# Configuration file general { machines { multiblock { # **WARNING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Advanced Coke Oven Multiblock structure and Preheater be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_advancedCokeOven=true # **WARNING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Boiler Multiblock structure be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_boiler=true # **WARING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Cooling Tower Multiblock structures be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_coolingTower=true # **WARNING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Distiller Multiblock structure be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_distiller=true # **WARING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Gas Turbine Multiblock structures be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_gasTurbine=true # **WARING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Heat Exchanger Multiblock structures be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_heatExchanger=true # **WARNING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Solar Tower / Solar Reflector Multiblock structures be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_solarTower=true # **WARNING** disable this before you load a new world or break the multiblocks before you do this!!! Can the Steam Turbine / Alternator Multiblock structures be built ? [Default=true] B:enable_steamTurbine=true } recipes { # Should default Boiler recipes be registered ? [Default=true] B:register_boiler_recipes=true # Should default Cooling Tower recipes be registered ? [Default=true] B:register_cooling_tower_recipes=true # Should default Distiller recipes be registered ? [Default=true] B:register_distiller_recipes=true # Should default Gas Turbine recipes be registered ? [Default=true] B:register_gas_turbine_recipes=true # Should default Heat Exchanger recipes be registered ? [Default=true] B:register_heat_exchanger_recipes=true # Should default Solar Tower recipes be registered ? [Default=true] B:register_solarTower_recipes=true # Should default Steam Turbine recipes be registered ? [Default=true] B:register_steamTurbine_recipes=true } alternator { # The maximum energy an Alternator can store [Default=1200000] I:alternator_energy_capacitorSize=1200000 # Energy production when running at maximum speed and torque [Default=12288] I:alternator_energy_perTick=12288 # Alternator sound based RPM or Capacity [Default=true] B:alternator_sound_RPM=true } boiler { # The capacity of the fuel tank for the Boiler [Default=2000] I:boiler_fuel_tankSize=2000 # How fast the Boiler cools down per tick when turned off or missing fuel [Default=5] I:boiler_heat_lossPerTick=5 # A Boiler can only start processing recipes once it reaches this heat level [Default=12000.0] D:boiler_heat_workingLevel=12000.0 # The capacity of the input tank for the Boiler [Default=20000] I:boiler_input_tankSize=20000 # The capacity of the output tank for the Boiler [Default=20000] I:boiler_output_tankSize=20000 # How fast the Boiler loses progress in ticks when the heat drops below processing heat level [Default=1] I:boiler_progress_lossInTicks=1 } advancedcokeoven { # This value gets added per preheater, to the speed of the Advanced Coke Oven [Default=1] D:advancedCokeOven_preheater_speed_increase=1.0 # The speed of the Advanced Coke Oven gets multiplied by this value per preheater [Default=1] D:advancedCokeOven_preheater_speed_multiplier=1.0 # How fast the Advanced Coke Oven (with no preheaters) is when compared to the basic Coke Oven. A value of 1 means same speed. [Default=1] D:advancedCokeOven_speed_base=1.0 # The capacity of the tank for the Advanced Coke Oven [Default=24000] I:advancedCokeOven_tankSize=24000 } cokeovenpreheater { # The energy per tick the Coke Oven Preheater consumes while processing [Default=32] I:cokeOvenPreheater_energy_consumption=32 } distiller { # The capacity of the input tank for the Distiller [Default=24000] I:distiller_input_tankSize=24000 # The item for Salt the Distiller should output [Default=immersivetech:material] S:distiller_output_item=immersivetech:material # The item chance for Salt the Distiller should output [Default=0.009999999776482582] D:distiller_output_itemChance=0.009999999776482582 # The item meta for Salt the Distiller should output [Default=0] I:distiller_output_itemMeta=0 # The capacity of the output tank for the Distiller [Default=24000] I:distiller_output_tankSize=24000 } solarreflector { # The maximum distance between the Solar Reflectors and the Solar Tower [Default=10] I:solarReflector_maxRange=10 # The minimum distance between the Solar Reflectors and the Solar Tower [Default=5] I:solarReflector_minRange=5 } solartower { # How fast the Solar Tower cools down per tick when turned off or at night [Default=1] I:solarTower_heat_lossPerTick=1 # A Solar Tower can only start processing recipes once it reaches this heat level [Default=6000.0] D:solarTower_heat_workingLevel=6000.0 # The capacity of the input tank for the Solar Tower [Default=32000] I:solarTower_input_tankSize=32000 # The capacity of the output tank for the Solar Tower [Default=32000] I:solarTower_output_tankSize=32000 # How fast the the Solar Tower loses progress in ticks when the heat drops below processing heat level [Default=1] I:solarTower_progress_lossInTicks=1 # The heat speed of the Solar Tower gets multiplied by this value, per Solar Reflector past the first one [Default=1.5] D:solarTower_solarReflector_speed_multiplier=1.5 # The heat speed multiplier applied to all Solar Tower recipes (with a single reflector) [Default=1] D:solarTower_speed_multiplier=1.0 } steamturbine { # The capacity of the input tank for the Steam Turbine [Default=10000] I:steamTurbine_input_tankSize=10000 # The capacity of the output tank for the Steam Turbine [Default=10000] I:steamTurbine_output_tankSize=10000 # How fast the Steam Turbine increases in speed per tick [Default=3] I:steamTurbine_speed_gainPerTick=3 # How fast the Steam Turbine loses speed per tick when inactive [Default=6] I:steamTurbine_speed_lossPerTick=6 # How fast should the Steam Turbine's axle rotate in degrees per tick (purely cosmetic) [Default=72] D:steamTurbine_speed_maxRotation=72.0 } steeltank { # Steel Tank Size in mB [Default=2048000] I:steelTank_tankSize=2048000 # How fast can the Steel Tank push fluids out, in mB, when powered by Redstone [Default=1000] I:steelTank_transferSpeed=1000 } coolingtower { # The capacity of the input tanks for the Cooling Tower [Default=10000] I:coolingTower_input_tankSize=10000 # The capacity of the output tanks for the Cooling Tower [Default=10000] I:coolingTower_output_tankSize=10000 } gasturbine { # The power consumption of the electric starter for the Gas Turbine [Default=3072] I:gasTurbine_electric_starter_consumption=3072 # The capacity of the electric starter for the Gas Turbine [Default=3072] I:gasTurbine_electric_starter_size=6144 # The capacity of the input tank for the Gas Turbine [Default=10000] I:gasTurbine_input_tankSize=10000 # The capacity of the output tank for the Gas Turbine [Default=10000] I:gasTurbine_output_tankSize=10000 # The power consumption of the sparkplug for the Gas Turbine [Default=1024] I:gasTurbine_sparkplug_consumption=1024 # The capacity of the sparkplug for the Gas Turbine [Default=1024] I:gasTurbine_sparkplug_size=1024 # How fast the Gas Turbine increases in speed per tick [Default=3] I:gasTurbine_speed_gainPerTick=3 # How fast the Gas Turbine loses speed per tick when inactive [Default=6] I:gasTurbine_speed_lossPerTick=6 # How fast should the Steam Turbine's axle rotate in degrees per tick (purely cosmetic) [Default=72] D:gasTurbine_speed_maxRotation=72.0 } heatexchanger { # The maximum energy a Heat Exchanger can store [Default=2048] I:heatExchanger_energy_size=2048 # The capacity of the input tanks for the Heat Exchanger [Default=10000] I:heatExchanger_input_tankSize=10000 # The capacity of the output tanks for the Heat Exchanger [Default=10000] I:heatExchanger_output_tankSize=10000 } } mechanicalenergy { # The maximum speed that machines can tolerate in RPM [Default=1800] I:mechanicalEnergy_speed_max=1800 } barrels { # The capacity of the tank for the Open Barrel [Default=12000] I:barrel_open_tankSize=12000 # How fast can the Open Barrel push fluids out, in mB [Default=40] I:barrel_open_transferSpeed=40 # The capacity of the tank for the Steel Barrel [Default=24000] I:barrel_steel_tankSize=24000 # How fast can the Steel Barrel push fluids out, in mB [Default=500] I:barrel_steel_transferSpeed=500 } experimental { # Should the text overlay for trash cans be per tick rather than per second? [Default=false] B:per_tick_trash_cans=false # Should pipes use round robin(false), which is more CPU intensive, or last served(true), which remembers the last valid path[Default=false] B:pipe_last_served=false # How much should the pipes be capable of transfering when pressurized, in mb. [Default=1000] I:pipe_pressurized_transfer_rate=1000 # How much should the pipes be capable of transfering, in mb. [Default=50] I:pipe_transfer_rate=50 # Replace IE pipes with IT's own version. [Default=true] B:replace_IE_pipes=true } }