# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This config contains all of the default Hunger Overhaul settings. # It's intended to serve as an easy backup for returning to the defaults. # To use, rename this file to HungerOverhaul.cfg (overwriting your current HungerOverhaul.cfg) ########################################################################################################## " " { } ########################################################################################################## # custom field #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options for enabling and manipulating a custom field in Villages ########################################################################################################## "custom field" { # Adds a custom field to villages [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addCustomVillageField=true # Weighted chance for custom field to contain 'normal' crops [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 70] I:fieldNormalWeight=70 # Weighted chance for custom field to contain reeds [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:fieldReedWeight=10 # Weighted chance for custom field to contain pumpkins/melons [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:fieldStemWeight=10 } ########################################################################################################## # delays #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Delays for various obtaining food related activities ########################################################################################################## delays { # Multiplier applied to the delay between breeding entities [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:breedingTimeoutMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes cactus to grow [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:cactusRegrowthMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier applied to the delay before children become adults [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:childDurationMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes cocoa to grow [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:cocoaRegrowthMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes a non-tree crop to grow [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:cropRegrowthMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes food to dry on Tinkers' Construct drying racks [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:dryingRackTimeMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier applied to the delay between chicken egg laying [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:eggTimeoutMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes a WeeeFlower crop to grow [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 1.0] I:flowerRegrowthMultiplier=1.0 # Delay (in minutes) after milking a cow before it can be milked again [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:milkedTimeout=20 # Multiplier on the time it takes nether wart to grow [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:netherWartRegrowthMultiplier=4.0 # Multipier on crop growth time without sunlight (1 to disable feature, 0 to make crops only grow in sunlight) [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 2.0] I:noSunlightRegrowthMultiplier=2.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes a sapling to grow into a tree [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:saplingRegrowthMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes sugarcane to grow [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:sugarcaneRegrowthMultiplier=4.0 # Multiplier on the time it takes a tree crop to grow [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] I:treeCropRegrowthMultiplier=4.0 # Multipier on crop growth time (except sugarcane) in the wrong biome (1 to disable feature, 0 to make crops only grow in correct biome) [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 2.0] I:wrongBiomeRegrowthMultiplier=2.0 # Multipier on sugarcane growth time in the wrong biome (1 to disable feature, 0 to make sugarcane only grow in correct biome) [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 2.0] I:wrongBiomeRegrowthMultiplierSugarcane=2.0 } ########################################################################################################## # difficulty scaling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options to scale the difficulty of certain elements based on game difficulty ########################################################################################################## "difficulty scaling" { # Enable/Disable all difficulty scaling effect in one setting [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:difficultyScaling=true # Effects of bone meal dependant of difficulty ('difficultyScaling' and 'modifyBonemealGrowth' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:difficultyScalingBoneMeal=true # Negative effects on low health/hunger scale by difficulty ('difficultyScaling' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:difficultyScalingEffects=true # Healing rate scales by difficulty ('difficultyScaling' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:difficultyScalingHealing=true # Hunger loss rate scales by difficulty ('difficultyScaling' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:difficultyScalingHunger=true # Hunger value after respawn is affected by difficulty ('difficultyScaling' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:difficultyScalingRespawnHunger=true } ########################################################################################################## # food #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Food related options ########################################################################################################## food { # Add tooltips to food items showing hints at food value [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addFoodTooltips=true # Adds a 'well fed' effect that gives slight health regen [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addWellFedEffect=true # Food values not manually set (see 'useHOFoodValues') will have their hunger value divided by this ('modifyFoodValues' must be true) [vanilla: 1.0] [range: -3.4028235E38 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0] S:foodHungerDivider=4.0 # Food values not manually set (see 'useHOFoodValues') will have their saturation modifier set to divided by this ('modifyFoodValues' must be true) # Set to 0 to disable [vanilla: 0.0] [range: -3.4028235E38 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 20.0] S:foodHungerToSaturationDivider=20.0 # Food values not manually set (see 'useHOFoodValues') will have their saturation modifier divided by this ('modifyFoodValues' must be true) # Note: Gets applied after 'foodHungerToSaturationDivider' [vanilla: 1.0] [range: -3.4028235E38 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 1.0] S:foodSaturationDivider=1.0 # Multiplier on the stack size of food ('modifyFoodStackSize' must be true) [vanilla: 1] [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 1] I:foodStackSizeMultiplier=1 # Changes the eating animation speed to be dependant on the food's replenishment value [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyFoodEatingSpeed=true # Changes the stack size of food to be dependant on the food's replenishment value [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyFoodStackSize=true # Enables/disables all food value modification [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyFoodValues=true # Enables/disables Hunger Overhaul manually setting the food values for supported mods ('modifyFoodValues' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:useHOFoodValues=true } ########################################################################################################## # getting seeds #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options for obtaining seeds ########################################################################################################## "getting seeds" { # Adds a crafting recipe to turn 1 wheat into 1 seed [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addSeedsCraftingRecipe=true # Each seed has an equal chance to drop (grass drops and via hoes) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:allSeedsEqual=true # Multiplier on tool damage taken when a hoe is used ('modifyHoeUse' must be true) [vanilla: 1] [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:hoeToolDamageMultiplier=5 # Changes the use of hoes depending on the availability of water [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyHoeUse=true # Whether wood and stone hoe recipes are removed [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:removeHoeRecipes=true # Removes seed drops when breaking tall grass [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:removeTallGrassSeeds=true # Percent chance for seed to drop from hoe use on normal difficulty ('modifyHoeUse' must be true) [vanilla: 20] [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 20] I:seedChance=20 } ########################################################################################################## # harvestcraft #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to HarvestCraft. # §cOnly works if HarvestCraft is installed! ########################################################################################################## harvestcraft { # Add HarvestCraft crop produce to the items farmer villagers will buy (HarvestCraft) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addCropTradesFarmer=true # HarvestCraft items added to dungeon/temple chests (Harvestcraft) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addHarvestCraftChestLoot=true # Add HarvestCraft saplings to the items farmer villagers will sell (HarvestCraft) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addSaplingTradesFarmer=true # Add high tier HarvestCraft foods to the items butcher villagers will sell (HarvestCraft) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addTradesButcher=true # Weighted chance for food to be found in chests (addHarvestCraftChestLoot must be true) [vanilla: 5] [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:chestLootChance=5 # Max stack size for food to be found in chests (addHarvestCraftChestLoot must be true) [vanilla: 64] [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 16] I:chestLootMaxStackSize=16 # Makes HarvestCraft foods unplantable, meaning seeds are required to plant crops [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:foodsUnplantable=true } ########################################################################################################## # harvesting #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to drops from crops ########################################################################################################## harvesting { # Multiplier on the effectiveness of bonemeal; the smaller this is, the more often bonemeal will fail to create growth. Set to 0 to disable bonemeal completely. [vanilla: 1.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:bonemealEffectiveness=0.5 # Enables/disables harvest crops by right clicking them [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:enableRightClickHarvesting=true # Reduces the amount of growth from a successful bonemeal on certain plants (uses IguanaMan's opinionated values) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyBonemealGrowth=true # Enables/disables modification of the item drops of crops when breaking them (produce and seeds) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyCropDropsBreak=true # Enables/disables modification of the item drops of crops when right clicking them (produce and seeds) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyCropDropsRightClick=true # Maximum number of produce you get when harvesting a non-tree crop by breaking it (modifyCropDrops must be true) [vanilla: 4] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 4] I:producePerHarvestBreakMax=4 # Minimum number of produce you get when harvesting a non-tree crop by breaking it (modifyCropDrops must be true) [vanilla: 2] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 2] I:producePerHarvestBreakMin=2 # Maximum number of produce you get when harvesting a non-tree crop with right click (modifyCropDrops must be true) [vanilla: 4] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 4] I:producePerHarvestRightClickMax=4 # Minimum number of produce you get when harvesting a non-tree crop with right click (modifyCropDrops must be true) [vanilla: 2] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 2] I:producePerHarvestRightClickMin=2 # Maximum number of seeds you get when harvesting a non-tree crop by breaking it (modifyCropDrops must be tree) [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:seedsPerHarvestBreakMax=0 # Minimum number of seeds you get when harvesting a non-tree crop by breaking it (modifyCropDrops must be true) [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:seedsPerHarvestBreakMin=0 # Maximum number of seeds you get when harvesting a non-tree crop with right click (modifyCropDrops must be true) [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:seedsPerHarvestRightClickMax=0 # Minimum number of seeds you get when harvesting a non-tree crop with right click (modifyCropDrops must be true) [vanilla: 0] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0] I:seedsPerHarvestRightClickMin=0 } ########################################################################################################## # health #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to health ########################################################################################################## health { # Amount of health food restores is the food value divided by this number (foodRegensHealth must be true) [vanilla: 4] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 4] I:foodHealDivider=4 # Eating food regenerates health [vanilla: false] [default: false] B:foodRegensHealth=false # Speed up or slow down the rate that health regenerates (0 to disable regen) [vanilla: 100] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 100] I:healthRegenRatePercentage=100 # The lower your health the longer it takes to regen, modify the effect here (lower = less effect) (modifyRegenRateOnLowHealth must be true) [vanilla: 5] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:lowHealthRegenRateModifier=5 # Minimum hunger level before healing starts [vanilla: 18] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:minHungerToHeal=7 # The lower your health the longer it takes to regen [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:modifyRegenRateOnLowHealth=true } ########################################################################################################## # hunger #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to hunger ########################################################################################################## hunger { # You lose hunger (very slowly) at all times [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:constantHungerLoss=true # Amount of damage you take when hunger hits zero [vanilla: 2] [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 200] I:damageOnStarve=200 # Disable the hunger drain when healing that was introduced in vanilla 1.6.2 [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:disableHealingHungerDrain=true # Speed up or slow down the rate that hunger drops (set to 0 to disable hunger loss) [vanilla: 100.0] [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 133.33334] S:hungerLossRatePercentage=133.33334350585938 # The amount difficulty modifies the hunger value set after respawning ('difficultyScaling' and 'difficultyScalingRespawnHunger' must be true) [vanilla: 4] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 4] I:respawnHungerDifficultyModifier=4 # hunger value set after respawning for peaceful/easy difficulty [vanilla: 20] [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:respawnHungerValue=20 } ########################################################################################################## # low stats #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options for how to handle when the player get low health/hunger ########################################################################################################## "low stats" { # Shows onscreen text when hunger/health is low [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addGuiText=true # Mining slowdown effect when health is low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHealthMiningSlowdown=true # Nausea effect when health is really low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHealthNausea=true # Slowness effect when health is low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHealthSlowness=true # Weakness effect when health is low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHealthWeakness=true # Mining slowdown effect when hunger is low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHungerMiningSlowdown=true # Nausea effect when hunger is really low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHungerNausea=true # Slowness effect when hunger is low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHungerSlowness=true # Weakness effect when hunger is low ('addLowStatEffects' must be true) [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowHungerWeakness=true # Enables/disables all low hunger/health effects [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:addLowStatEffects=true } ########################################################################################################## # natura #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to Natura. # §cOnly works if Natura is installed! ########################################################################################################## natura { # Adds alternate recipes to turn barley/wheat into flour: 2x wheat/barley -> flour. [vanilla: false] [default: false] B:addAlternateNaturaFlourCraftingRecipes=false # Removes the default barley/wheat -> flour recipes. # Note: These recipes are always removed if 'addSeedsCraftingRecipe' in 'getting seeds' is true because otherwise they'd conflict. [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:removeNaturaFlourCraftingRecipes=true # Removes the default barley/wheat flour -> bread smelting recipes. [vanilla: false] [default: true] B:removeNaturaFlourSmeltingRecipe=true }