# Configuration file general { # true allows Mending and Excavate to be on the same Tool with Enchantments B:allowMendingEnchantment=true # true allows Mending and Excavate to be on the same Tool with Tinkers B:allowMendingTinkers=true # This will disable the chat notification for all Players on the server B:disableChatNotification=true # Setting this config to true will fully disable the mod and you can use OreExcavation normally. # This is better than ripping out the JAR from the mods folder B:disableMod=false # This will take away the ability to enchant any item that is a tool S:enchantmentBlacklist < > # A tool in this list will be allowed to get the enchantment as well as any tool S:enchantmentWhitelist < minecraft:shears > # The max level of enchantment needed to full power of the tool. I:maxEnchantmentLevel=5 # The amount of tinkers modifers needed to reach full power. I:maxTinkersModifersCount=25 # If the current packmode is in this list then you will be able to mine without the modifier S:packModesWhitelist < > # Setting this to true toggels the whitelist to a blacklist B:packModesWhitelistToBlacklistToggle=false # A tool in this list won't require the enchantment S:toolWhitelistOverride < > }