// --- Created DreamMasterXXL // --- Imports --- import mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter; import mods.gregtech.Assembler; import mods.gregtech.Centrifuge; import mods.ic2.Compressor; import mods.gregtech.FluidSolidifier; import mods.gregtech.Fuels; import mods.gregtech.ForgeHammer; import mods.gregtech.Mixer; import mods.nei.NEI; import mods.gregtech.PrecisionLaser; import mods.gregtech.CuttingSaw; import mods.ic2.SemiFluidGenerator; import mods.gregtech.Wiremill; // --- Variables --- val IronPlate = ; val GlassPane = ; val IronBars = ; val SteelBars = ; val SteelPlate = ; val RedAlloyPlate = ; val Plank = ; val IronGear = ; val ObsidianPlate = ; val DenseOPlate = ; val Glass = ; val TSteelGear = ; val IronRod = ; val SteelRod = ; val RedAlloyRod = ; val StainlessSteelRod = ; val TinRod = ; val GoldPlate = ; val DiamondPlate = ; val EmeraldPlate = ; val IronIngot = ; val RedDye = ; val HPBoiler = ; val HPBoilerTank = ; val SteelMCasing = ; val ObsidianBlock = ; val Screwdriver = ; val HHammer = ; val SoftMallet = ; val Saw = ; val Piston = ; val SteelAnvil = ; val Wrench = ; val File = ; val IronStairs = ; val SteelStairs = ; val CopperStairs = ; val TinStairs = ; val LeadStairs = ; val GoldStairs = ; val DiamondStairs = ; val AbyssalLantern = ; val BleachedLantern = ; val BloodLantern = ; val FrostLantern = ; val InfernalLantern = ; val NetherLantern = ; val QuarriedLantern = ; val SandyLantern = ; val SandstoneLantern = ; val StoneLantern = ; val IronLantern = ; val GoldLantern = ; val CopperLantern = ; val TinLantern = ; val LeadLantern = ; val SteelLantern = ; val AbyssalBSlab = ; val BleachedBSlab = ; val BloodBSlab = ; val FrostBSlab = ; val InfernalBSlab = ; val NetherBSlab = ; val QuarriedBSlab = ; val SandyBSlab = ; val SandstoneBSlab = ; val StoneBSlab = ; val PressurePlate = ; val WoodLogs = ; val StoneBrick = ; val MossyStoneBricks = ; val Minecart = ; val CobbleStone = ; val WoodSlab = ; val TNT = ; val Leather = ; val Brick = ; val Tank = ; val Crowbar = ; val RedstoneBlock = ; val IronBlock = ; val SteelBlock = ; val CopperBlock = ; val TinBlock = ; val LeadBlock = ; val GoldBlock = ; val DiamondBlock = ; val Torch = ; val Stone = ; val Lever = ; val Cauldron = ; val BrickBlock = ; val WoodStick = ; val Dispenser = ; val NetherBricks = ; val Wool = ; val Shears = ; val IronPressurePlate = ; val Chest = ; val Hopper = ; val StickyPiston = ; val ElectricPiston = ; val CopperPlate = ; val TinPlate = ; val LeadPlate = ; val IridiumPlate = ; val DiamondLens = ; val RedstonePlate = ; val GoldScrew = ; val CopperScrew = ; val TinScrew = ; val LeadScrew = ; val BronzeScrew = ; val IronScrew = ; val SteelScrew = ; val TitaniumScrew = ; val StainlessSteelScrew = ; val TungstensteelScrew = ; val BronzeGear = ; val StainlessSteelGear = ; val TitaniumGear = ; val BronzePlate = ; val StainlessSteelPlate = ; val TitaniumPlate = ; val LapisPlate = ; val CoalCoke = ; val CoalCokeBlock = ; val CreosoteWood = ; val CreosoteWoodSlab = ; val ConcreteBlock = ; val ConcreteSlab = ; val Rebar = ; val SwitchLever = ; val SwitchMotor = ; val Detector = ; val AdvancedDetector = ; val InfernalBricks = ; val SignalLamp = ; val ReceiverCircuit = ; val SignalCircuit = ; val ControllerCircuit = ; val WoodTie = ; val StoneTie = ; val WoodenTrack = .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.slow"}); val Track = ; val ReinforcedTrack = .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.reinforced"}); val HsTrack = .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.speed"}); val ElectricTrack = .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.electric"}); val BronzePipe = ; val SteelPipe = ; val Pump = ; val Motor = ; val CopperWire = ; val GoldWire = ; val RedAlloyWire = ; val ClearGlassP = ; val StoneRod = ; val IronFurnace = ; val TinCable = ; val StandardRail = ; val AdvancedRail = ; val WoodenRail =; val HsRail = ; val ReinforedRail = ; val ElectricRail = ; val WoodRailbed = ; val StoneRailbed = ; // --- Removing Recipes --- // --- Iron Stairs --- recipes.remove(IronStairs); // --- Steel Stairs --- recipes.remove(SteelStairs); // --- Copper Stairs --- recipes.remove(CopperStairs); // --- Tin Stairs --- recipes.remove(TinStairs); // --- Lead Stairs --- recipes.remove(LeadStairs); // --- Gold Stairs --- recipes.remove(GoldStairs); // --- Diamond Stairs --- recipes.remove(DiamondStairs); // --- Abyssal Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(AbyssalLantern); // --- Bleached Bone Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(BleachedLantern); // --- Bloodstained Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(BloodLantern); // --- Frostbound Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(FrostLantern); // --- Infernal Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(InfernalLantern); // --- Nether Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(NetherLantern); // --- Quarried Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(QuarriedLantern); // --- Sandy Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(SandyLantern); // --- Sandstone Block Lantern --- recipes.remove(SandstoneLantern); // --- Stone Lantern --- recipes.remove(StoneLantern); // --- Iron Lantern --- recipes.remove(IronLantern); // --- Gold Lantern --- recipes.remove(GoldLantern); // --- Copper Lantern --- recipes.remove(CopperLantern); // --- Tin Lantern --- recipes.remove(TinLantern); // --- Lead Lantern --- recipes.remove(LeadLantern); // --- Steel Lantern --- recipes.remove(SteelLantern); // --- Block of Coal Coke --- recipes.remove(CoalCokeBlock); // --- Coal Coke --- recipes.remove(CoalCoke); // --- Creosote Wood Block --- recipes.remove(CreosoteWood); // --- Creosote Wood Slab --- recipes.remove(CreosoteWoodSlab); // --- Block of Concrete --- recipes.remove(ConcreteBlock); // --- Concrete Slab --- recipes.remove(ConcreteSlab); // --- Steel Anvil --- recipes.remove(SteelAnvil); // --- Remove all Tracks Recipes --- recipes.remove(); // --- Elevator Track --- recipes.remove(); //--- Switch Lever --- recipes.remove(SwitchLever); // --- Switch Motor --- recipes.remove(SwitchMotor); // --- Signal Block --- recipes.remove(); // --- Distant Signal --- recipes.remove(); // --- Dual Head Block Signal --- recipes.remove(); // --- Dual Head Distant Signal --- recipes.remove(); // --- Signal Block Relay --- recipes.remove(); // --- Signal Controll Box --- recipes.remove(); // --- Analog Signal Controll Box --- recipes.remove(); // --- Signal Receiver Box recipes.remove(); // --- Signal Capacitor Box --- recipes.remove(); // --- Signal Sequencer Box recipes.remove(); // --- Signal Interloack Box recipes.remove(); // --- Wood Railbed --- recipes.remove(WoodRailbed); // --- Stone Railbed --- recipes.remove(StoneRailbed); // --- Wood Rail --- recipes.remove(WoodenRail); // --- Stone Tie --- recipes.remove(StoneTie); // --- Item Dtector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Any Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Empty Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Mob Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Powered Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Player Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Explosive Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Animal Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Tank Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Energy Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Age Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Train Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Sheep Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Villager Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Locomotiv Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Routing Detector --- recipes.remove(); // --- Item Loader --- recipes.remove(); // --- Item Unloader --- recipes.remove(); // --- Adv Item Loader recipes.remove(); // --- Adv Item Unloader recipes.remove(); // --- Fluid Loader --- recipes.remove(); // --- Fluid Unloder --- recipes.remove(); // --- Energy Loader --- recipes.remove(); // --- Energy Unloder --- recipes.remove(); // --- Cart Dispenser --- recipes.remove(); // --- Train Dispenser --- recipes.remove(); // --- Electric Feeder Unit --- recipes.remove(); // --- Flux Transformer --- recipes.remove(); // --- Force Track Emitter --- recipes.remove(); // --- Engraver --- recipes.remove(); // --- Wood Post --- recipes.remove(); // --- Stone Post --- recipes.remove(); // --- Wood Platform --- recipes.remove(); // --- Stone Platform --- recipes.remove(); // --- Metal Platform --- recipes.remove(); // --- Signal Lamp recipes.remove(SignalLamp); // --- Strengthened Glass --- recipes.remove(); // --- Gold Platet Gear --- recipes.remove(); // --- Iron Gear --- recipes.remove(); // --- Steel Gear --- recipes.remove(); // --- Tin Gear Brushing --- recipes.remove(); // --- Batbox Cart --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- CESU Cart --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- MFE Cart --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Tank Cart --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Personal Anchor Cart --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- World Anchor Cart --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Work Cart --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Electric Meter --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Trackmans Goggle --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Magnifying Glass --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Signal Tuner --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Signal Block Surveyor --- recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Coke Oven --- recipes.remove(); // --- Sandy Block --- recipes.remove(); // --- Trackmans Backpach recipes.remove(); // --- Trackmans Backpach Woven mods.forestry.Carpenter.removeRecipe(); // --- Icemans Backpach recipes.remove(); // --- Icemans Backpach Woven mods.forestry.Carpenter.removeRecipe(); // --- Aphothecarys Backpach recipes.remove(); // --- Aphothecarys Backpach Woven mods.forestry.Carpenter.removeRecipe(); // --- Wire Support Frame recipes.remove(); // --- Steel Shears recipes.remove(); // --- Thaumic Crowbar mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.removeRecipe(); // --- Void Metal Crowbar mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.removeRecipe(); // --- Infernal Block recipes.remove(); // --- Lapatron Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Cargo Cart recipes.remove(); // --- Track Relayer Cart recipes.remove(); // --- Undercutter Cart recipes.remove(); // --- Track Layer Cart recipes.remove(); // --- Track Remover Cart recipes.remove(); // --- Fire Stone cut recipes.remove(); // --- Fire Stone cut recipes.remove(); // --- Redstone Flux Cart recipes.remove(); // --- Redstone Flux Loader recipes.remove(); // --- Redstone Flux Unloader recipes.remove(); // --- Add Recipes --- // --- Rebar --- recipes.addShaped(Rebar * 2, [ [null, HHammer, null], [IronRod, File, IronRod], [null, null, null]]); // --- Stone Tie --- recipes.addShaped(StoneTie, [ [null, Rebar, null], [StoneBSlab, StoneBSlab, StoneBSlab], [null, null, null]]); // --- Wood Railbed --- recipes.addShaped(WoodRailbed, [ [WoodTie, WoodTie], [WoodTie, WoodTie], [null, SoftMallet, null]]); // --- Stone Railbed --- recipes.addShaped(StoneRailbed, [ [StoneTie, StoneTie], [StoneTie, StoneTie], [null, HHammer, null]]); // --- Wire Support Frame recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Concrete Slab --- recipes.addShaped(ConcreteSlab * 2, [ [Saw,ConcreteBlock]]); // --- Controll Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.control"}), [ [SteelScrew, RedAlloyRod, SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, Track, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyRod, HHammer]]); // --- Locking Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.locking"}), [ [SteelScrew, Detector, SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, WoodRailbed, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyRod, HHammer]]); // --- Disembarkin Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.disembarking"}), [ [SteelScrew, WoodRailbed, SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, AdvancedDetector, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyRod, HHammer]]); // --- Embarking Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.embarking"}), [ [SteelScrew, , SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, WoodRailbed, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Coupler Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.coupler"}), [ [SteelScrew, , SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, WoodRailbed, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Whistle Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.whistle"}), [ [IronScrew, , IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Locomotiv Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.locomotive"}), [ [IronScrew, , IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Limiter Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.limiter"}), [ [IronScrew, RedAlloyPlate, IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, Detector, HHammer]]); // --- Routing Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.routing"}), [ [IronScrew, RedAlloyPlate, IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); //- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.routing"}), [ [IronScrew, RedAlloyPlate, IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Buffer Stop --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.buffer.stop"}) * 2, [ [IronScrew, SteelPlate, IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, SteelBlock, HHammer]]); // --- One Way Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.oneway"}), [ [IronScrew, Detector, IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, Piston, HHammer]]); // --- Directional Detector Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.detector.direction"}), [ [IronScrew, RedAlloyPlate, IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, AdvancedDetector, HHammer]]); // --- Gated One Way Track recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.gated.oneway"}), [ [SteelScrew, RedAlloyPlate, SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.gated"}), AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyPlate, HHammer]]); // --- Gated Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.gated"}), [ [IronScrew, , IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Suspended Rail --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.suspended"}), [ [IronScrew, , IronScrew], [StandardRail, WoodRailbed, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Disposal Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.disposal"}), [ [IronScrew, WoodTie, IronScrew], [StandardRail, SteelPlate, StandardRail], [Screwdriver, WoodTie, HHammer]]); // --- Wooden Rail --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.slow"}) * 16, [ [IronScrew, null, IronScrew], [WoodenRail, WoodRailbed, WoodenRail], [Screwdriver, null, HHammer]]); // --- Wooden Booster Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.slow.boost"}) * 4, [ [IronScrew, RedAlloyPlate, IronScrew], [AdvancedRail, WoodRailbed, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyPlate, HHammer]]); // --- Booster Track --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelScrew, RedAlloyPlate, SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, WoodRailbed, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyPlate, HHammer]]); // --- Reinfored Track --- recipes.addShaped(ReinforcedTrack * 8, [ [StainlessSteelScrew, null, StainlessSteelScrew], [ReinforedRail, StoneRailbed, ReinforedRail], [Screwdriver, null, HHammer]]); // --- Reinfored Booster Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.reinforced.boost"}) * 4, [ [StainlessSteelScrew, RedAlloyPlate, StainlessSteelScrew], [ReinforedRail, StoneRailbed, ReinforedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyPlate, HHammer]]); // --- Electric Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.electric"}) * 8, [ [CopperScrew, ElectricRail, CopperScrew], [ElectricRail, StoneRailbed, ElectricRail], [Screwdriver, ElectricRail, HHammer]]); // --- H.S Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.speed"}) * 8, [ [SteelScrew, null, SteelScrew], [HsRail, StoneRailbed, HsRail], [Screwdriver, null, HHammer]]); // --- H.S Booster Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.speed.boost"}) * 4, [ [SteelScrew, RedAlloyPlate, SteelScrew], [HsRail, StoneRailbed, HsRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyPlate, HHammer]]); // --- H.S Transition Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.speed.transition"}), [ [SteelScrew, HsTrack, SteelScrew], [RedAlloyPlate, StoneRailbed, RedAlloyPlate], [Screwdriver, HsTrack, HHammer]]); // --- Priming Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.priming"}), [ [SteelScrew, Detector, SteelScrew], [ReinforedRail, StoneRailbed, ReinforedRail], [Screwdriver, , HHammer]]); // --- Launcher Track --- recipes.addShaped(.withTag({track: "railcraft:track.launcher"}), [ [SteelScrew, ReinforcedTrack, SteelScrew], [SteelBlock, Piston, SteelBlock], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyPlate, HHammer]]); // --- Elevator Track --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [SteelScrew, Detector, SteelScrew], [AdvancedRail, Track, AdvancedRail], [Screwdriver, RedAlloyPlate, HHammer]]); //--- Switch Lever --- recipes.addShaped(SwitchLever * 4, [ [SteelScrew, RedAlloyRod, TinRod], [Lever, StickyPiston, SteelScrew], [SteelPlate, SteelPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Switch Motor --- recipes.addShaped(SwitchMotor * 4, [ [SteelScrew, RedAlloyRod, TinRod], [Motor, ElectricPiston, ReceiverCircuit], [SteelPlate, SteelPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Signal Block --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SignalLamp, SignalCircuit, SteelPlate], [null, null, SteelPlate], [null, null, SteelPlate]]); // --- Distant Signal --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SignalLamp, ReceiverCircuit, SteelPlate], [null, null, SteelPlate], [null, null, SteelPlate]]); // --- Dual head Block Signal --- recipes.addShaped( * 4 , [ [SignalLamp, SignalCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, SteelPlate, SteelPlate], [SignalLamp, ReceiverCircuit, SteelPlate]]); // --- Dual Head Distant Signal --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SignalLamp, ReceiverCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, SteelPlate, SteelPlate], [SignalLamp, ReceiverCircuit, SteelPlate]]); // --- Signal Block Relay --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, SignalCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Signal Controll Box --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, ControllerCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Analog Signal Controll Box --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, ControllerCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate]]); // --- Signal Receiver Box recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, ReceiverCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Signal Capacitor Box --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Signal Sequencer Box recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Signal Interloack Box recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, ReceiverCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, ControllerCircuit, SteelPlate], [SteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Wood Rail --- recipes.addShaped(WoodenRail * 12, [ [IronRod, WoodTie, WoodStick], [IronRod, WoodTie, WoodStick], [IronRod, WoodTie, WoodStick]]); // - recipes.addShaped(WoodenRail * 8, [ [IronRod, WoodTie, WoodStick], [IronRod, WoodTie, WoodStick], [null, null, null]]); // - recipes.addShaped(WoodenRail * 4, [ [IronRod, WoodTie, WoodStick], [null, null, null], [null, null, null]]); // --- Standart Rail --- recipes.addShaped(StandardRail * 12, [ [IronRod, StoneTie, IronRod], [IronRod, StoneTie, IronRod], [IronRod, StoneTie, IronRod]]); // - recipes.addShaped(StandardRail * 8, [ [IronRod, StoneTie, IronRod], [IronRod, StoneTie, IronRod], [null, null, null]]); // - recipes.addShaped(StandardRail * 4, [ [IronRod, StoneTie, IronRod], [null, null, null], [null, null, null]]); // --- Advanced Rail --- recipes.addShaped(AdvancedRail * 4, [ [StandardRail, RedstonePlate, ], [StandardRail, RedstonePlate, ], [StandardRail, HHammer, ]]); // --- Item Dtector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [WoodLogs, Track, WoodLogs], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [WoodLogs, RedAlloyPlate, WoodLogs]]); // --- Any Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [Stone, , Stone], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [Stone, RedAlloyPlate, Stone]]); // --- Empty Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [StoneBrick, null, StoneBrick], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [StoneBrick, RedAlloyPlate, StoneBrick]]); // --- Mob Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [MossyStoneBricks, , MossyStoneBricks], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [MossyStoneBricks, RedAlloyPlate, MossyStoneBricks]]); // --- Powered Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [CobbleStone, , CobbleStone], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [CobbleStone, RedAlloyPlate, CobbleStone]]); // --- Player Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [StoneBSlab, , StoneBSlab], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [StoneBSlab, RedAlloyPlate, StoneBSlab]]); // --- Explosive Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [WoodSlab, TNT, WoodSlab], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [WoodSlab, RedAlloyPlate, WoodSlab]]); // --- Animal Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [WoodLogs, Leather, WoodLogs], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [WoodLogs, RedAlloyPlate, WoodLogs]]); // --- Tank Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [Brick, Tank, Brick], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [Brick, RedAlloyPlate, Brick]]); // --- Advanced Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [SteelPlate, RedAlloyPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Energy Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [TinPlate, TinCable, TinPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [TinPlate, RedAlloyPlate, TinPlate]]); // --- Age Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [WoodLogs, , WoodLogs], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [WoodLogs, RedAlloyPlate, WoodLogs]]); // --- Train Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [NetherBricks, .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.locomotive"}), NetherBricks], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [NetherBricks, RedAlloyPlate, NetherBricks]]); // --- Sheep Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [Wool, Shears, Wool], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [Wool, RedAlloyPlate, Wool]]); // --- Villager Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [Leather, EmeraldPlate, Leather], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [Leather, RedAlloyPlate, Leather]]); // --- Locomotiv Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [InfernalBricks, .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.locomotive"}), InfernalBricks], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [InfernalBricks, RedAlloyPlate, InfernalBricks]]); // --- Routing Detector --- recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [, , ], [RedAlloyPlate, IronPressurePlate, RedAlloyPlate], [, RedAlloyPlate, ]]); // --- Item Loader --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [CobbleStone, Hopper, CobbleStone], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [CobbleStone, Chest, CobbleStone]]); // --- Item Unloader --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [CobbleStone, Chest, CobbleStone], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [CobbleStone, Hopper, CobbleStone]]); // --- Adv Item Loader --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [SteelPlate, Hopper, SteelPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [SteelPlate, Chest, SteelPlate]]); // --- Adv Item Unloader --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [SteelPlate, Chest, SteelPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [SteelPlate, Hopper, SteelPlate]]); // --- Fluid Loader --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [GlassPane, SteelPipe, GlassPane], [Pump, , Motor], [GlassPane, Tank, GlassPane]]); // --- Fluid Unloder --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [GlassPane, Tank, GlassPane], [Motor, , Pump], [GlassPane, SteelPipe, GlassPane]]); // --- Energy Loader --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate]]); // --- Energy Unloder --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate]]); // --- Cart Dispenser --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [Dispenser, Minecart, Track], [null, Crowbar, null]]); // --- Train Dispenser --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [Crowbar, RedAlloyPlate, Crowbar], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [Crowbar, RedAlloyPlate, Crowbar]]); // --- Electric Feeder Unit --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelPlate, CopperWire, SteelPlate], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [SteelPlate, CopperWire, SteelPlate]]); // --- Flux Transformer --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [BronzePlate, GoldWire, BronzePlate], [RedAlloyPlate, , RedAlloyPlate], [BronzePlate, , BronzePlate]]); // --- Force Track Emitter --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [DiamondLens, , DiamondLens], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Work Cart --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [HHammer, , Wrench], [null, , null], [null, Screwdriver, null]]); // --- Tank Cart --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [HHammer, , Wrench], [null, , null], [null, Screwdriver, null]]); // --- Steel Shears recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Iron Stairs --- recipes.addShapedMirrored(IronStairs * 4, [ [IronBlock, null, null], [IronBlock, IronBlock, null], [IronBlock, IronBlock, IronBlock]]); // --- Steel Stairs --- recipes.addShapedMirrored(SteelStairs * 4, [ [SteelBlock, null, null], [SteelBlock, SteelBlock, null], [SteelBlock, SteelBlock, SteelBlock]]); // --- Copper Stairs --- recipes.addShapedMirrored(CopperStairs * 4, [ [CopperBlock, null, null], [CopperBlock, CopperBlock, null], [CopperBlock, CopperBlock, CopperBlock]]); // --- Tin Stairs --- recipes.addShapedMirrored(TinStairs * 4, [ [TinBlock, null, null], [TinBlock, TinBlock, null], [TinBlock, TinBlock, TinBlock]]); // --- Lead Stairs --- recipes.addShapedMirrored(LeadStairs * 4, [ [LeadBlock, null, null], [LeadBlock, LeadBlock, null], [LeadBlock, LeadBlock, LeadBlock]]); // --- Gold Stairs --- recipes.addShapedMirrored(GoldStairs * 4, [ [GoldBlock, null, null], [GoldBlock, GoldBlock, null], [GoldBlock, GoldBlock, GoldBlock]]); // --- Diamond Stairs --- recipes.addShapedMirrored(DiamondStairs * 4, [ [DiamondBlock, null, null], [DiamondBlock, DiamondBlock, null], [DiamondBlock, DiamondBlock, DiamondBlock]]); // --- Abyssal Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(AbyssalLantern, [ [StoneRod, AbyssalBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, AbyssalBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(AbyssalLantern, Torch, AbyssalBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Bleached Bone Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(BleachedLantern, [ [StoneRod, BleachedBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, BleachedBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(BleachedLantern, Torch, BleachedBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Bloodstained Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(BloodLantern, [ [StoneRod, BloodBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, BloodBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(BloodLantern, Torch, BloodBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Frostbound Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(FrostLantern, [ [StoneRod, FrostBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, FrostBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(FrostLantern, Torch, FrostBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Infernal Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(InfernalLantern, [ [StoneRod, InfernalBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, InfernalBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(InfernalLantern, Torch, InfernalBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Nether Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(NetherLantern, [ [StoneRod, NetherBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, NetherBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(NetherLantern, Torch, NetherBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Quarried Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(QuarriedLantern, [ [StoneRod, QuarriedBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, QuarriedBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(QuarriedLantern, Torch, QuarriedBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Sandy Block Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(SandyLantern, [ [StoneRod, SandyBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, SandyBSlab, StoneRod]]); Assembler.addRecipe(SandyLantern, Torch, SandyBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Sandstone Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(SandstoneLantern, [ [StoneRod, SandstoneBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, SandstoneBSlab, StoneRod]]); // - Assembler.addRecipe(SandstoneLantern, Torch, SandstoneBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Stone Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(StoneLantern, [ [StoneRod, StoneBSlab, StoneRod], [, Torch, HHammer], [StoneRod, StoneBSlab, StoneRod]]); // - Assembler.addRecipe(StoneLantern, Torch, StoneBSlab * 2, 200, 2); // --- Iron Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(IronLantern, [ [IronScrew, IronPlate, IronScrew], [Screwdriver, Torch, HHammer], [IronScrew, IronPlate, IronScrew]]); // --- Gold Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(GoldLantern, [ [GoldScrew, GoldPlate, GoldScrew], [Screwdriver, Torch, HHammer], [GoldScrew, GoldPlate, GoldScrew]]); // --- Copper Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(CopperLantern, [ [CopperScrew, CopperPlate, CopperScrew], [Screwdriver, Torch, HHammer], [CopperScrew, CopperPlate, CopperScrew]]); // --- Tin Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(TinLantern, [ [TinScrew, TinPlate, TinScrew], [Screwdriver, Torch, HHammer], [TinScrew, TinPlate, TinScrew]]); // --- Lead Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(LeadLantern, [ [LeadScrew, LeadPlate, LeadScrew], [Screwdriver, Torch, HHammer], [LeadScrew, LeadPlate, LeadScrew]]); // --- Steel Lantern --- recipes.addShaped(SteelLantern, [ [SteelScrew, SteelPlate, SteelScrew], [Screwdriver, Torch, HHammer], [SteelScrew, SteelPlate, SteelScrew]]); // --- Signal Lamp --- recipes.addShaped(SignalLamp * 8, [ [GlassPane, .withTag({mat: "ProjRed|Illumination:projectred.illumination.lamp_29"}), IronPlate], [GlassPane, .withTag({mat: "ProjRed|Illumination:projectred.illumination.lamp_20"}), IronPlate], [GlassPane, .withTag({mat: "ProjRed|Illumination:projectred.illumination.lamp_30"}), IronPlate]]); // --- Steam Turbine Disk --- recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Turbine Rotor--- recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Trackmans Goggle --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, SteelScrew, ], [Leather, ReceiverCircuit, Leather]]); // --- Magnifying Glass --- recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, null, ], [null, , null], [SteelRod, null, null]]); // --- Coke Oven --- recipes.addShapeless(, [, , , ]); // --- Sandy Block --- recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [, , null], [, , null], [null, null, null]]); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, null, null], [, null, null], [null, null, null]]); // --- Creosote Wood Slab --- recipes.addShaped(CreosoteWoodSlab * 2, [ [Saw,CreosoteWood]]); // --- Trackmans Backpach recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // - recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Trackmans Backpach Woven mods.forestry.Carpenter.addRecipe(60, * 5000, [, , , , , , , , ], , ); // --- Icemans Backpach recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // - recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Icemans Backpach Woven mods.forestry.Carpenter.addRecipe(60, * 5000, [, , , , , , , , ], , ); // --- Aphothecarys Backpach recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // - recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Aphothecarys Backpach Woven mods.forestry.Carpenter.addRecipe(60, * 5000, [, , , , , , , , ], , ); // --- Infernal Block recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [, , null], [, , null], [null, null, null]]); // --- Lapatron Loader Upgrade recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Cargo Cart recipes.addShaped(, [ [HHammer, , Wrench], [, , ], [null, Screwdriver, null]]); // --- Track Relayer Cart recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Undercutter Cart recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Track Layer Cart recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Track Remover Cart recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Redstone Flux Cart recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [.withTag({type: "SIMPLE", storedEnergyRF: 0}), , .withTag({type: "SIMPLE", storedEnergyRF: 0})], [, , ]]); // --- Redstone Flux Loader recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, .withTag({type: "SIMPLE", storedEnergyRF: 0}), ]]); // --- Redstone Flux Unloader recipes.addShaped(, [ [, .withTag({type: "SIMPLE", storedEnergyRF: 0}), ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Engraver recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Nether Cobblestone recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [CobbleStone, , null], [, CobbleStone, null], [null, null, null]]); // --- Add Fuels --- // --- Creosote SemiFluidGenerator.addFluid( * 25, 8); // - Fuels.addDieselFuel(, .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "creosote", Amount: 1000}}), 8); // - Fuels.addDieselFuel(, , 8); // - furnace.setFuel(, 6400); // --- Alloy Smelter Recipes --- // --- Block of Concrete AlloySmelter.addRecipe(ConcreteBlock * 5, Stone * 5, Rebar * 4, 300, 0); // --- Steel Helmet AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 5, * 0, 600, 30); // --- Steel Chestplate AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 8, * 0, 600, 30); // --- Steel Leggings AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 7, * 0, 600, 30); // --- Steel Boots AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, 600, 30); // --- Assembler Recipes --- // --- Signal Lamp --- Assembler.addRecipe(SignalLamp * 16, [GlassPane, IronPlate, .withTag({mat: "ProjRed|Illumination:projectred.illumination.lamp_29"}), .withTag({mat: "ProjRed|Illumination:projectred.illumination.lamp_20"}), .withTag({mat: "ProjRed|Illumination:projectred.illumination.lamp_30"}), * 0], null, 200, 30); // --- Refined Firestone --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, * 2, * 0], * 576, 200, 480); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, [, * 2, * 0], * 576, 200, 480); // --- Work Cart --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 100, 16); // --- Personal Anchor Cart --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 100, 16); // --- World Anchor Cart --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 100, 16); // --- Tank Cart --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 100, 16); // --- Batbox Cart --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 100, 16); // --- CESU Cart --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 100, 16); // --- MFE Cart --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 100, 16); // --- Electric Meter --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, ReceiverCircuit, * 0], null, 300, 30); // --- Signal Tuner --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, ReceiverCircuit, * 0], null, 300, 30); // --- Signal Block Surveyor --- Assembler.addRecipe(, [, , * 0], null, 300, 30); // --- Centrifuge Recipes --- // --- Coke Coal --- Centrifuge.addRecipe([CoalCoke * 9], CoalCokeBlock, 0, 400); // --- Compressor Recipes --- // --- Block of Coal Coke --- Compressor.addRecipe(CoalCokeBlock, CoalCoke * 9); // --- Block Of Concrete --- Compressor.addRecipe(ConcreteBlock, ConcreteSlab * 2); // --- Creosote Wood Slab --- Compressor.addRecipe(CreosoteWood, CreosoteWoodSlab * 4); // --- Advanced Coke Oven Bricks --- Compressor.addRecipe(, * 4); // --- Coke Oven Compressor.addRecipe(, * 4); // --- Cutting Machine Recipes --- // --- Creosote Wood Slab --- CuttingSaw.addRecipe(CreosoteWoodSlab * 4, null, CreosoteWood, * 4, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe(CreosoteWoodSlab * 4, null, CreosoteWood, * 3, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe(CreosoteWoodSlab * 4, null, CreosoteWood, * 1, 100, 30); // --- Forge Hammer recipes // --- Coke Coal ForgeHammer.addRecipe( * 9, , 100, 24); // --- Fluid Solidifier recipes --- // --- Steel Anvil FluidSolidifier.addRecipe(SteelAnvil, * 0, * 4464, 480, 64); // --- Bleached Clay Mixer.addRecipe( * 2, [, , , ], 100, 8); // --- Precision Laser Recipes --- // --- Firestone Cut PrecisionLaser.addRecipe(, * 0, , 2400, 480); // --- Rolling Machine Recipes --- // --- Iron Plates --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 4); // --- Steel Plates --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 4); // --- Tin Plates --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 4); // --- Copper Plates --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 4); // ---Standart Rail --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe(); // --- Advanced Rail --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 8); // --- H.S Rail --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 8); // --- Reinforced Rail --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe(); // --- Electric Rail --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 6); // --- Electric Shunting Wire --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 8); // --- Electric Shunting Wire --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe(); // --- Metal Post --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe(); // --- Wood Post --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 4, [[WoodTie, null, WoodTie], [WoodTie, WoodTie, WoodTie], [WoodTie, null, WoodTie]]); mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 4, [[WoodTie, WoodTie, WoodTie], [null, WoodTie, null], [WoodTie, WoodTie, WoodTie]]); // --- Stone Post --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 4, [[, null, ], [, , ], [, null, ]]); mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 4, [[, , ], [null, , null], [, , ]]); // --- Wood Platform --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped(, [[null, , null], [null, , null]]); // --- Stone Platform --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped(, [[null, , null], [null, , null]]); // --- Metal Platform --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped(, [[null, , null], [null, , null]]); // --- Metal Post --- mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 16, [[, , ], [null, , null], [, , ]]); // - mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 16, [[,null, ], [, , ], [, null, ]]); // - mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 12, [[, , ], [null, , null], [, , ]]); // - mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 12, [[,null, ], [, , ], [, null, ]]); // - mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 32, [[, , ], [null, , null], [, , ]]); // - mods.railcraft.Rolling.addShaped( * 32, [[,null, ], [, , ], [, null, ]]); // --- Lead Plates mods.railcraft.Rolling.removeRecipe( * 4); // --- Thermionic Fabricator Recipes --- // --- Strengthened Glass mods.forestry.ThermionicFabricator.addCast( * 2000, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]], , * 4); // - mods.forestry.ThermionicFabricator.addCast( * 2000, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]], , * 4); // - mods.forestry.ThermionicFabricator.addCast( * 2000, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]], , * 4); // - mods.forestry.ThermionicFabricator.addCast( * 2000, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]], , * 4); // --- Nei Rename --- // --- Lapatron Loader Upgrade .displayName = "Lapatron Loader Upgrade"; // --- Lead Plate .displayName = "Lead Plate"; // --- Thaumcraft Stuff --- // --- Thaumium Crowbar mods.thaumcraft.Research.moveResearch("RC_Crowbar", "ARTIFICE", 0, -4); mods.thaumcraft.Research.clearPrereqs("RC_Crowbar"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RC_Crowbar", "THAUMIUM", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.clearPages("RC_Crowbar"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RC_Crowbar", "thaumcraft.research.RC_Crowbar.page.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("RC_Crowbar", , "ordo 24, ignis 24, aer 24", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("RC_Crowbar", ); // --- Thaumic Crowbar mods.thaumcraft.Research.refreshResearchRecipe("RC_Crowbar"); // --- Void metal Crowbar mods.thaumcraft.Research.moveResearch("RC_Crowbar_Void", "ELDRITCH", 2, -4); mods.thaumcraft.Research.clearPrereqs("RC_Crowbar_Void"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RC_Crowbar_Void", "VOIDMETAL", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("RC_Crowbar_Void", "RC_Crowbar", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.clearPages("RC_Crowbar_Void"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("RC_Crowbar_Void", "thaumcraft.research.RC_Crowbar_Void.page.1"); mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("RC_Crowbar_Void", , "perditio 50, ignis 50, aer 50, terra 50", [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addArcanePage("RC_Crowbar_Void", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("RC_Crowbar_Void", 2); //--- Void Crowbar mods.thaumcraft.Research.refreshResearchRecipe("RC_Crowbar_Void"); // --- Tab Removal mods.thaumcraft.Research.removeTab("RAILCRAFT");