set to false to disable ALL zombie features [default: true] B:_zombieFeaturesEnabled=true # Set this to false to prevent baby zombies from burning in sunlight [default: true] B:zombieBabyBurn=true # Blocks which can be destroyed by zombies if they have no attack target # Delete all lines to disable this feature [default: [minecraft:carrots], [minecraft:potatoes], [minecraft:wheat], [minecraft:nether_wart], [minecraft:reeds], [minecraft:beetroots], [minecraft:pumpkin_stem], [minecraft:melon_stem], [minecraft:pumpkin], [minecraft:hay_block], [minecraft:melon_block], [minecraft:torch], [minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp], [minecraft:lit_pumpkin]] S:zombieBreakBlocks < > # Entities which count as zombie entities [default: [minecraft:zombie], [minecraft:zombie_villager], [minecraft:husk], [minecraft:zombie_pigman]] S:zombieEntities < minecraft:zombie roughmobsrevamped:bosszombie minecraft:zombie_villager minecraft:husk minecraft:zombie_pigman thaumcraft:brainyzombie > # Set this to true to make all zombies burn in sunlight even if they wear a helmet [default: false] B:zombieHelmetBurn=false # Chance (1 in X) that a zombie spawns riding a zombie horse # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:zombieHorseChance=10 # Minimal Y position above zombie horses may spawn [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 63] I:zombieHorseMinY=63 # Chance (1 in X) for a zombie to apply the hunger effect on attack # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 1] I:zombieHungerChance=1 # Duration in ticks of the applied hunger effect (20 ticks = 1 second) [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:zombieHungerDuration=200 # Chance (1 in X) for a zombie to leap to the target # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 5] I:zombieLeapChance=5 # Amount of blocks the zombie jumps on leap attack [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 0.2] S:zombieLeapHeight=0.2 # Chance (1 in X) for a newly spawned zombie to become a boss zombie [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:zombie_BossChance=0 # zombie boss names. Please be more creative than I am... :P [default: [Zombie King], [Flesh King], [Dr. Zomboss], [Azog], [Zon-Goku], [Amy], [Z0mb3y]] S:zombie_BossNames < Brougha Gaturn Fezzik Gregg Klapdud Nurghed ThatGuy Joco223 Random51 Tasslehoff IrsMoh Lachian Neeve Kel Edge Lord Day Turtle Resminz Tazz 5ully Gennie Saebot 9000 Vyraaltron 9000 Sunodagh Ghazat Eggha Zurbag Ushamph Durzub > } ########################################################################################################## # zombie pigman #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect zombie pigman features ########################################################################################################## "zombie pigman" { # Set to false to disable ALL zombie pigman features [default: true] B:"_zombie pigmanFeaturesEnabled"=true # The range at which zombie pigmen will be aggressive to the player. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:"zombie pigmanAggressionRange"=10 # Chance (1 in X) that a zombie pigman gets aggressive if the player breaks nearby blocks [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:"zombie pigmanAggressiveBlockChance"=10 # Block radius in which zombie pigman get aggressive if the player breaks blocks [range: 1.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 20.0] S:"zombie pigmanAggressiveBlockRange"=20.0 # Set to false to prevent zombie pigman from getting aggressive if the player touches its hitbox [default: false] B:"zombie pigmanAggressiveTouch"=false # Set to true for zombie pigmen to always be aggressive [default: true] B:"zombie pigmanAlwaysAggressive"=false # Entities which count as zombie pigman entities [default: [minecraft:zombie_pigman]] S:"zombie pigmanEntities" < minecraft:zombie_pigman > } ########################################################################################################## # zombiebossequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned zombie boss. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## zombiebossequipment { # Chance (per slot) that the zombie boss drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:_zombiebossEquipmentDropChance=0.2 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:_zombiebossEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=1.0 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:zombiebossEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 mending;1 frost_walker;4 unbreaking;5 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a zombie boss in their boots slot [default: [diamond_boots;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentBoots < diamond_boots;1 thaumcraft:thaumium_boots;1 botania:manaweaveboots;2 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_boots;3 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_boots;3 mekanism:freerunners;1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a zombie boss in their chestplate slot [default: [diamond_chestplate;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentChestplate < diamond_chestplate;2 iceandfire:armor_gray_chestplate;1 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_chestplate;4 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_chestplate;4 thaumcraft:thaumium_chest;3 > # Helmets which can be worn by a zombie boss in their helmet slot [default: [diamond_helmet;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentHelmet < diamond_helmet;3 cyberware:shades2;5 openblocks:technicolor_glasses;2 openblocks:sonic_glasses;3 iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_helmet;5 cyclicmagic:glowing_helmet;2 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_helmet;5 iceandfire:tide_blue_helmet;1 theoneprobe:diamond_helmet_probe;3 > # Leggings which can be worn by a zombie boss in their leggings slot [default: [diamond_leggings;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentLeggings < diamond_leggings;2 thaumcraft:thaumium_legs;2 thaumcraft:cloth_legs;2 botania:manaweavelegs;3 thaumcraft:void_legs;1 minecraft:iron_leggings;4 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie boss in their mainhand [default: [diamond_sword;3], [diamond_axe;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentMainhand < diamond_sword;3 animus:kama_diamond;2 animus:kama_bound;1 actuallyadditions:item_sword_quartz;3 botania:manasteelsword;3 thermalfoundation:tool.sickle_steel;3 randomthings:spectresword;2 iceandfire:stymphalian_bird_dagger;1 plants2:crystal_sword;4 thaumcraft:thaumium_sword;3 netherbackport:netheritesword;2 iceandfire:hippogryph_sword;2 iceandfire:dragonbone_sword;2 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie boss in their offhand [default: [shield;2], [diamond_sword;1], [diamond_axe;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentOffhand < shield;4 thermalfoundation:tool.shield_steel;4 thermalfoundation:tool.shield_diamond;3 redstonearsenal:tool.shield_flux;1 enderio:item_end_steel_shield;1 enderio:item_dark_steel_shield;1 diamond_sword;3 animus:kama_diamond;2 animus:kama_bound;1 actuallyadditions:item_sword_quartz;3 botania:manasteelsword;3 thermalfoundation:tool.sickle_steel;3 randomthings:spectresword;2 iceandfire:stymphalian_bird_dagger;1 plants2:crystal_sword;4 thaumcraft:thaumium_sword;3 netherbackport:netheritesword;2 iceandfire:hippogryph_sword;2 iceandfire:dragonbone_sword;2 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 mending;1 unbreaking;5 fire_aspect;5;-1 > } ########################################################################################################## # zombieequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned zombie. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## zombieequipment { # Chance (1 in X per piece) to give a zombie new armor on spawn. # Set to 0 to disable new armor. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 4] I:_zombieEquipmentArmorChance=4 # Chance (per slot) that the zombie drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.085] S:_zombieEquipmentDropChance=0.085 # Chance (1 in X per item) to enchant newly given items # Set to 0 to disable item enchanting [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 8] I:_zombieEquipmentEnchantChance=8 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:_zombieEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=0.5 # Chance (1 in X per hand) to give a zombie new weapons on spawn. # NOTE: Bosses always spawn with weapons. # Set to 0 to disable new weapons [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:_zombieEquipmentWeaponChance=3 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:zombieEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a zombie in their boots slot [default: [leather_boots;3;0], [chainmail_boots;2], [golden_boots;1], [iron_boots;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentBoots < leather_boots;3;0 chainmail_boots;2 golden_boots;1 iron_boots;4;-1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a zombie in their chestplate slot [default: [leather_chestplate;3;0], [chainmail_chestplate;2], [golden_chestplate;1], [iron_chestplate;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentChestplate < leather_chestplate;3;0 chainmail_chestplate;2 golden_chestplate;1 iron_chestplate;4;-1 > # Helmets which can be worn by a zombie in their helmet slot [default: [leather_helmet;3;0], [chainmail_helmet;2], [golden_helmet;1], [iron_helmet;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentHelmet < leather_helmet;3;0 chainmail_helmet;2 golden_helmet;1 iron_helmet;4;-1 > # Leggings which can be worn by a zombie in their leggings slot [default: [leather_leggings;3;0], [chainmail_leggings;2], [golden_leggings;1], [iron_leggings;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentLeggings < leather_leggings;3;0 chainmail_leggings;2 golden_leggings;1 iron_leggings;4;-1 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie in their mainhand [default: [wooden_axe;3;0], [wooden_sword;3;0], [stone_pickaxe;2], [stone_axe;2], [stone_sword;2], [iron_pickaxe;1], [golden_sword;1], [golden_axe;1], [iron_axe;3;-1], [iron_sword;3;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentMainhand < iron_pickaxe;1 golden_sword;1 golden_axe;1 iron_axe;3;-1 iron_sword;3;-1 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie in their offhand [default: [wooden_axe;3;0], [wooden_sword;3;0], [stone_pickaxe;2], [stone_axe;2], [stone_sword;2], [iron_pickaxe;1], [golden_sword;1], [golden_axe;1], [shield;5], [iron_axe;3;-1], [iron_sword;3;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentOffhand < iron_pickaxe;1 golden_sword;1 golden_axe;1 shield;5 iron_axe;3;-1 iron_sword;3;-1 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 smite;2 bane_of_arthropods;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 fire_aspect;5;-1 > }