Nomi-CEu Mod List (147 Mods):
Mod Name |
Mod Version |
Client? |
Server? |
Author(s) |
JourneyMap |
v5.7.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens |
Ender IO |
v5.3.72 |
✔ |
✔ |
crazypants_mc_the_second, HenryLoenwind, EpicSquid315, Rover656, Ferri_Arnus, agnor99, tterrag1098 |
Morpheus |
v3.5.106 |
✔ |
✔ |
Quetzi |
CoFH Core |
v4.6.6.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Thermal Expansion |
v5.5.7.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
BdLib |
v1.14.4.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
bdew |
Redstone Arsenal |
v2.6.6.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Chest Transporter |
v2.8.8 |
✔ |
✔ |
cubex2 |
ModTweaker |
v4.0.20.5 |
✔ |
✔ |
Jaredlll08 |
Thermal Foundation |
v2.6.7.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Draconic Evolution |
v2.3.28.354 |
✔ |
✔ |
brandon3055 |
Storage Drawers |
v5.5.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
Texelsaur |
AE2 Stuff |
v0.7.0.4 |
✔ |
✔ |
bdew |
Extra Utilities |
v1.9.9 |
✔ |
✔ |
RWTema |
NuclearCraft |
v2.18 |
✔ |
✔ |
tomdodd4598, HeatherWhite |
Custom Main Menu |
v2.0.9.1 |
✔ |
✖ |
Lumien231 |
Resource Loader |
v1.5.3 |
✔ |
✖ |
Lumien231 |
Baubles |
v1.5.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Azanor13 |
Actually Additions |
v152 |
✔ |
✔ |
Ellpeck |
Bookshelf |
v2.3.590 |
✔ |
✔ |
DarkhaxDev |
Project Red - Core |
v4.9.4.120 |
✔ |
✔ |
MrTJP, covers1624 |
MrTJPCore |
v2.1.4.43 |
✔ |
✔ |
Project Red - Integration |
v4.9.4.120 |
✔ |
✔ |
MrTJP, covers1624 |
Chameleon |
v4.1.3 |
✔ |
✔ |
Texelsaur |
Fast Leaf Decay |
v14 |
✔ |
✔ |
olafskiii |
Brandon's Core |
v2.4.20.162 |
✔ |
✔ |
brandon3055 |
EnderCore |
v0.5.78 |
✔ |
✔ |
tterrag1098, crazypants_mc_the_second, HenryLoenwind |
Chisel |
v1.0.2.45 |
✔ |
✔ |
tterrag1098, minecreatr, Drullkus |
TrashSlot |
v8.4.10 |
✔ |
✔ |
BlayTheNinth |
LibVulpes |
v75 |
✔ |
✔ |
zmaster587 |
Advanced Rocketry |
v232 |
✔ |
✔ |
zmaster587 |
ContentTweaker |
v4.10.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
Jaredlll08, Sky_Som, kindlich |
FTB Utilities (Forge) |
v5.4.1.131 |
✔ |
✔ |
FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy) |
v5.4.7.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
FTB, ErrorMikey |
ArmorPlus |
v11.25.1.62 |
✔ |
✔ |
sokratis12GR |
RealBench |
v1.3.3 |
✔ |
✔ |
Prototik, afdw |
Mod Name Tooltip |
v1.10.1 |
✔ |
✖ |
mezz |
CraftTweaker |
v4.1.20.692 |
✔ |
✔ |
Jaredlll08, kindlich, TheSilkMiner |
Just Enough Resources (JER) |
v0.9.2.60 |
✔ |
✔ |
way2muchnoise |
Snad |
v1.7.09.16 |
✔ |
✔ |
TheRoBrit |
Dark Utilities |
v1.8.230 |
✔ |
✔ |
DarkhaxDev |
Just Enough Calculation |
v3.2.7 |
✔ |
✔ |
towdium |
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ |
v3.2.3.358 |
✔ |
✔ |
covers1624, Chicken_Bones |
Craftable Elytra |
v1.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
shmeggels |
More Overlays |
v1.15.1 |
✔ |
✖ |
feldim245 |
Wireless Crafting Terminal |
v3.12.97 |
✔ |
✔ |
TheRealp455w0rd |
Ender Storage 1.8.+ |
v2.4.6.137 |
✔ |
✔ |
covers1624, Chicken_Bones |
The One Probe |
v1.4.28 |
✔ |
✔ |
McJty |
Solar Flux Reborn |
v12.4.11 |
✔ |
✔ |
Zeith, DragonForgeMC |
B.A.S.E |
v3.14.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
lanse505, Jaredlll08, FreneticScribbler, VoidsongDragonfly, Sky_Som |
TOP Addons |
v1.13.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
DrManganese |
TheDragonLib |
v5.3.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
sokratis12GR |
Shadowfacts' Forgelin |
v1.8.4 |
✔ |
✔ |
ShadowfactsDev |
AppleSkin |
v1.0.14 |
✔ |
✔ |
squeek502 |
AutoRegLib |
v32 |
✔ |
✔ |
Vazkii |
Controlling |
v3.0.12.2 |
✔ |
✖ |
Jaredlll08 |
Enchantment Descriptions |
v1.1.15 |
✔ |
✔ |
DarkhaxDev |
OpenBlocks Elevator |
v1.3.14 |
✔ |
✔ |
vsngarcia |
Client Tweaks |
v3.1.11 |
✔ |
✖ |
BlayTheNinth |
Simply Jetpacks 2 |
v2.2.15.69 |
✔ |
✔ |
Tomson124 |
Open Glider |
v1.1.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
gr8pefish |
Nature's Compass |
v1.8.5 |
✔ |
✔ |
Chaosyr |
LibrarianLib |
v4.22 |
✔ |
✔ |
wiresegal, Demoniaque1, thecodewarrior1, Bluexino |
MTLib |
v3.0.7 |
✔ |
✔ |
Jaredlll08 |
Torchmaster |
v1.8.5.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
xalcon |
Just Enough Dimensions |
v.20200416.184714 |
✔ |
✔ |
masady |
p455w0rd's Library |
v2.3.161 |
✔ |
✔ |
TheRealp455w0rd |
Clumps |
v3.1.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Jaredlll08 |
Xtones |
v1.2.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
TehNut, _ForgeUser9211286 |
CreativeCore |
v1.10.71 |
✔ |
✔ |
CreativeMD |
LittleTiles |
v1.5.81 |
✔ |
✔ |
CreativeMD |
CB Multipart |
v2.6.2.83 |
✔ |
✔ |
covers1624, MrTJP |
Faster Ladder Climbing |
v146 |
✔ |
✔ |
maddachshund, forkbomb_ |
Tool Belt |
v1.9.14 |
✔ |
✔ |
gigaherz |
Avaritia 1.1x |
v3.3.0.37 |
✔ |
✔ |
covers1624, brandon3055, Morpheus11011 |
Tomb Many Graves 2 |
v4.2.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
M4thG33k, tiffit_ |
More Plates |
v5.5.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
PanSzelescik |
ConnectedTexturesMod |
v1.0.2.31 |
✔ |
✖ |
tterrag1098 |
The Lost Cities |
v2.0.22 |
✔ |
✔ |
McJty |
Redstone Flux |
v2.1.1.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Forgiving Void |
v1.1.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
BlayTheNinth |
CoFH World |
v1.4.0.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, skyboy026, KingLemmingCoFH |
I Know What I'm Doing (IKWID) |
v1.0.2 |
✔ |
✖ |
HeckinChloe |
Toast Control |
v1.8.1 |
✔ |
✖ |
Shadows_of_Fire |
Thermal Cultivation |
v0.3.6.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Cucumber Library |
v1.1.3 |
✔ |
✔ |
BlakeBr0 |
Actually Baubles |
v1.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
Jacky |
ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version |
v3.98 |
✔ |
✔ |
darkevilmac |
Diet Hoppers |
v1.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
RWTema |
PackMode |
v1.2.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
Sky_Som, witixin |
FoamFix |
v0.10.14 |
✔ |
✔ |
asiekierka |
Dense Metals |
v2.0.0.30 |
✔ |
✔ |
knoxhack, jriwanek, dshadowwolf |
CraftingNetherStar |
v1.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
ZeckG |
AttributeFix |
v1.0.4 |
✔ |
✔ |
DarkhaxDev |
TipTheScales |
v1.0.4 |
✔ |
✖ |
Jaredlll08 |
Placebo |
v1.6.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
Shadows_of_Fire |
No Recipe Book |
v1.2.2 |
✔ |
✖ |
Adorn |
RandomPatches (Forge) |
v1.22.1.10 |
✔ |
✔ |
TheRandomLabs |
FastWorkbench |
v1.7.4 |
✔ |
✔ |
Shadows_of_Fire |
Thermal Innovation |
v0.3.6.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Hooked |
v1.0.3 |
✔ |
✔ |
thecodewarrior1 |
Building Gadgets |
v2.8.4 |
✔ |
✔ |
Direwolf20, ErrorMikey |
Worley's Caves |
v1.5.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
super_fluke, booleanbyte |
Effortless Building |
v2.16 |
✔ |
✔ |
Requioss |
AE2 Wireless Terminal Library |
v1.0.34 |
✔ |
✔ |
TheRealp455w0rd |
Ender IO Endergy |
v5.3.72 |
✔ |
✔ |
tterrag1098, HenryLoenwind, EpicSquid315, crazypants_mc_the_second |
More Libs |
v1.2.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
PanSzelescik |
Project Intelligence |
v1.0.9.28 |
✔ |
✔ |
brandon3055 |
Patchouli |
v23.6 |
✔ |
✔ |
Vazkii |
PackagedAuto |
v1.0.8.31 |
✔ |
✔ |
TheLMiffy1111 |
Bountiful |
v2.2.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Ejektaflex |
Advanced Solar Materials |
v1.0.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
coderbot |
FTB Backups (Forge) |
v1.1.0.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
FTB, ErrorMikey |
PackagedExCrafting |
v1.0.2.10 |
✔ |
✔ |
TheLMiffy1111 |
Collective |
v3.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
Serilum |
spark |
v1.5.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Iucko |
Super Sound Muffler: Revived |
v1.0.2.10 |
✔ |
✔ |
Firstnecron |
Framed Compacting Drawers |
v1.2.7 |
✔ |
✔ |
Eutro |
Dynamistics |
v1.0.2 |
✔ |
✖ |
Eutro |
MultiblockTweaker |
v1.8.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Eutro |
Difficulty Lock |
v1.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Serilum |
More Furnaces: Nomifactory Edition |
v1.11.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
Exa4096 |
Extended Crafting: Nomifactory Edition |
v1.7.0.6 |
✔ |
✔ |
Exa4096 |
Devtech |
v2.1.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
brachy84 |
MixinBooter |
v8.3 |
✔ |
✔ |
CleanroomMC, Rongmario |
Dimensional Edibles: Nomifactory Edition |
v1.6.4 |
✔ |
✔ |
Exa4096 |
Bansōkō [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher |
v4.3.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
Rongmario |
CensoredASM |
v5.14 |
✔ |
✔ |
Rongmario |
Mouse Tweaks Unofficial |
v3.1.4 |
✔ |
✖ |
CleanroomMC, serenibyss |
Default World Generator without Server Side Prompts |
v2.3.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
notmywing |
Better P2P |
v1.2.3 |
✔ |
✔ |
lacuda55 |
GregTech CE Unofficial |
v2.6.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
serenibyss, ALongStringOfNumbers, Tech22 |
Had Enough Items |
v4.25.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
CleanroomMC, Rongmario |
Gregicality Multiblocks |
v1.2.3 |
✔ |
✔ |
Tech22 |
AE2 Unofficial Extended Life |
v0.55.21 |
✔ |
✔ |
notmywing, serenibyss |
JEI Utilities |
v0.2.12 |
✔ |
✔ |
vfyjxf_ |
燐/Hesperus |
v0.2.9.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
kappa_maintainer |
ModularUI |
v2.0.5 |
✔ |
✔ |
CleanroomMC, brachy84, Rongmario |
Better Questing Unofficial |
v4.1.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
CleanroomMC, ALongStringOfNumbers, serenibyss, Tech22 |
Inventory Bogo Sorter |
v1.2.8 |
✔ |
✔ |
brachy84 |
Crafting Tweaks Unofficial |
v9.0.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
CleanroomMC, serenibyss |
ULV Covers |
v2.6.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Filostorm |
Deep Mob Evolution |
v1.1.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Pansmith, serenibyss |
Gregtech Drawers |
v1.0.6 |
✔ |
✔ |
IntegerLimit_ |
No Nether Portals |
v1.1.0 |
✔ |
✔ |
notmywing |
Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions |
v1.3.1 |
✔ |
✔ |
notmywing |
SerializationIsBad |
v1.5.2 |
✔ |
✔ |
Dogboy21 |