{ title: "&5Alchemy", x: 21.5d, y: 0.0d, description: "&oFull Metal&7 &l*Read Description*", text: [ "&7Dash some &dSalis Mundus&7 onto &5Cauldron&7 to transform it into a &5Crucible&7, an essential device to transform many items into other, more magical items.", "", "Any items added in by &dDropping&7 or &dRight-clicking the Top&7 will be melted into the Essentia that composes them.", "If an item has a recipe in the Crucible and the &drequired Essentia is present&7, the Essentia will be consumed, and the item will be converted instead of melting into Essentia!", "Note that each individual item converted will consume Essentia, so don't expect to get 5 Nitor for the price of 10 &cIgnis&7, &bPotentia&7, and &eLux&7.", "", "Lastly, &dcrafting high Essentia Cost items in the Crucible is not exactly advised&7, it's fairly likely that it will overflow and spill Essentia fairly quickly, likely melting the Catalyst item if you try.", "&dPerhaps you will discover a way to manipulate Essentia, and do Alchemy with that manipulated form...&7", "", "&c&lAvoid holding valued items in your hand when working with one of these, you don't want to turn your precious Weapon into Essentia, do you?" ], dependencies: [ "b6d6a588" ], tasks: [{ uid: "bc75f347", type: "observation", title: "Gaze at a &5Crucible", icon: "thaumcraft:crucible", match_type: "block_id", match: "thaumcraft:crucible", timer: 0L }], rewards: [{ uid: "87edfcaf", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 50L }] }