# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General configuration # Version:1.8.2 ########################################################################################################## general { # Global armor multiplier for all the mobs. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Global Armor Multiplier"=4.0 # Global damage multiplier for all the mobs. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Global Damage Multiplier"=4.0 # Global health multiplier for all the mobs. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Global Health Multiplier"=4.0 # Each second the killcount will go up by this amount (only if difficulty is set to hard or hardcore. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.0] S:"Killcount Plus"=0.1 # How many kills Primitive mobs need for the Adapted stage. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 10.0] S:"Kills for Adapted Stage"=10.0 # How many kills Infected mobs need for the Primitive stage. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 5.0] S:"Kills for Primitive Stage"=5.0 # Set to true for adapted versions to despawn. [default: true] B:"Mob Adapted Despawn"=false # Set to true for ancient mobs to despawn. [default: false] B:"Mob Ancient Despawn"=false # Set to false if you want the parasites to only target the player. [default: true] B:"Mob Attacking"=true # Fire damage multiplier for the mobs. [range: 1.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:"Mob Fire Damage Multiplier"=2.0 # Set to true for infected versions to despawn. [default: true] B:"Mob Infected Despawn"=false # Set to true for primitive versions to despawn. [default: true] B:"Mob Primitive Despawn"=false # Parasites can't spawn in these dimensions I:"Mobs Blacklisted Dimensions" < -1 0 1 > # Set to false if you want to disable mobs. [default: true] B:"Mobs Enabled"=true # Set to true to allow mobs to ignore sunlight when naturally spawning. [default: false] B:"Mobs Ignore Sun"=true # Number of days required for the mobs to spawn. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Mobs days required"=0 # List of block that can't be broken by the griefing task [default: [minecraft:stonebrick]] S:"Mobs with griefing blocks black list" < > # Mobs that will avoid the parasites. Ex: "minecraft:zombie" [default: [minecraft:villager]] S:"Mobs with new avoid task" < minecraft:villager > # Mobs that will break block in the way when chasing its target. Ex. "srparasites:ashyco;1;3" Where: # "srparasites:ashyco" is the entity (note: this only works with mobs of this mod), # "1" is the maximum hardness of the block it can break, # "3" is the cooldown in seconds. # [default: [srparasites:shycoadapted;1;3], [srparasites:noglaadapted;1;3], [srparasites:canraadapted;1;6], [srparasites:zetmoadapted;1.5;2], [srparasites:ganro;2;2], [srparasites:oronco;3;1], [srparasites:terla;3;1]] S:"Mobs with new griefing task" < srparasites:shycoadapted;1;3 srparasites:noglaadapted;1;3 srparasites:canraadapted;1;6 srparasites:zetmoadapted;1.5;2 srparasites:ganro;2;2 srparasites:oronco;3;1 srparasites:terla;3;1 > # Mobs that will target the parasites. Ex: "minecraft:zombie" [default: [minecraft:villager_golem]] S:"Mobs with new target task" < minecraft:villager_golem > # Set to true if you want to active the vanilla spawn eggs for the mobs. [default: false] B:"Vanilla Mob Eggs"=false # Minimum number of hits required to kill Adapted versions. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 3] I:"Version Adapted Damage Cap"=3 # Minimum number of hits required to kill Ancient versions. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 5] I:"Version Ancient Damage Cap"=5 # Minimum number of hits required to kill Infected versions. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 1] I:"Version Infected Damage Cap"=1 # Minimum number of hits required to kill Primitive versions. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 2] I:"Version Primitive Damage Cap"=2 } ########################################################################################################## # merge_system #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Merge System # The infected have the ability to learn from their battles and if the conditions are met, they will # start to melt until they're some Moving Flesh # If 2 of these things meet, they will fuse together and grow, if they get big enough they will spawn # a mob from the Mob List. # # Conditions for the infected to turn into Moving Flesh: # # -The first condition: the infected needs to reach the primitive killcount. # -The second condition: it needs to be next to 3 more infected, regardless of their killcount/specie # OR it needs to be next to a Moving Flesh. # If the infected with the killcount is next to atleast 3 more infected, the four of them will start # to melt BUT if it is next to a Moving flesh, only it will start to melt. # ########################################################################################################## merge_system { # Infected mob list with their values used in the merge system to spawn mobs. Ex. "srparasites:infhuman;22" Where: # "srparasites:infhuman" is for the entity (only works for infected versions minus Dorpa, Alafha), # "22" is for the value the Moving Flesh will have (value must be an integer). # [default: [srparasites:infhuman;1], [srparasites:infcow;1], [srparasites:infsheep;1], [srparasites:infwolf;1], [srparasites:infpig;1], [srparasites:infvillager;1]] S:"Merge System Infected Values" < srparasites:infhuman;1 srparasites:infcow;1 srparasites:infsheep;1 srparasites:infwolf;1 srparasites:infpig;1 srparasites:infvillager;1 > # Amount of health (1 = 100%) the mob spawns with. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:"Merge System Mob Health"=0.5 # Mob list used in the merge system to spawn mobs. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;11" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is for the entity, # "11" is for the value the entity has (value must be an integer). # Each infected has a value, the value then passes to the Moving Flesh and when 2 Moving Flesh merge together both values will add up # If the value matches one in the list, the corresponding entity will spawn, else it will be a random one. # [default: [srparasites:canra;0], [srparasites:shyco;0], [srparasites:nogla;0], [srparasites:hull;0], [srparasites:bano;0], [srparasites:emana;0]] S:"Merge System Mob List" < srparasites:canra;0 srparasites:shyco;0 srparasites:nogla;0 srparasites:hull;0 srparasites:bano;0 srparasites:emana;0 > # Set to false if you don't want to spawn random mobs from the Mob List (values will be used). [default: true] B:"Merge System Random"=true } ########################################################################################################## # mob_anged #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Anged (aka Vigilante) # Base Health: 35.0 # Base Damage: 10.0 # Base Range Damage: 15.0 # Base Armor: 5.0 # Base KD Resistance: 1.0 ########################################################################################################## mob_anged { # Armor multiplier for Anged. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Anged Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Anged. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Anged Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Anged. [default: true] B:"Anged Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Anged. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Anged Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Anged. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Anged KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Anged to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Anged Loot Table" < > # Range damage multiplier for Anged. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Anged Range Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Spawn rate for Anged. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Anged SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_buthol #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Buthol (aka Flying Carrier) # Base Health: 20.0 # Base Armor: 2.5 # Base KD Resistance: 0.15 ########################################################################################################## mob_buthol { # Armor multiplier for Buthol. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Buthol Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Buthol. [default: true] B:"Buthol Enabled"=true # Number of blocks it can fly above the ground for Buthol. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 256] I:"Buthol Flight Height Limit"=256 # Set to true if you want the Buthol to destroy blocks on explosion. [default: false] B:"Buthol Griefing"=true # Health multiplier for Buthol. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Buthol Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Buthol. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Buthol KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Buthol to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Buthol Loot Table" < > # Mob list for buthol. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: [srparasites:mudo;4;3], [srparasites:lodo;3;2]] S:"Buthol Mob Table" < srparasites:mudo;4;3 srparasites:lodo;3;2 > # Spawn rate for Buthol. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 25] I:"Buthol SpawnRate"=50 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_canra #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Canra (aka Summoner) # Base Health: 35.0 # Base Damage: 10.0 # Base Armor: 4.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.5 ########################################################################################################## mob_canra { # Armor multiplier for Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Canra Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Canra Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Canra. [default: true] B:"Canra Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Canra Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Canra KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Number of attacks before its cooldown for Canra. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 2] I:"Canra Limit"=2 # Items you want the Canra to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Canra Loot Table" < > # Mob list for Canra. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;0.1;1" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is for the entity, # "0.1" is for the chance to spawn, # "1" is for the cost the entity has. # [default: [srparasites:mudo;1;1]] S:"Canra Mob List" < srparasites:mudo;1;1 > # Spawn rate for Canra. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5] I:"Canra SpawnRate"=10 # Number of total points used in mob spawning for Canra [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 4] I:"Canra Total Active Mobs"=4 # Summoning cooldown in seconds. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 10] I:"Canra summoning Cooldown"=10 # Additional armor for Adapted Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 10.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Armor"=10.0 # Additional damage for Adapted Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 15.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Damage"=15.0 # Additional health for Adapted Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 60.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Health"=60.0 # Additional KD Resistance for Adapted Canra. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:"Stage Adapted additional KD Resistance"=0.5 # Number of attacks before its cooldown for Adapted Canra. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 1] I:"Stage Adapted limit"=1 # Items you want the Adapted Canra to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:acanra_drop;60;1;false]] S:"Stage Adapted loot Table" < srparasites:acanra_drop;60;1;false > # Mob list for Adapted Canra. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;0.1;1" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is for the entity, # "0.1" is for the chance to spawn, # "1" is for the cost the entity has. # [default: [srparasites:mudo;0.1;1], [srparasites:infhuman;0.3;2], [srparasites:infcow;0.3;2], [srparasites:infwolf;0.3;2]] S:"Stage Adapted mob List" < srparasites:mudo;0.1;1 srparasites:infhuman;0.3;2 srparasites:infcow;0.3;2 srparasites:infwolf;0.3;2 > # Spawn rate for AdaptedCanra. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Stage Adapted spawnrate"=10 # Summoning cooldown in seconds. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 8] I:"Stage Adapted summoning Cooldown"=8 # Number of total points used in mob spawning for Adapted Canra. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 6] I:"Stage Adapted total active mobs"=6 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_dorpa #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Dorpa # Base Health: 22.0 # Base Damage: 9.0 # Base Armor: 3.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.5 # Base Ranged Damage: 4.0 ########################################################################################################## mob_dorpa { # Armor multiplier for Dorpa. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Dorpa Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Dorpa. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Dorpa Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Dorpa. [default: true] B:"Dorpa Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Dorpa. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Dorpa Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Dorpa. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Dorpa KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Dorpa to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Dorpa Loot Table" < > # Mob the Dorpa spawns when killed. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: srparasites:lodo;5;5] S:"Dorpa Mobs Inside"=srparasites:lodo;5;5 # Damage multiplier for Dorpa projectile attack (only if WebAttack is false). [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Dorpa Ranged Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Spawn rate for Dorpa. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 10] I:"Dorpa SpawnRate"=20 # Set to false if you want to disable Dorpa web attack blocks. [default: true] B:"Dorpa WebAttack"=true } ########################################################################################################## # mob_emana #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Emana (aka Yelloweye) # Base Health: 15.0 # Base Damage: 4.0 # Base Armor: 3.5 # Base KD Resistance: 0.2 # Poison Duration in seconds: 3 # Poison Amplifier: 1 ########################################################################################################## mob_emana { # Armor multiplier for Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Emana Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Emana Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Emana. [default: true] B:"Emana Enabled"=true # Number of blocks it can fly above the ground for Emana (and Adapted version). [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 256] I:"Emana Flight Height Limit"=256 # How much a shot will degrade your gear (1=100%). [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.04] S:"Emana Gear degrade"=0.05 # Health multiplier for Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Emana Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Emana KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Emana to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Emana Loot Table" < > # Poison amplifier for its projectile. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 1] I:"Emana Poison Amplifier"=2 # Poison duration in seconds for its projectile. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 3] I:"Emana Poison Duration"=6 # Spawn rate for Emana. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 10] I:"Emana SpawnRate"=20 # Additional armor for Adapted Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 10.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Armor"=10.0 # Additional damage for Adapted Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 5.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Damage"=5.0 # Additional health for Adapted Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 25.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Health"=25.0 # Additional KD Resistance for Adapted Emana. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.4] S:"Stage Adapted additional KD Resistance"=0.4 # How much a shot will degrade your gear (1=100%). [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.07] S:"Stage Adapted gear degrade"=0.1 # Items you want the Adapted Emana to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:aemana_drop;70;1;true]] S:"Stage Adapted loot Table" < srparasites:aemana_drop;70;1;true > # Damage it will do from melee for Stage Adapted. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 30.0] S:"Stage Adapted melee"=30.0 # Spawn rate for Adapted Emana. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Stage Adapted spawnrate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_ganro #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Ganro (aka Warden) # Base Health: 75.0 # Base Damage: 25.0 # Base Armor: 15.0 # Base KD Resistance: 1.0 ########################################################################################################## mob_ganro { # Armor multiplier for Ganro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Ganro Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Ganro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Ganro Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Ganro. [default: true] B:"Ganro Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Ganro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Ganro Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Ganro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Ganro KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Ganro to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Ganro Loot Table" < > # Spawn rate for Ganro. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Ganro SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_hull #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Hull (aka Manducater) # Base Health: 18.0 # Base Damage: 8.0 # Base Armor: 4.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.5 ########################################################################################################## mob_hull { # Armor multiplier for Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Hull Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Hull Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Hull. [default: true] B:"Hull Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Hull Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Hull KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Hull to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Hull Loot Table" < > # Health (1 = 100%) they need to go invisible. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7] S:"Hull Needed Health"=0.7 # Time (seconds) they need to go invisible. [range: 1.0 ~ 100.0, default: 35.0] S:"Hull Needed Time"=35.0 # Spawn rate for Hull. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 40] I:"Hull SpawnRate"=80 # Damage multiplier for Hull when invisible. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:"Hull Stealth Damage Multiplier"=2.0 # Additional armor for Adapted Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 6.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Armor"=6.0 # Additional damage for Adapted Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 12.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Damage"=12.0 # Additional health for Adapted Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 15.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Health"=15.0 # Additional KD Resistance for Adapted Hull. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:"Stage Adapted additional KD Resistance"=0.5 # Additional damage for Adapted Hull when invisible. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 3.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Stealth Damage"=3.0 # Items you want the Adapted Hull to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:ahull_drop;10;1;false]] S:"Stage Adapted loot Table" < srparasites:ahull_drop;10;1;false > # Health (1 = 100%) they need to go invisible. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.4] S:"Stage Adapted needed Health"=0.4 # Time (seconds) they need to go invisible. [range: 1.0 ~ 100.0, default: 15.0] S:"Stage Adapted needed Time"=15.0 # Spawn rate for Adapted Hull. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Stage Adapted spawnrate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_infected_alafha #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Alafha # Base Health: 18.0 # Base Damage: 7.0 # Base Armor: 3.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.4 ########################################################################################################## mob_infected_alafha { # Armor multiplier for Alafha. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Alafha Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Alafha. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Alafha Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Alafha. [default: true] B:"Alafha Enabled"=true # Number of blocks it can fly above the ground for Alafha. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 256] I:"Alafha Flight Height Limit"=256 # Set to true if you want its projectiles to destroy blocks. [default: false] B:"Alafha Griefing"=false # Health multiplier for Alafha. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Alafha Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Alafha. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Alafha KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Alafha to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:infected_flesh;80;3;true]] S:"Alafha Loot Table" < srparasites:infected_flesh;80;3;true > # Spawn rate for Alafha. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5] I:"Alafha SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_infected_cow #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Infected Human # Base Health: 18.0 # Base Damage: 7.0 # Base Armor: 5.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.4 ########################################################################################################## mob_infected_cow { # Armor multiplier for Infected Cow. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Cow Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Infected Cow. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Cow Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Infected Cow. [default: true] B:"Infected Cow Enabled"=true # Chance (1 = 100%) to spawn a walking head when killed. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Infected Cow Head Chance"=0.1 # Percentage of damage it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Cow Head Damage"=0.3 # Percentage of health it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Cow Head Health"=0.3 # Health multiplier for Infected Cow. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Cow Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Infected Cow. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Cow KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Infected Cow to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:infected_flesh;50;1;true]] S:"Infected Cow Loot Table" < srparasites:infected_flesh;50;1;true > # Mob the infected Cow spawns when killed. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: srparasites:lodo;4;3] S:"Infected Cow Mobs Inside"=srparasites:lodo;4;3 # Spawn rate for Infected Cow. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Infected Cow SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_infected_human #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Infected Human # Base Health: 15.0 # Base Damage: 9.0 # Base Armor: 5.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.1 ########################################################################################################## mob_infected_human { # Armor multiplier for Infected Human. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Human Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Infected Human. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Human Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Infected Human. [default: true] B:"Infected Human Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Infected Human. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Human Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Infected Human. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Human KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Infected Human to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:infected_flesh;40;1;true]] S:"Infected Human Loot Table" < srparasites:infected_flesh;40;1;true > # Spawn rate for Infected Human. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 30] I:"Infected Human SpawnRate"=100 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_infected_pig #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Infected Pig # Base Health: 9.0 # Base Damage: 3.5 # Base Armor: 0.1 # Base KD Resistance: 0.1 ########################################################################################################## mob_infected_pig { # Armor multiplier for Infected Pig. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Pig Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Infected Pig. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Pig Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Infected Pig. [default: true] B:"Infected Pig Enabled"=true # Chance (1 = 100%) to spawn a walking head when killed. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Infected Pig Head Chance"=0.1 # Percentage of damage it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Pig Head Damage"=0.3 # Percentage of health it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Pig Head Health"=0.3 # Health multiplier for Infected Pig. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Pig Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Infected Pig. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Pig KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Infected Pig to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:infected_flesh;10;1;true]] S:"Infected Pig Loot Table" < srparasites:infected_flesh;10;1;true > # Mob the infected Pig spawns when killed. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: srparasites:lodo;2;2] S:"Infected Pig Mobs Inside"=srparasites:lodo;2;2 # Spawn rate for Infected Pig. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Infected Pig SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_infected_sheep #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Infected Sheep # Base Health: 13.0 # Base Damage: 6.0 # Base Armor: 1.3 # Base KD Resistance: 0.3 ########################################################################################################## mob_infected_sheep { # Armor multiplier for Infected Sheep. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Sheep Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Infected Sheep. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Sheep Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Infected Sheep. [default: true] B:"Infected Sheep Enabled"=true # Chance (1 = 100%) to spawn a walking head when killed. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Infected Sheep Head Chance"=0.1 # Percentage of damage it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Sheep Head Damage"=0.3 # Percentage of health it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Sheep Head Health"=0.3 # Health multiplier for Infected Sheep. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Sheep Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Infected Sheep. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Sheep KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Infected Sheep to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:infected_flesh;20;1;true]] S:"Infected Sheep Loot Table" < srparasites:infected_flesh;20;1;true > # Mob the infected Sheep spawns when killed. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: srparasites:lodo;3;3] S:"Infected Sheep Mobs Inside"=srparasites:lodo;3;3 # Spawn rate for Infected Sheep. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Infected Sheep SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_infected_villager #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Infected Villager # Base Health: 16.0 # Base Damage: 10.0 # Base Armor: 5.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.2 ########################################################################################################## mob_infected_villager { # Armor multiplier for Infected Villager. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Villager Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Infected Villager. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Villager Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Infected Villager. [default: true] B:"Infected Villager Enabled"=true # Chance (1 = 100%) to spawn a walking head when killed. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Infected Villager Head Chance"=0.1 # Percentage of damage it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Villager Head Damage"=0.3 # Percentage of health it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Villager Head Health"=0.3 # Health multiplier for Infected Villager. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Villager Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Infected Villager. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Villager KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Infected Villager to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:infected_flesh;10;1;true]] S:"Infected Villager Loot Table" < srparasites:infected_flesh;10;1;true > # Mob the infected Villager spawns when killed. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: srparasites:lodo;2;2] S:"Infected Villager Mobs Inside"=srparasites:lodo;2;2 # Spawn rate for Infected Villager. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Infected Villager SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_infected_wolf #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Infected Wolf # Base Health: 10.0 # Base Damage: 10.5 # Base Armor: 0.5 # Base KD Resistance: 0.2 ########################################################################################################## mob_infected_wolf { # Armor multiplier for Infected Wolf. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Wolf Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Infected Wolf. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Wolf Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Infected Wolf. [default: true] B:"Infected Wolf Enabled"=true # Chance (1 = 100%) to spawn a walking head when killed. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Infected Wolf Head Chance"=0.1 # Percentage of damage it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Wolf Head Damage"=0.3 # Percentage of health it will have fron the host. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Infected Wolf Head Health"=0.3 # Health multiplier for Infected Wolf. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Wolf Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Infected Wolf. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Infected Wolf KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Infected Wolf to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:infected_flesh;10;1;true]] S:"Infected Wolf Loot Table" < srparasites:infected_flesh;10;1;true > # Mob the infected Wolf spawns when killed. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: srparasites:lodo;2;2] S:"Infected Wolf Mobs Inside"=srparasites:lodo;2;2 # Spawn rate for Infected Wolf. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Infected Wolf SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_lodo #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Lodo (aka Buglin) # Base Health: 7.0 # Base Damage: 3.0 # Base Armor: 1.5 # Base KD Resistance: 0.05 ########################################################################################################## mob_lodo { # Armor multiplier for Lodo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Lodo Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Lodo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Lodo Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Lodo. [default: true] B:"Lodo Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Lodo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Lodo Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Lodo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Lodo KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Lodo to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Lodo Loot Table" < > # Spawn rate for Lodo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Lodo SpawnRate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_mudo #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mudo (aka Rupter) # Base Health: 10.0 # Base Damage: 5.0 # Base Armor: 5.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.2 ########################################################################################################## mob_mudo { # Armor multiplier for Mudo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Mudo Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Mudo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Mudo Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Mudo. [default: true] B:"Mudo Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Mudo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Mudo Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Mudo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Mudo KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Mudo to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Mudo Loot Table" < > # Set to false if you don't want the Mudo to attack passive mobs. [default: true] B:"Mudo Passive Mob Attacking"=true # Spawn rate for Mudo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 30] I:"Mudo SpawnRate"=100 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_nogla #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Nogla (aka Reeker) # Base Health: 20.0 # Base Damage: 10.0 # Base Armor: 12.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.6 ########################################################################################################## mob_nogla { # Armor multiplier for Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Nogla Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Nogla Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Nogla. [default: true] B:"Nogla Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Nogla Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Nogla KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Nogla to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Nogla Loot Table" < > # Spawn rate for Nogla. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 20] I:"Nogla SpawnRate"=40 # Additional armor for Adapted Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 15.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Armor"=15.0 # Additional damage for Adapted Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 18.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Damage"=18.0 # Additional health for Adapted Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 35.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Health"=35.0 # Additional KD Resistance for Adapted Nogla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.4] S:"Stage Adapted additional KD Resistance"=0.4 # Items you want the Adapted Nogla to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:anogla_drop;50;1;false]] S:"Stage Adapted loot Table" < srparasites:anogla_drop;50;1;false > # Spawn rate for Adapted Nogla. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Stage Adapted spawnrate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_oronco #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Oronco (aka Ancient Dreadnaut) # Base Health: 200.0 # Base Damage: 15.0 # Base Armor: 15.0 ########################################################################################################## mob_oronco { # Mob list for the Oronco. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;0.1;1" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is for the entity, # "0.1" is for the chance to spawn. # [default: [srparasites:mudo;0.7]] S:"Canra Mob List" < srparasites:mudo;0.7 > # Armor multiplier for Oronco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Oronco Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Oronco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Oronco Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Oronco. [default: true] B:"Oronco Enabled"=true # Number of blocks it can fly above the ground for Oronco. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 256] I:"Oronco Flight Height Limit"=256 # Health multiplier for Oronco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Oronco Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Oronco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Oronco KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Oronco to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Oronco Loot Table" < > # Number of blocks it needs to fly above the ground for Oronco. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 7] I:"Oronco Minimum Flight Height"=7 # Cooldown (in seconds) for the drop pod attack [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 12] I:"Oronco Pod Cooldown"=12 # Set to false if you want to disable drop pods from breaking blocks on explotion. [default: true] B:"Oronco Pod Grief"=true # Number of drop pods spawned in an attack [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 5] I:"Oronco Pod Max Enemies"=5 # Number of mobs inside a drop pod [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 1] I:"Oronco Pod Max Pods"=1 # Spawn rate for Oronco. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Oronco SpawnRate"=1 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_rathol #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Rathol (aka Heavy Carrier) # Base Health: 30.0 # Base Armor: 5.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.95 ########################################################################################################## mob_rathol { # Armor multiplier for Rathol. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Rathol Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Rathol. [default: true] B:"Rathol Enabled"=true # Set to true if you want the Rathol to destroy blocks on explosion. [default: false] B:"Rathol Griefing"=false # Health multiplier for Rathol. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Rathol Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Rathol. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Rathol KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Rathol to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Rathol Loot Table" < > # Mob list for Rathol. Ex. "minecraft:zombie;4;2" Where: # "minecraft:zombie" is the entity, # "4" is the maximum number of entities, # "2" is the minimum number of entities. # [default: [srparasites:mudo;4;4], [srparasites:lodo;5;3], [srparasites:emana;3;3]] S:"Rathol Mob Table" < srparasites:mudo;4;4 srparasites:lodo;5;3 srparasites:emana;3;3 > # Spawn rate for Rathol. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 20] I:"Rathol SpawnRate"=40 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_shyco #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Shyco (aka Longarms) # Base Health: 70.0 # Base Damage: 15.0 # Base Armor: 9.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.7 ########################################################################################################## mob_shyco { # Armor multiplier for Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Shyco Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Shyco Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Shyco. [default: true] B:"Shyco Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Shyco Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Shyco KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Shyco to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Shyco Loot Table" < > # Spawn rate for Shyco. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 15] I:"Shyco SpawnRate"=30 # For every 1% HP lost its damage will increase by this amount of its total damage (1 = 100%) for Shyco. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:"Shyco damage Increase"=0.5 # Additional armor for Adapted Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 7.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Armor"=7.0 # Additional damage for Adapted Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 12.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Damage"=12.0 # Additional health for Adapted Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 50.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Health"=50.0 # Additional KD Resistance for Adapted Shyco. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:"Stage Adapted additional KD Resistance"=0.3 # For every 1% HP lost its damage will increase by this amount of its total damage (1 = 100%) for Adapted Shyco. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:"Stage Adapted damage Increase"=1.0 # Items you want the Adapted Shyco to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: [srparasites:ashyco_drop;90;2;true]] S:"Stage Adapted loot Table" < srparasites:ashyco_drop;90;2;true > # Spawn rate for Adapted Shyco. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Stage Adapted spawnrate"=10 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_terla #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Terla (aka Ancient Overlord) # Base Health: 250.0 # Base Damage: 20.0 # Base Armor: 15.0 ########################################################################################################## mob_terla { # Armor multiplier for Terla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Terla Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Terla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Terla Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Terla. [default: true] B:"Terla Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Terla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Terla Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Terla. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Terla KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Terla to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Terla Loot Table" < > # Spawn rate for Terla. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Terla SpawnRate"=1 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_tonro #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Unvo (aka Kyphosis) # Base Health: 50.0 # Base Damage: 15.0 # Base Swing Damage: 35.0 # Base Armor: 15.0 # ########################################################################################################## mob_tonro { # Armor multiplier for Tonro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Tonro Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Tonro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Tonro Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Tonro. [default: true] B:"Tonro Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Tonro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Tonro Health Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Tonro to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Tonro Loot Table" < > # Swing damage multiplier for Tonro. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Tonro Swing Damage Multiplier"=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_unvo #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Unvo (aka Sentry) # Base Health: 30.0 # Base Damage: 5.0 # Base Range Damage: 25.0 # Base Armor: 10.0 # ########################################################################################################## mob_unvo { # Armor multiplier for Unvo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Unvo Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Damage multiplier for Unvo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Unvo Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Unvo. [default: true] B:"Unvo Enabled"=true # How much a shot will degrade your gear (1=100%). [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7] S:"Unvo Gear degrade"=0.7 # Health multiplier for Unvo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Unvo Health Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Unvo to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Unvo Loot Table" < > # Poison amplifier for its projectile. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 1] I:"Unvo Poison Amplifier"=1 # Poison duration in seconds for its projectile. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 7] I:"Unvo Poison Duration"=7 # Range damage multiplier for Unvo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Unvo Range Damage Multiplier"=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # mob_zetmo #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Zetmo (aka Bolster) # Base Health: 35.0 # Base Damage: 6.0 # Base Armor: 4.0 # Base KD Resistance: 0.35 ########################################################################################################## mob_zetmo { # Additional armor for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 15.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Armor"=15.0 # Additional damage for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 30.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Damage"=30.0 # Additional health for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 70.0] S:"Stage Adapted additional Health"=70.0 # Additional KD Resistance for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.65] S:"Stage Adapted additional KD Resistance"=0.65 # Buffs amplifier for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 2] I:"Stage Adapted buffs amplifier"=2 # Cooldown (in seconds) to buff parasites for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 60] I:"Stage Adapted buffs cooldown"=60 # Buffs durations for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 60] I:"Stage Adapted buffs duration"=60 # Range to buff parasites for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 24] I:"Stage Adapted buffs range"=24 # Items you want the Adapted Zetmo to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Stage Adapted loot Table" < > # Spawn rate for Adapted Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Stage Adapted spawnrate"=10 # Armor multiplier for Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Zetmo Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Buffs amplifier for Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1] I:"Zetmo Buffs Amplifier"=1 # Cooldown (in seconds) to buff parasites for Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 30] I:"Zetmo Buffs Cooldown"=30 # Buffs durations for Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 30] I:"Zetmo Buffs Duration"=30 # Range to buff parasites for Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 16] I:"Zetmo Buffs Range"=16 # Damage multiplier for Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Zetmo Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Set to false if you want to disable Zetmo. [default: true] B:"Zetmo Enabled"=true # Health multiplier for Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Zetmo Health Multiplier"=1.0 # KD Resistance multiplier for Zetmo. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Zetmo KD Resistance Multiplier"=1.0 # Items you want the Zetmo to drop. Ex. "minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true" Where: # "minecraft:nether_star" is the item, # "100" is the chance to drop, # "5" is the max number of items, # "true" is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen. # [default: ] S:"Zetmo Loot Table" < > # Spawn rate for Zetmo. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 11] I:"Zetmo SpawnRate"=22 } ########################################################################################################## # reinforcement_system #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Reinforcement System # When a parasite is killed, there is a chance for it to call reinforcements, this means that # a Venkrol (aka Beckon) will spawn nearby and will help in the fight. # # The Venkrol has different stages and that will tell how many and which parasites it will spawn: # Venkrol Stage I: # Venkrol Stage II: # Venkrol Stage III: ########################################################################################################## reinforcement_system { # Light level the block needs to spread (if higher, it will not spread). [range: 0 ~ 15, default: 15] I:"Reinforcement System Block Light Level"=15 # One in X to spawn a Venkrol on the Infested Block Residue (random tick). [range: 0 ~ 2147483640, default: 100000] I:"Reinforcement System Block Residue Chance"=100000 # List of block that can't be infested [default: [minecraft:gravel], [minecraft:sand]] S:"Reinforcement System Blocks BlackList" < minecraft:gravel minecraft:sand > # Chance (100 = 100%) to spawn a Venkrol. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 4.05] S:"Reinforcement System Chance"=5 # Cooldown (in seconds) for the Reinforcement System spawning Venkrols. [range: 1 ~ 2147483640, default: 5] I:"Reinforcement System Cooldown"=1 # Set to true for Venkrol to despawn. [default: false] B:"Reinforcement System Despawn"=false # Set to false if you want to disable the Reinforcement System. [default: true] B:"Reinforcement System Enabled"=true # Equipment that can protect you from the blocks from doing damage. Ex. "head;minecraft:iron_helmet;0.1" Where: # "head" is for the slot (head, chest, legs, feet), # "minecraft:iron_helmet" is for the item, # "0.1" is for the chance to ignore block damage (1 = 100%). # [default: [head;minecraft:leather_helmet;0.5], [head;minecraft:iron_helmet;0.3], [head;minecraft:diamond_helmet;0.3]] S:"Reinforcement System Equipment" < head;minecraft:leather_helmet;0.5 head;minecraft:iron_helmet;0.3 head;minecraft:diamond_helmet;0.3 > # Max Hardness of the block it can infest. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 0.6] S:"Reinforcement System Hardness"=0.6 # Set to false if you want to disable the Reinforcement System Block Infestation. [default: true] B:"Reinforcement System Infestation"=true # Maximum number of Venkrols that can spawn from the RS (per dimension). [range: 1 ~ 2147483640, default: 100] I:"Reinforcement System Maximum Venkrols"=100 # Chance (1 = 100%) to spawn fog particle in an infested block ((if available, every tick). [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:"Reinforcement System Particle Fog Chance"=0.05 # Chance (1 = 100%) to spawn spore particle in an infested block (if available, every tick). [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:"Reinforcement System Particle Spore Chance"=0.05 # Set to true if you want the Reinforcement System to only be activated by the Players. [default: false] B:"Reinforcement System Player Only"=false # What the infested block turns into when the Venkrols die [default: minecraft:dirt] S:"Reinforcement System Revert Block"=minecraft:dirt # Set to false if you want to disable the Reinforcement System Sounds # (A bell sound is played when a Venkrol is summoned or when it grew up to the next stage). [default: true] B:"Reinforcement System Sounds"=true # Armor multiplier for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage I Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Minimum time required (in seconds) to infest nearby block for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 4 ~ 10000, default: 60] I:"Venkrol Stage I Block Infestation Cooldown"=60 # Damage when walking on the blocks infested by Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage I Block Infestation Damage"=1.0 # Chance to damage when walking on the blocks infested by Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.01] S:"Venkrol Stage I Block Infestation Damage Chance"=0.01 # Block infestation radius for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 4] I:"Venkrol Stage I Block Infestation Range"=4 # Value of each Venkrol Stage I to spawn extra mobs (the mobs will not add up to the total points) for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:"Venkrol Stage I CA mobs"=0.5 # Number for Venkrol Stage I required to do a Collective Attack (only one will attack) for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Venkrol Stage I CA number"=4 # Summoning cooldown (in seconds) for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 10] I:"Venkrol Stage I Cooldown"=10 # Damage multiplier for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage I Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Health multiplier for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage I Health Multiplier"=1.0 # Number of attacks before its cooldown for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Venkrol Stage I Limit"=4 # Maximum Growtime (in seconds) from Venkrol Stage I to Venkrol Stage II (max must be greater than min). [range: 240 ~ 10000, default: 300] I:"Venkrol Stage I Max GrowTime"=300 # Minimum Growtime (in seconds) from Venkrol Stage I to Venkrol Stage II. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 240] I:"Venkrol Stage I Min GrowTime"=240 # Mob list for Venkrol Stage I. Ex. "ground;minecraft:zombie;0.1;1" Where: # "ground" is for the entity type (ground, air) (air type spawning is triggered when the target y's value is higher than the host plus 3), # "minecraft:zombie" is for the entity, # "0.1" is for the chance to spawn, # "1" is for the cost the entity has. # Stage I cannot trigger the air condition. # [default: [ground;srparasites:mudo;1;1]] S:"Venkrol Stage I Mob List" < ground;srparasites:mudo;1;1 > # Spwan rate for Venkrol Stage I (NOTE: They will spawn like vanilla passive creatures). [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:"Venkrol Stage I SpawnRate"=10 # Number of total points used in mob spawning for Venkrol Stage I. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 4] I:"Venkrol Stage I Total Active Mobs"=4 # Armor multiplier for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage II Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Minimum time required (in seconds) to infest nearby block for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 4 ~ 10000, default: 55] I:"Venkrol Stage II Block Infestation Cooldown"=55 # Damage when walking on the blocks infested by Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage II Block Infestation Damage"=1.0 # Chance to damage when walking on the blocks infested by Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:"Venkrol Stage II Block Infestation Damage Chance"=0.05 # Block infestation radius for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 8] I:"Venkrol Stage II Block Infestation Range"=8 # Value of each Venkrol Stage II to spawn extra mobs (the mobs will not add up to the total points) for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:"Venkrol Stage II CA mobs"=0.5 # Number for Venkrol Stage II required to do a Collective Attack (only one will attack) for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Venkrol Stage II CA number"=4 # Summoning cooldown (in seconds) for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 12] I:"Venkrol Stage II Cooldown"=12 # Damage multiplier for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage II Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Health multiplier for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage II Health Multiplier"=1.0 # Number of attacks before its cooldown for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 3] I:"Venkrol Stage II Limit"=3 # Maximum Growtime (in seconds) from Venkrol Stage II to Venkrol Stage III (max must be greater than min). [range: 300 ~ 10000, default: 360] I:"Venkrol Stage II Max GrowTime"=360 # Minimum Growtime (in seconds) from Venkrol Stage II to Venkrol Stage III. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 300] I:"Venkrol Stage II Min GrowTime"=300 # Mob list for Venkrol Stage II. Ex. "ground;minecraft:zombie;0.1;1" Where: # "ground" is for the entity type (ground, air) (air type spawning is triggered when the target y's value is higher than the host plus 3), # "minecraft:zombie" is for the entity, # "0.1" is for the chance to spawn, # "1" is for the cost the entity has. # [default: [ground;srparasites:infhuman;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:infcow;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:infsheep;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:infwolf;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:dorpa;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:mudo;0.1;1], [air;srparasites:buthol;0.3;3]] S:"Venkrol Stage II Mob List" < ground;srparasites:infhuman;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:infcow;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:infsheep;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:infwolf;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:dorpa;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:mudo;0.1;1 air;srparasites:buthol;0.3;3 > # Number of total points used in mob spawning for Venkrol Stage II. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 9] I:"Venkrol Stage II Total Active Mobs"=9 # Chance to spawn an Ancient when killed for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Venkrol Stage III Ancient Chance"=0.1 # Armor multiplier for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage III Armor Multiplier"=1.0 # Minimum time required (in seconds) to infest nearby block for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 4 ~ 10000, default: 50] I:"Venkrol Stage III Block Infestation Cooldown"=50 # Damage when walking on the blocks infested by Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage III Block Infestation Damage"=1.0 # Chance to damage when walking on the blocks infested by Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Venkrol Stage III Block Infestation Damage Chance"=0.1 # Block infestation radius for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 16] I:"Venkrol Stage III Block Infestation Range"=16 # Value of each Venkrol Stage III to spawn extra mobs (the mobs will not add up to the total points) for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 0.35] S:"Venkrol Stage III CA mobs"=0.35 # Number for Venkrol Stage III required to do a Collective Attack (only one will attack) for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Venkrol Stage III CA number"=4 # Summoning cooldown (in seconds) for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 14] I:"Venkrol Stage III Cooldown"=14 # Damage multiplier for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage III Damage Multiplier"=1.0 # Health multiplier for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:"Venkrol Stage III Health Multiplier"=1.0 # Number attacks before its cooldown for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 2] I:"Venkrol Stage III Limit"=2 # Mob list for Venkrol Stage III. Ex. "ground;minecraft:zombie;0.1;1" Where: # "ground" is for the entity type (ground, air) (air type spawning is triggered when the target y's value is higher than the host plus 3), # "minecraft:zombie" is for the entity, # "0.1" is for the chance to spawn, # "1" is for the cost the entity has. # [default: [ground;srparasites:canra;0.2;6], [ground;srparasites:hull;0.4;6], [ground;srparasites:bano;0.1;6], [ground;srparasites:nogla;0.4;6], [ground;srparasites:shyco;0.4;6], [ground;srparasites:infhuman;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:infcow;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:infsheep;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:infwolf;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:dorpa;0.2;3], [ground;srparasites:rathol;0.2;6], [ground;srparasites:mudo;0.1;1], [ground;srparasites:anged;0.2;6], [ground;srparasites:ganro;0.2;6], [air;srparasites:buthol;0.5;3], [air;srparasites:emana;0.5;6]] S:"Venkrol Stage III Mob List" < ground;srparasites:canra;0.2;6 ground;srparasites:hull;0.4;6 ground;srparasites:bano;0.1;6 ground;srparasites:nogla;0.4;6 ground;srparasites:shyco;0.4;6 ground;srparasites:infhuman;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:infcow;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:infsheep;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:infwolf;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:dorpa;0.2;3 ground;srparasites:rathol;0.2;6 ground;srparasites:mudo;0.1;1 ground;srparasites:anged;0.2;6 ground;srparasites:ganro;0.2;6 air;srparasites:buthol;0.5;3 air;srparasites:emana;0.5;6 > # Number of total points used in mob spawning for Venkrol Stage III. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 12] I:"Venkrol Stage III Total Active Mobs"=12 } ########################################################################################################## # tools #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tools ########################################################################################################## tools { # Damage multiplier per second (holding) for the Living Greatbow. [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 1] I:"Greatbow Bonus"=1 # Damage for the Greatbow. [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 1] I:"Greatbow Damage"=1 # Damage multiplier cap for the Living Greatbow. [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 2] I:"Greatbow Damage Cap"=2 # Durability for the Living Greatbow. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 700] I:"Greatbow Durability"=700 # Damage for the Living Scythe. [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 17] I:"Scythe Damage"=17 # Durability for the Living Scythe. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 1000] I:"Scythe Durability"=1000 }