{ id: "32C4B62281328EB9" group: "02FE661031A105D8" order_index: 2 filename: "botania" title: "Botania" icon: { id: "botania:lexicon" Count: 1b tag: { "botania:elven_unlock": 1b } } default_quest_shape: "" default_hide_dependency_lines: false quests: [ { title: "Botania" icon: { id: "botania:lexicon" Count: 1b tag: { "botania:elven_unlock": 1b } } x: 0.0d y: 0.0d shape: "gear" description: [ "Welcome to &aBotania&f!" "" "Please refer to the &eLexica Botania &fin your &eAkashic Tome &ffor additional help with the mod." ] size: 1.5d id: "3712DD92B446BB60" tasks: [{ id: "19EDC9AB3FA57442" type: "checkmark" title: "Botania" }] rewards: [ { id: "0D7AFF3EB96D520A" type: "item" item: "botania:flower_bag" } { id: "3050309DCDB7533F" type: "item" item: { id: "minecraft:player_head" Count: 1b tag: { SkullOwner: { Properties: { textures: [{ Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3YzI3M2U5N2MyNzdjNDljOTA2NWVkZGYxMDdlODdlYTc3NWM4N2IyYzlmZWEwOTIyNTUwNTE5MDJhYzRhIn19fQ==" }] } Id: [I; -757981255 353128114 -1977494863 -538281118 ] } display: { Name: "{\"text\":\"BovineShaman\"}" } } } } ] } { title: "Petal Apothecary" x: 0.0d y: -1.5d shape: "rsquare" description: ["The &ePetal Apothecary&f will allow you to make all of the Generating and Functional Flowers you need."] min_required_dependencies: 1 dependencies: [ "19EDC9AB3FA57442" "3712DD92B446BB60" ] id: "61F484F59906F87C" tasks: [{ id: "2BC8A3CB7C8210DB" type: "item" item: "botania:apothecary_default" }] rewards: [{ id: "4F5511BD846DF782" type: "random" table_id: 1340875193044128734L }] } { x: 0.0d y: -3.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["This flower will help you make the basic materials that are widely used in &aBotania"] dependencies: ["61F484F59906F87C"] id: "56934B657C4AC28D" tasks: [{ id: "1245D0684B36F178" type: "item" item: "botania:pure_daisy" }] rewards: [{ id: "116868DAA4E8A23D" type: "random" table_id: 1340875193044128734L }] } { x: 0.0d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["56934B657C4AC28D"] id: "06490F2A5130591F" tasks: [ { id: "704F0B2986188CAE" type: "item" item: "botania:livingrock" } { id: "313583FEFA45E388" type: "item" item: "botania:livingwood" } ] rewards: [{ id: "0E9E7B6562B9954E" type: "random" table_id: 1340875193044128734L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -6.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["An early-game way of taking &bmana &ffrom flowers and pools to sending to other pools or devices."] dependencies: ["06490F2A5130591F"] id: "319B5F2C82917939" tasks: [{ id: "297192A0CC23A54B" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_spreader" }] rewards: [{ id: "631BE10AE2756944" type: "random" table_id: 1340875193044128734L }] } { x: -1.5d y: -6.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["This is used to store &bmana&f."] dependencies: ["06490F2A5130591F"] id: "79A00580861BF4EF" tasks: [{ id: "4C2DA448D23D2C1D" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_pool" }] rewards: [{ id: "46D1345D6AD5EF2B" type: "item" item: "botania:livingrock" count: 16 }] } { x: -1.5d y: 0.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["You can make dyes bye combining a &ePestle and Mortar &fwith any &ePetals"] dependencies: ["3712DD92B446BB60"] id: "4BF081B43A958F48" tasks: [{ id: "3C4EF8396D25E149" type: "item" item: "botania:pestle_and_mortar" }] rewards: [{ id: "7935DA16E6C7DE73" type: "random" table_id: 1340875193044128734L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -1.5d description: ["This flower is capable of converting other materials, check JEI for more info."] dependencies: ["56934B657C4AC28D"] optional: true id: "6E3B97A780726463" tasks: [{ id: "7DF780141F740C00" type: "item" item: "minecraft:blue_ice" }] } { x: 0.0d y: -7.5d dependencies: [ "79A00580861BF4EF" "3CD64FEC8723FC0E" "319B5F2C82917939" ] id: "0DA91D4082835694" tasks: [ { id: "14E2E53502D0F714" type: "item" item: "botania:manasteel_ingot" } { id: "298D8CFECDB4BA6B" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_diamond" } { id: "44B2DEDA499B1CD7" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_pearl" } { id: "023589B048A455F7" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_string" } { id: "7DA5D2A14173D77E" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_glass" } { id: "54B32163F22264E1" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:mana_emerald" } ] rewards: [ { id: "03AEFAB28D7D4806" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L } { id: "2645D2760D6DC66E" type: "random" table_id: 1340875193044128734L } ] } { x: 0.0d y: -6.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["The main tool of &aBotania&f, will be used throughout the entire mod."] dependencies: ["06490F2A5130591F"] id: "3CD64FEC8723FC0E" tasks: [{ id: "7DEF3021F6CFACB4" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:twig_wand" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 1.5d y: -7.5d shape: "rsquare" dependencies: ["0DA91D4082835694"] dependency_requirement: "all_started" id: "1D61112306592F4A" tasks: [{ id: "5932C54E1F023EE3" type: "item" item: "botania:runic_altar" }] rewards: [{ id: "3E9EFED2F4BEA311" type: "loot" table_id: 5354288240016506720L }] } { title: "Mobile Mana" x: -1.5d y: -7.5d description: ["These two items will allow you to cart around manapools to bring to your &aBotania &fdevices."] dependencies: [ "79A00580861BF4EF" "0DA91D4082835694" ] dependency_requirement: "all_started" optional: true id: "26B9BD4CC878E760" tasks: [ { id: "1D25B02AD08C1CD6" type: "item" item: "botania:pool_minecart" } { id: "78DF4CFC60930482" type: "item" item: "botania:pump" } ] rewards: [{ id: "110098212F4029EE" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L }] } { x: -3.0d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["79A00580861BF4EF"] id: "07F8C82BE1F59772" tasks: [{ id: "08CC29A67DEDCC5F" type: "item" item: "botania:alchemy_catalyst" }] } { x: -4.5d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["07F8C82BE1F59772"] id: "2E729F64453B2526" tasks: [{ id: "530E2F97096436CA" type: "item" item: "botania:conjuration_catalyst" }] } { x: 3.0d y: -7.5d dependencies: ["1D61112306592F4A"] id: "570666B5CD7C1F30" tasks: [{ id: "1055B854B468BC70" type: "item" item: "botania:brewery" }] rewards: [{ id: "095E724A8CC2A9CE" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L }] } { x: 4.5d y: -7.5d dependencies: ["570666B5CD7C1F30"] id: "230A8F65742B0F1F" tasks: [ { id: "4DC4D931E3CF07F3" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:incense_stick" Count: 1b tag: { brewKey: "botania:regen" } } } { id: "057C7FBB1459B339" type: "item" item: "botania:incense_plate" } { id: "54D895CF7D2B1570" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:blood_pendant" Count: 1b tag: { brewKey: "botania:resistance" } } } ] rewards: [{ id: "564CA89F5EA3CFE4" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:brew_flask" Count: 1b tag: { brewKey: "botania:water_breathing" } } }] } { x: 3.0d y: -15.0d dependencies: ["798CCF9CC7B4D89E"] id: "14FA99EC2C685D2C" tasks: [{ id: "235F014E8492600A" type: "item" item: "botania:life_essence" }] } { x: 4.5d y: -15.0d dependencies: ["14FA99EC2C685D2C"] id: "4B900F3D10F9A035" tasks: [{ id: "561CAD3E3D4930DC" type: "item" item: "botania:gaia_spreader" }] } { x: 0.0d y: -15.0d dependencies: ["14FA99EC2C685D2C"] id: "4E43EE26073C6A0E" tasks: [{ id: "341B233AC2FAF8E1" type: "item" item: "botania:gaia_ingot" }] } { x: 2.0d y: -17.5d shape: "octagon" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] hide: true id: "0C790F258BE961F5" tasks: [{ id: "2B58DB020D03330B" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:dice" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 1.5d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["0DA91D4082835694"] dependency_requirement: "all_started" optional: true id: "7F181A77C5856910" tasks: [ { id: "0B30E28743C7FC25" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manaweave_helmet" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "5DAB5A46452EC1D6" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manaweave_chestplate" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "45739F73326137B8" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manaweave_leggings" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "428BCF34AFCD1635" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manaweave_boots" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } ] rewards: [ { id: "63A504C4656B9BBE" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L } { id: "6D34B9C498BD8307" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:spell_cloth" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } ] } { icon: "botania:gaia_pylon" x: 3.0d y: -13.5d shape: "rsquare" dependencies: [ "2BF9857C4C142158" "4E99613ABC04B4A2" ] id: "798CCF9CC7B4D89E" tasks: [ { id: "60176D064026DBEE" type: "item" item: "botania:gaia_pylon" count: 4L } { id: "644700D21A4954D8" type: "item" item: "minecraft:beacon" } { id: "00EEB91B5B262B89" type: "item" item: "minecraft:iron_block" count: 9L } ] } { x: 1.5d y: -12.0d shape: "rsquare" dependencies: ["362B99CB9BEA0AD8"] id: "2E2F8FEF5843A526" tasks: [ { id: "23400928425B6EAB" type: "item" item: "botania:alfheim_portal" } { id: "6A646B6024336D5E" type: "item" item: "botania:glimmering_livingwood" count: 3L } { id: "1C4AFABFEDA5CD84" type: "item" item: "botania:natura_pylon" count: 2L } ] } { x: 3.0d y: -12.0d dependencies: ["2E2F8FEF5843A526"] id: "4E99613ABC04B4A2" tasks: [ { id: "0C395BF76304D620" type: "item" item: "botania:elementium_ingot" } { id: "2D08239FF11D8865" type: "item" item: "botania:dragonstone" } { id: "37CE09B11F7E58AD" type: "item" item: "botania:pixie_dust" } { id: "495A84458396B154" type: "item" item: "botania:dreamwood" } { id: "02C5AF4E6760B439" type: "item" item: "botania:elf_glass" } ] } { icon: "botania:terra_plate" x: 3.0d y: -9.0d shape: "rsquare" dependencies: [ "1D61112306592F4A" "25E8314BF1013492" ] id: "629EE96E4C033EF3" tasks: [ { id: "6FF677134B5EA71C" type: "item" item: "botania:terra_plate" } { id: "2378AEB6AAED8A7E" type: "item" item: "botania:livingrock" count: 5L } { id: "791FBBC1754DF7A4" type: "item" item: "minecraft:lapis_block" count: 4L } ] rewards: [{ id: "19140B841AF94CCD" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["629EE96E4C033EF3"] id: "362B99CB9BEA0AD8" tasks: [{ id: "545866F26BBCA275" type: "item" item: "botania:terrasteel_ingot" }] } { x: -2.5d y: -18.5d shape: "octagon" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] hide: true id: "0954DF0090936595" tasks: [{ id: "4DBE79E850E22B58" type: "item" item: "botania:ancient_will_ahrim" }] } { x: -1.5d y: -18.5d shape: "octagon" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] hide: true id: "1DF7C2626F274CAE" tasks: [{ id: "59719C2875ECF01B" type: "item" item: "botania:ancient_will_dharok" }] } { x: -1.0d y: -17.5d shape: "octagon" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] hide: true id: "785F5C97FBEC362B" tasks: [{ id: "34B89C70B308A46A" type: "item" item: "botania:ancient_will_guthan" }] } { x: -1.5d y: -16.5d shape: "octagon" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] hide: true id: "39EE97C8B488D2F8" tasks: [{ id: "05178EB52E430DF3" type: "item" item: "botania:ancient_will_torag" }] } { x: -2.5d y: -16.5d shape: "octagon" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] hide: true id: "68B5BEBC88733D74" tasks: [{ id: "309B65F0EB596F40" type: "item" item: "botania:ancient_will_verac" }] } { x: -3.0d y: -17.5d shape: "octagon" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] hide: true id: "674A286FD7DCE9F7" tasks: [{ id: "3D2AFDCFA26350BA" type: "item" item: "botania:ancient_will_karil" }] } { x: -2.0d y: -17.5d shape: "octagon" dependencies: [ "785F5C97FBEC362B" "1DF7C2626F274CAE" "0954DF0090936595" "674A286FD7DCE9F7" "68B5BEBC88733D74" "39EE97C8B488D2F8" ] hide: true id: "4EC3AD3D58646918" tasks: [{ id: "5D6F2C28F055988D" type: "item" item: "kubejs:mass_of_wills" }] } { x: 2.5d y: -18.5d shape: "octagon" dependencies: ["0C790F258BE961F5"] hide: true id: "6CBF7F44F6D7C8D1" tasks: [{ id: "7E7747A02F84AC0F" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:infinite_fruit" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 3.0d y: -17.5d shape: "octagon" dependencies: ["0C790F258BE961F5"] hide: true id: "360E0B0640E82907" tasks: [{ id: "1C0CFB50D7D33614" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:king_key" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 2.5d y: -16.5d shape: "octagon" dependencies: ["0C790F258BE961F5"] hide: true id: "42865F84B72C6F6A" tasks: [{ id: "2A514535D1FCA8E1" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:flugel_eye" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 1.5d y: -16.5d shape: "octagon" dependencies: ["0C790F258BE961F5"] hide: true id: "37C163E150EFBCA6" tasks: [{ id: "7147ED224DDC6016" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:thor_ring" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 1.0d y: -17.5d shape: "octagon" dependencies: ["0C790F258BE961F5"] hide: true id: "02B61553AB9C4C7E" tasks: [{ id: "49A8F24E4FDF6178" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:odin_ring" Count: 1b tag: { baubleUUIDMost: 4320808123336444415L baubleUUIDLeast: -8287117486568833298L } } }] } { x: 1.5d y: -18.5d shape: "octagon" dependencies: ["0C790F258BE961F5"] hide: true id: "0D75C33954C9A3CC" tasks: [{ id: "5E913BEB5F9E3129" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:loki_ring" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 0.0d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["0DA91D4082835694"] dependency_requirement: "all_started" optional: true id: "29C1DE4F8181245E" tasks: [ { id: "759DF73CE867DE5F" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manasteel_helmet" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "06236A648548E584" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manasteel_chestplate" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "2DE8F82525964008" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manasteel_leggings" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "318B93B148168751" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:manasteel_boots" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } ] rewards: [ { id: "70BD8D6B2F2D91BC" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L } { id: "59F2C5E06ABDE575" type: "random" table_id: 1340875193044128734L } ] } { x: 4.5d y: -10.5d shape: "square" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["3712DD92B446BB60"] id: "25E8314BF1013492" tasks: [{ id: "368F09EA4D6258FD" type: "item" item: "botania:spark" }] } { x: 0.0d y: -10.5d dependencies: [ "29C1DE4F8181245E" "362B99CB9BEA0AD8" ] optional: true id: "26CEA22DFE2EA442" tasks: [ { id: "3BAFC152F42F82AA" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:terrasteel_helmet" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "205FA7FEC6FBB44A" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:terrasteel_chestplate" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "2DB5EE4E0A9941B3" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:terrasteel_leggings" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "06C0BD69386BFA93" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:terrasteel_boots" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } ] } { x: 0.0d y: -12.0d dependencies: [ "26CEA22DFE2EA442" "232DB435CB1AD8B3" ] optional: true id: "1906E850FB4DCDE2" tasks: [ { id: "378BFBFAB18FF809" type: "item" item: { id: "mythicbotany:alfsteel_helmet" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "7113ABFC34E84ACC" type: "item" item: { id: "mythicbotany:alfsteel_chestplate" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "509E82528E56B7EB" type: "item" item: { id: "mythicbotany:alfsteel_leggings" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "254A824FC6448408" type: "item" item: { id: "mythicbotany:alfsteel_boots" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } ] } { x: 0.0d y: -13.5d dependencies: ["791833D833932ACF"] id: "232DB435CB1AD8B3" tasks: [{ id: "2C1AC584A7BAAB40" type: "item" item: "mythicbotany:alfsteel_ingot" }] } { x: 1.5d y: -13.5d shape: "rsquare" description: ["This unfortunately does not have a factory version yet."] dependencies: ["4E99613ABC04B4A2"] id: "791833D833932ACF" tasks: [{ id: "39F692B45C92E098" type: "item" item: "mythicbotany:mana_infuser" }] } { x: 0.0d y: -16.5d description: ["Allows creative flight"] dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] id: "090EAB8693560165" tasks: [{ id: "6547A7FB39DC0CE3" type: "item" item: "angelring:itemring" }] } { x: 1.5d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["319B5F2C82917939"] id: "6A331F83B906CDCD" tasks: [{ id: "191712021F2A4D37" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:lens_normal" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] } { x: 1.5d y: -15.0d dependencies: ["232DB435CB1AD8B3"] id: "2BF9857C4C142158" tasks: [{ id: "48B98B55635BA3BC" type: "item" item: "mythicbotany:alfsteel_pylon" }] } { x: -1.5d y: -13.5d dependencies: ["4E43EE26073C6A0E"] id: "1EEC40A8EBBE8AD7" tasks: [{ id: "503C0E21778D834F" type: "item" item: "mythicbotany:mana_collector" }] } { title: "Portable Mana" x: -3.0d y: -7.5d dependencies: ["79A00580861BF4EF"] id: "221C83EAA6F5F4CD" tasks: [{ id: "3B683E24AA3D1B8B" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:mana_tablet" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "7242BBE3DAE4F94B" type: "item" item: "botania:black_lotus" }] } { x: 4.5d y: -12.0d dependencies: [ "4E99613ABC04B4A2" "25E8314BF1013492" ] id: "7911B0A1EEED49D8" tasks: [ { id: "6C21D07072EA2239" type: "item" item: "botania:spark_upgrade_dominant" } { id: "7B99EBDDB132009D" type: "item" item: "botania:spark_upgrade_recessive" } { id: "44628F02FB808053" type: "item" item: "botania:spark_upgrade_dispersive" } { id: "15E598B153BD74EB" type: "item" item: "botania:spark_upgrade_isolated" } ] } { x: -3.0d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["221C83EAA6F5F4CD"] id: "3575DDE164C0BE2E" tasks: [{ id: "7E357D4FA92CEEE1" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:mana_ring" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "675E15C93BF86F8D" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L }] } { x: -3.0d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["3575DDE164C0BE2E"] id: "2E6127D4C3CB04B4" tasks: [{ id: "0AA9836D3721A02A" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:mana_ring_greater" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "2CECF565E758A9BE" type: "item" item: "botania:manasteel_block" }] } { x: -3.0d y: -12.0d dependencies: ["2E6127D4C3CB04B4"] id: "1653E7DA8A28A8DA" tasks: [{ id: "496879DD679024BC" type: "item" item: { id: "mythicbotany:mana_ring_greatest" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "0D7DF1946B52F431" type: "item" item: "botania:terrasteel_ingot" count: 2 }] } { x: -4.5d y: -9.0d hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["1D61112306592F4A"] id: "659FC2991F2BB6E2" tasks: [{ id: "159A75A47DF7F046" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:aura_ring" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "2D8A4890002DF08A" type: "random" table_id: 5354288240016506720L }] } { x: -4.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["659FC2991F2BB6E2"] id: "73CCE831A67A2006" tasks: [{ id: "26EA3D7C48383FFF" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:aura_ring_greater" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "461C249362F80BA5" type: "item" item: "botania:manasteel_block" }] } { x: -4.5d y: -12.0d dependencies: ["73CCE831A67A2006"] id: "357AB76BF927C1D2" tasks: [{ id: "292AAD92ECC43389" type: "item" item: { id: "mythicbotany:aura_ring_greatest" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "19A33CE722F78249" type: "item" item: "botania:terrasteel_ingot" count: 2 }] } { title: "Mana Manipulation" x: -1.5d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["79A00580861BF4EF"] optional: true id: "56FB5D1715C4CD71" tasks: [ { id: "4C91D082E529AA6E" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_distributor" } { id: "1367CA153F12E96D" type: "item" item: "botania:mana_void" } ] } { x: 4.5d y: -13.5d dependencies: ["4E99613ABC04B4A2"] optional: true id: "16F516863CF22B1D" tasks: [ { id: "65E06DEBC125A3F6" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:elementium_helmet" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "252C2B4DF7E5DCD4" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:elementium_chestplate" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "71F94199D12AB740" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:elementium_leggings" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "150003CE80D63FC5" type: "item" item: { id: "botania:elementium_boots" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } ] } { title: "Got Flowers?" x: 1.5d y: 0.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["The &eFloral Fertilizer&f can be used to grow more &eMystical Flowers&f, similar to bonemeal growing grass."] dependencies: ["3712DD92B446BB60"] id: "77057620EA7AB2DA" tasks: [{ id: "3D9DBE3596FF4966" type: "item" item: "botania:fertilizer" }] } { x: -1.5d y: -12.0d dependencies: ["232DB435CB1AD8B3"] optional: true id: "3FA848A2EB79ABF6" tasks: [{ id: "646695ED49B51940" type: "item" item: { id: "aiotbotania:alfsteel_aiot" Count: 1b tag: { mana: 9999 Damage: 0 } } }] } { x: -1.5d y: -10.5d hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["362B99CB9BEA0AD8"] optional: true id: "7253F848D72AC121" tasks: [{ id: "579A5EDF8FC0B9B0" type: "item" item: { id: "aiotbotania:terra_aiot" Count: 1b tag: { mana: 9999 Damage: 0 } } }] } { x: -1.5d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["0DA91D4082835694"] dependency_requirement: "all_started" optional: true id: "08DC4ED3C49144D6" tasks: [{ id: "786CEF37A7CB2BB9" type: "item" item: { id: "aiotbotania:manasteel_aiot" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } }] } { x: 1.5d y: -3.0d dependencies: ["06490F2A5130591F"] optional: true id: "36FFA5FAB4429129" tasks: [ { id: "2B65E1840E86FF4A" type: "item" item: { id: "aiotbotania:livingwood_aiot" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } { id: "67AA8D1D723FAAAD" type: "item" item: { id: "aiotbotania:livingrock_aiot" Count: 1b tag: { Damage: 0 } } } ] } { x: -3.0d y: -13.5d hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: [ "25E8314BF1013492" "5699FE5E797AB504" "4E99613ABC04B4A2" ] dependency_requirement: "all_started" optional: true id: "34CF6E512C24A866" tasks: [{ id: "2D8D9CF40B02453B" type: "item" item: "botania:corporea_spark" }] } { x: -3.0d y: -15.0d dependencies: ["34CF6E512C24A866"] optional: true id: "24149340F6FA293C" tasks: [{ id: "4CC91C927396B87F" type: "item" item: "botania:corporea_spark_master" }] } { title: "Corporeal Network" x: -1.5d y: -15.0d dependencies: ["34CF6E512C24A866"] optional: true id: "41BDC96AAF43E330" tasks: [ { id: "4E5C75DEF50211A5" type: "item" item: "botania:corporea_funnel" } { id: "690A5502B07D5E9C" type: "item" item: "botania:corporea_retainer" } { id: "70478748A8ABE7B8" type: "item" item: "botania:corporea_interceptor" } ] } { x: -4.5d y: -13.5d dependencies: ["34CF6E512C24A866"] optional: true id: "1B993E056502A9EC" tasks: [{ id: "2DCCC523FE365DE4" type: "item" item: "botania:corporea_crystal_cube" }] } { x: -4.5d y: -15.0d dependencies: ["34CF6E512C24A866"] optional: true id: "34D62509ADE19E11" tasks: [{ id: "40F211C73DB75F39" type: "item" item: "botania:corporea_index" }] } { x: 3.0d y: -4.5d description: ["Obtained by using a bottle in the End"] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["3712DD92B446BB60"] id: "5699FE5E797AB504" tasks: [{ id: "34B74A40F13A619B" type: "item" item: "botania:ender_air_bottle" }] } { x: 3.0d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["2E2F8FEF5843A526"] optional: true id: "4911A3B0A12E1F8B" tasks: [{ id: "54958E0AA5295937" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:alfheim_market" }] } { x: 4.5d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["629EE96E4C033EF3"] optional: true id: "6F2353E581CDB1FE" tasks: [{ id: "2C2EC2B5A04DF62D" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:industrial_agglomeration_factory" }] rewards: [{ id: "1ED17C2001FE3E2F" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } { x: 3.0d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["1D61112306592F4A"] optional: true id: "607684FD0B6D6595" tasks: [{ id: "729768D99661428B" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:mechanical_runic_altar" }] rewards: [{ id: "1DCA8DB5492C4A7A" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } { x: -3.0d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["79A00580861BF4EF"] optional: true id: "7ED6DE4EE34B8749" tasks: [{ id: "21FFAFDBF4070E74" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:mechanical_mana_pool" }] rewards: [{ id: "32180884D494489B" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } { x: -1.5d y: -1.5d dependencies: ["61F484F59906F87C"] optional: true id: "584242806ED2DC20" tasks: [{ id: "7BCA4DBD4255D521" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:mechanical_apothecary" }] rewards: [{ id: "3BEAAB53E5298F4C" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } { x: 4.5d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["570666B5CD7C1F30"] optional: true id: "277C47DAF0B7B560" tasks: [{ id: "7732DD2705A163C7" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:mechanical_brewery" }] rewards: [{ id: "255606956271E9FF" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } { x: -1.5d y: -3.0d dependencies: ["56934B657C4AC28D"] optional: true id: "70F2E305CA41F9A7" tasks: [{ id: "3345AA2C3CFC0BD1" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:mechanical_daisy" }] rewards: [{ id: "690E677BBDF6BE6E" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } { x: -4.5d y: -7.5d description: ["Place a &eMana Tablet&f or &eBand of Mana&f inside to insert or extract mana."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["2E6127D4C3CB04B4"] id: "44558035AF343296" tasks: [{ id: "12471BFAAA9D3DD9" type: "item" item: "botanicalmachinery:mana_battery" }] rewards: [{ id: "0244E2AC80D7D79A" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } ] }