language.region=US language.code=en_US # Miscellaneous strings # -- Updater strings. Please try to keep these to one line if possible. thaumicinsurgence.versioning.newVersion=A new version of Thaumic Insurgence is available: %s thaumicinsurgence.versioning.critical=Magic Bees has a critical update ready: %s - Please update! thaumicinsurgence.versioning.clickDownload=Click to open the Download page. Hover for update info. thaumicinsurgence.config.category.general=General thaumicinsurgence.config.category.general.tooltip=General mod configs thaumicinsurgence.config.category.debug=Debug thaumicinsurgence.config.category.debug.tooltip=Options to enable debugging and/or informational messages thaumicinsurgence.config.category.modules=Modules thaumicinsurgence.config.category.modules.tooltip=Options to enable or disable integration tc.research_category.THAUMICINSURGENCE=Thaumic Insurgence of Pacts unintelligbleLaughter=I USED TO BE NOTHING BUT THE E_MAIL GUY, NOW I'M THE [[It Burns! Ow! Stop! Help Me! It Burns!]] GUY! [[Amazed at thi5 amazing transformation? You too can]] HAVE A [[Communion]] WITH [[Unintelligble Laughter]] tc.research_name.TI_DeliciousKromer=[[Funky]] LITTLE [[Worm]] tc.research_text.TI_DeliciousKromer=THIS IS [One Purchase] YOU WILL [Regret] FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! #Tools Lens #Items Boots of the Meteor Boots of the Meteor Boots of the Meteor Boots of the Comet Boots of the Comet Boots of the Comet Boots of the Voidwalker Boots of the Voidwalker Boots of the Voidwalker Boots of the Eldritch Comet Boots of the Voidwalker Boots of the Comet Boots of the Frozen Meteor Boots of the Purple Haze of the Seasons of Christmas Spirit of the Sloth #Research things tc.research_category.THAUMICBOOTS=Thaumic Boots tc.research_name.TB_Core_Research=Thaumaturgic Shoemaking tc.research_text.TB_Core_Research=A Thaumaturgist's Guide to Arcane Cobbling tc.research_name.TB_Tainted_Core=Void Magicks tc.research_text.TB_Tainted_Core=Void Thaumometry in the Human Psyche tc.research_name.TB_Explorations_Core=Celestial Magicks tc.research_text.TB_Explorations_Core=A Thaumaturgist's Guide to the Galaxy tc.research_name.TB_EMT_Core=Artificial Magicks tc.research_text.TB_EMT_Core=The Thaumaturgic Applications of Artificial Magicks tc.research_name.TB_Explorations_Compat=Combined Celestial Magicks tc.research_text.TB_Explorations_Compat=Advanced Theory in Cosmic Combination tc.research_name.TB_EMT_Tainted_Compat=Artificial Void Magicks tc.research_text.TB_EMT_Tainted_Compat=The Application of Artificial Energy in Void Magicks tc.research_name.TB_Explorations_Tainted_Compat=Eldritch Celestial Bodies tc.research_text.TB_Explorations_Tainted_Compat=Discovering Celestial Bodies of the Void tc.research_name.TB_Explorations_EMT_Compat=Artificial Celestial Magicks tc.research_text.TB_Explorations_EMT_Compat=The Application of Artificial Energy in Celestial Magicks tc.research_name.TB_Seasonal_Boots=Seasonal Magicks tc.research_text.TB_Seasonal_Boots=Christmas Spirits and Other Magickal Phenomena tc.research_name.TB_Seasonal_Stabilized=Stabilized Seasonal Magicks tc.research_text.TB_Seasonal_Stabilized=Stabilization of Seasonal Magicks tc.research_name.TB_Unique_Boots=Unique Magicks tc.research_text.TB_Unique_Boots=The Study of Unreplicable Magicks #Actual Researches Core.1=In your studies, you have discovered something rather... peculiar. In this, you found that you were somehow able to equally combine different forms of magick energy to create something...


A new form of energy, somehow greater than the sum of its original parts.

You wonder where else this could be applied. ExplorationsCore.1=Your study of the sky and stars yielded, after intense research of these celestial bodies, you discovered what you call "comets" and "meteors."

In this, you discovered some magicks innate to the heavens, able to be infused into your boots.

And yet, you feel as if there were still more to discover... TaintedCore.1=Your study of your own mind and the void has yielded strange, new properties, previously thought impossible.

Speed unlike any other, even during flight, void empowered tendons allowing you to soar into the sky, you even saw a significant improvement in your innate ability to channel natural vis energies.

And yet, you feel as if there exists more potential past this... EMTCore.1=Recently, a peer of your discovered something... peculiar: a form of seemingly mundane energy similar to that of lighting.

Studying it, however, you were able to discover it wasn't quite as mundane as you thought at all!

Rather, this new "electricity" seems to have an intrinsic tie to the natural energies found in vis, and yet, somehow... different, artificial. EMTCore.2= In this, you found that you were able to create a pair of boots that ran on this "electricity" rather than the innate, and even moreso you were able to overcharge and improve their designs further.

You wonder where else this new energy could be applied... ExplorationsTainted.1=Studying the void, you have made a unique discovery: the void has celestial bodies itself.

A quite peculiar revelation at that. You began to wonder if contained a similar magical energy like those of the mundane plane and found something miraculous! Similar to their counterparts, the void's bodies likewise contain innate magical properties; with one small caveat: they can't be tapped into directly.

However, by combining the energies of the void with the energies of the cosmic, you were able to make two more combined sets of boots, and continue to wonder if there may be more possibility than you thought? ExplorationsCompat.1=In your studies of the stars, you had discovered two distinct forms of celestial energies, those being the energy of comets as well as the energy of meteors. However, after your discovery of the thaumic combinator, you began to wonder if there were a way to combine these two energy signals...

Lo and behold, there was! Two distinct methods actually, though the results are currently shockingly similar.

Perhaps there might be a way to enhance these further... EMTTainted.1=As you continued your studies of electricity, you noticed something interesting, like the traditional magical energies, electricity was likewise able to be combined into other energies. However, at one caveat: it doesn't exactly mix into the energy but rather, converts the natural into the artificial.

In your applications of this to void energy, you found that not only can they run on electricity, but likewise, they can both be overcharged by electricity AND boosted by enhanced void.

A rather interesting revelation... ExplorationsEMT.1=As you continued your studies of electricity, you noticed something interesting, like the traditional magical energies, electricity was likewise able to be combined into other energies. However, at one caveat: it doesn't exactly mix into the energy but rather, converts the natural into the artificial.

In your applications of this to the celestial energies, you found that they were able run on electricity, even being able to be overcharged, enhancing their natural tendencies.

A rather interesting revelation... SeasonalCore.1=In your studies of magickal phenomena, you discovered something peculiar: there are spikes of magickal energies around specific parts of the solar calendar.

These spikes have been known to cause various tranformations, such as transforming chests to presents, and vice versa as they pass. Interestingly, you've managed to capture this chaotic energy.

Yet you wonder if there is some way you may be able to stabilize these energies... SeasonalStabilized.1=As you continued your studies of the seasonal magick phenomena, you noticed something interesting, it actually is possible to attune these energies into a specific phenomena, resulting in a drastically boosted seasonal effect... with one caveat: these effects become incredibly diminished after the season has passed.

The first of these effects you've noticed is a drastic increase in the steady running speed over time, while freezing water similar to that of comet attuned magicks

Though, you almost swear you can hear sleigh bells... SeasonalStabilized.2=You believe you should come back to this in December... UniqueCore.1=In your studies of magickal phenomena, you've run upon something peculiar: there are certain magicks that can only be recreated in exact scenarios. The first of these you've stumbled upon, being a seemingly simple slowness curse.

However, while you were able to reproduce the boots themselves, you cannot for the life of you understand how the magick energy works, nor how to recreate it directly.

You begin to wonder if you'll stumble upon energies in similar situations... #Aspects tc.aspect.caelum=Celestial Space tc.aspect.tabernus=Boots, Traversal itemGroup.Thaumic Boots=Thaumic Boots keybinding.speedtoggle=Modulate Speed Boost keybinding.jumptoggle=Modulate Jump Boost keybinding.omnitoggle=Modulate Jump Boost thaumicboots.jumpEffect=Jump Boost: thaumicboots.speedEffect=Speed Boost: thaumicboots.omniEffect=Omni Mode: thaumicboots.omniStatetrue=Activated thaumicboots.omniStatefalse=Deactivated