# Configuration file client { # Call it a /dev/null in-game (Requested by TheMattaBase) [default: false] B:CallItDevNull=false # Make items ultra shiny! [default: false] B:SuperShine=false # When cycling selected item with /dank/null in-hand, should it try to only cycle blocks? [default: false] B:onlyCycleBlocks=false # Show the /dank/null HUD overlay? [default: true] B:showHUD=true } general { B:CallItDevNull=false B:EnableColorShaders=true B:IgnoreEdgeDetection=false B:SuperShine=false B:showHUD=true } "server rules" { # If true, you will be able to pipe items into the /dank/null Docking Station [default: true] B:AllowDockInsertion=true # A semicolon separated list of items that are not allowed to be placed into the creative /dank/null # Format: modid:name:meta (meta optional: modid:name is acceptable) - Example: minecraft:diamond;minecraft:coal:1 [default: ] S:CreativeBlacklist=ironbackpacks:backpack; projectred-exploration:backpack; actuallyadditions:block_giant_chest; actuallyadditions:block_giant_chest_medium; actuallyadditions:block_giant_chest_large # A semicolon separated list of items that are allowed to be placed into the creative /dank/null # Same format as Blacklist and whitelist superceeds blacklist. # If whitelist is non-empty, then ONLY whitelisted items can be added to the Creative /dank/null [default: ] S:CreativeWhitelist= # If set to true, then Ore Dictionary Mode will not be available (overrides Ore Dictionary White/Black lists) [default: false] B:DisableOreDictMode=false # A semicolon separated list of Ore Dictionary entries (strings) which WILL NOT be allowed to be used with /dank/null's Ore Dictionary functionality. [default: itemSkull] S:OreDictBlacklist= # A semicolon separated list of Ore Dictionary entries (strings) which WILL BE allowed to be used with /dank/null's Ore Dictionary functionality. Whitelist superceeds blacklist. # If whitelist is non-empty, then ONLY Ore Dictionary items matching the entries will # be able to take advantage of /dank/null's Ore Dictionary functionality. [default: ] S:OreDictWhitelist= }