Nomi-CEu Mod List (147 Mods):
Mod Name Mod Version Client? Server? Author(s)
JourneyMap v5.7.1 techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens
Ender IO v5.3.72 crazypants_mc_the_second, HenryLoenwind, EpicSquid315, Rover656, Ferri_Arnus, agnor99, tterrag1098
Morpheus v3.5.106 Quetzi
CoFH Core v4.6.6.1 TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal Expansion v5.5.7.1 TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
BdLib v1.14.4.1 bdew
Redstone Arsenal v2.6.6.1 TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Chest Transporter v2.8.8 cubex2
ModTweaker v4.0.20.5 Jaredlll08
Thermal Foundation v2.6.7.1 TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Draconic Evolution v2.3.28.354 brandon3055
Storage Drawers v5.5.0 Texelsaur
AE2 Stuff v0.7.0.4 bdew
Extra Utilities v1.9.9 RWTema
NuclearCraft v2.18 tomdodd4598, HeatherWhite
Custom Main Menu v2.0.9.1 Lumien231
Resource Loader v1.5.3 Lumien231
Baubles v1.5.2 Azanor13
Actually Additions v152 Ellpeck
Bookshelf v2.3.590 DarkhaxDev
Project Red - Core v4.9.4.120 MrTJP, covers1624
MrTJPCore v2.1.4.43 MrTJP
Project Red - Integration v4.9.4.120 MrTJP, covers1624
Chameleon v4.1.3 Texelsaur
Fast Leaf Decay v14 olafskiii
Brandon's Core v2.4.20.162 brandon3055
EnderCore v0.5.78 tterrag1098, crazypants_mc_the_second, HenryLoenwind
Chisel v1.0.2.45 tterrag1098, minecreatr, Drullkus
TrashSlot v8.4.10 BlayTheNinth
LibVulpes v75 zmaster587
Advanced Rocketry v232 zmaster587
ContentTweaker v4.10.0 Jaredlll08, Sky_Som, kindlich
FTB Utilities (Forge) v5.4.1.131 FTB
FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy) v5.4.7.2 FTB, ErrorMikey
ArmorPlus v11.25.1.62 sokratis12GR
RealBench v1.3.3 Prototik, afdw
Mod Name Tooltip v1.10.1 mezz
CraftTweaker v4.1.20.692 Jaredlll08, kindlich, TheSilkMiner
Just Enough Resources (JER) v0.9.2.60 way2muchnoise
Snad v1.7.09.16 TheRoBrit
Dark Utilities v1.8.230 DarkhaxDev
Just Enough Calculation v3.2.7 towdium
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ v3.2.3.358 covers1624, Chicken_Bones
Craftable Elytra v1.1 shmeggels
More Overlays v1.15.1 feldim245
Wireless Crafting Terminal v3.12.97 TheRealp455w0rd
Ender Storage 1.8.+ v2.4.6.137 covers1624, Chicken_Bones
The One Probe v1.4.28 McJty
Solar Flux Reborn v12.4.11 Zeith, DragonForgeMC
B.A.S.E v3.14.0 lanse505, Jaredlll08, FreneticScribbler, VoidsongDragonfly, Sky_Som
TOP Addons v1.13.0 DrManganese
TheDragonLib v5.3.0 sokratis12GR
Shadowfacts' Forgelin v1.8.4 ShadowfactsDev
AppleSkin v1.0.14 squeek502
AutoRegLib v32 Vazkii
Controlling v3.0.12.2 Jaredlll08
Enchantment Descriptions v1.1.15 DarkhaxDev
OpenBlocks Elevator v1.3.14 vsngarcia
Client Tweaks v3.1.11 BlayTheNinth
Simply Jetpacks 2 v2.2.15.69 Tomson124
Open Glider v1.1.0 gr8pefish
Nature's Compass v1.8.5 Chaosyr
LibrarianLib v4.22 wiresegal, Demoniaque1, thecodewarrior1, Bluexino
MTLib v3.0.7 Jaredlll08
Torchmaster v1.8.5.0 xalcon
Just Enough Dimensions v.20200416.184714 masady
p455w0rd's Library v2.3.161 TheRealp455w0rd
Clumps v3.1.2 Jaredlll08
Xtones v1.2.2 TehNut, _ForgeUser9211286
CreativeCore v1.10.71 CreativeMD
LittleTiles v1.5.81 CreativeMD
CB Multipart v2.6.2.83 covers1624, MrTJP
Faster Ladder Climbing v146 maddachshund, forkbomb_
Tool Belt v1.9.14 gigaherz
Avaritia 1.1x v3.3.0.37 covers1624, brandon3055, Morpheus11011
Tomb Many Graves 2 v4.2.0 M4thG33k, tiffit_
More Plates v5.5.2 PanSzelescik
ConnectedTexturesMod v1.0.2.31 tterrag1098
The Lost Cities v2.0.22 McJty
Redstone Flux v2.1.1.1 TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Forgiving Void v1.1.0 BlayTheNinth
CoFH World v1.4.0.1 TeamCoFH, skyboy026, KingLemmingCoFH
I Know What I'm Doing (IKWID) v1.0.2 HeckinChloe
Toast Control v1.8.1 Shadows_of_Fire
Thermal Cultivation v0.3.6.1 TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Cucumber Library v1.1.3 BlakeBr0
Actually Baubles v1.1 Jacky
ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version v3.98 darkevilmac
Diet Hoppers v1.1 RWTema
PackMode v1.2.0 Sky_Som, witixin
Foam​Fix v0.10.14 asiekierka
Dense Metals v2.0.0.30 knoxhack, jriwanek, dshadowwolf
CraftingNetherStar v1.1 ZeckG
AttributeFix v1.0.4 DarkhaxDev
TipTheScales v1.0.4 Jaredlll08
Placebo v1.6.0 Shadows_of_Fire
No Recipe Book v1.2.2 Adorn
RandomPatches (Forge) v1.22.1.10 TheRandomLabs
FastWorkbench v1.7.4 Shadows_of_Fire
Thermal Innovation v0.3.6.1 TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Hooked v1.0.3 thecodewarrior1
Building Gadgets v2.8.4 Direwolf20, ErrorMikey
Worley's Caves v1.5.2 super_fluke, booleanbyte
Effortless Building v2.16 Requioss
AE2 Wireless Terminal Library v1.0.34 TheRealp455w0rd
Ender IO Endergy v5.3.72 tterrag1098, HenryLoenwind, EpicSquid315, crazypants_mc_the_second
More Libs v1.2.2 PanSzelescik
Project Intelligence v1.0.9.28 brandon3055
Patchouli v23.6 Vazkii
PackagedAuto v1.0.8.31 TheLMiffy1111
Bountiful v2.2.2 Ejektaflex
Advanced Solar Materials v1.0.1 coderbot
FTB Backups (Forge) v1.1.0.1 FTB, ErrorMikey
PackagedExCrafting v1.0.2.10 TheLMiffy1111
Collective v3.0 Serilum
spark v1.5.2 Iucko
Super Sound Muffler: Revived v1.0.2.10 Firstnecron
Framed Compacting Drawers v1.2.7 Eutro
Dynamistics v1.0.2 Eutro
MultiblockTweaker v1.8.2 Eutro
Difficulty Lock v1.2 Serilum
More Furnaces: Nomifactory Edition v1.11.0 Exa4096
Extended Crafting: Nomifactory Edition v1.7.0.6 Exa4096
Devtech v2.1.2 brachy84
MixinBooter v8.3 CleanroomMC, Rongmario
Dimensional Edibles: Nomifactory Edition v1.6.4 Exa4096
Bansōkō [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher v4.3.1 Rongmario
CensoredASM v5.14 Rongmario
Mouse Tweaks Unofficial v3.1.4 CleanroomMC, serenibyss
Default World Generator without Server Side Prompts v2.3.1 notmywing
Better P2P v1.2.3 lacuda55
GregTech CE Unofficial v2.6.2 serenibyss, ALongStringOfNumbers, Tech22
Had Enough Items v4.25.0 CleanroomMC, Rongmario
Gregicality Multiblocks v1.2.3 Tech22
AE2 Unofficial Extended Life v0.55.21 notmywing, serenibyss
JEI Utilities v0.2.12 vfyjxf_
燐/Hesperus v0.2.9.2 kappa_maintainer
ModularUI v2.0.5 CleanroomMC, brachy84, Rongmario
Better Questing Unofficial v4.1.0 CleanroomMC, ALongStringOfNumbers, serenibyss, Tech22
Inventory Bogo Sorter v1.2.8 brachy84
Crafting Tweaks Unofficial v9.0.1 CleanroomMC, serenibyss
ULV Covers v2.6.2 Filostorm
Deep Mob Evolution v1.1.2 Pansmith, serenibyss
Gregtech Drawers v1.0.6 IntegerLimit_
No Nether Portals v1.1.0 notmywing
Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions v1.3.1 notmywing
SerializationIsBad v1.5.2 Dogboy21